Movie Review – Never Cry Werewolf, Cliche but Still Worth Watching


There is no shortage of vampire and werewolf movies in the horror genre. With so many movies following these themes, each of these two can be categorized as a sub-genre of their own. And both have quite a few box office horror hits falling in their respective categories. For werewolf movies, one such notable mention is Never Cry Werewolf – a Canadian television film directed by Brenton Spencer and premiered on the Sci-Fi Channel.

Part 1. Comparisons between Never Cry Werewolf and Fright Night

Never Cry Werewolf Poster

Starring Peter Stebbings and Nina Dobrev, Never Cry Werewolf (not to be confused with Cry Of The Werewolf 1944) is your typical horror-comedy hybrid film. The movie very closely resembles the story of the 1980s hit blockbuster, Fright Night. In fact, the themes are so similar that many call it a straight-off imitation or even a ripoff of the popular film.

But how true are these statements exactly? Let’s draw up a comparison to see if Never Cry Werewolf 2008 really is a remake of Fright Night 1985.

1.1 Comparison of plots

When we look at the plots of the two movies, we can see that Fright Night was definitely an inspiration for the latter film. The biggest difference in the plot of the two movies is that Fright Night is a vampire film while Never Cry Werewolf – as is apparent from the name itself – involves a werewolf.

Never Cry werewolf vs Fright Night

Other than this one basic difference, there is much resemblance in the story that follows. Both movies involve the main character getting the help of an ex-celebrity to uncover the secrets of the protagonist’s next-door neighbor, and solve the brutal murders of the innocent in the community. Both feature light humor contrasting with dark horror and are quite fun to watch for those who love a good scary movie.

1.2 Comparison of characters.

Again, when it comes to the characters of the two films, there is some resemblance between the two. However, there are many tiny details that add interest to each character and set it apart from its counterpart in the other movie. Let’s take a look at the main characters one by one.

The Monster

the werewolf in Never Cry werewolf

As we have already mentioned, Fright Night involves hunting down a vampire (Jerry Dandridge, played by Chris Sarandon) while in Never Cry Werewolf our protagonist is in the pursuit of a werewolf (Jared, played by Peter Stebbings). Other than the species of the monster, the role is quite similar for both of the characters.

From dialogues and scenes right down to the names of the characters – Jerry and Jared – everything has been inspired by the previous hit Fright Night.

The protagonist

the protagonist in Never Cry werewolf

Our protagonist in both movies is the sleuth determined to prove to everyone that a monster has been living amongst them and killing the members of the community. In Fright Night, this sleuth is the 17-year-old Charley Brewster (played by William Ragsdale) who is obsessed with horror movies. In Never Cry Werewolf, this character is the 16-year-old Loren Hansett who is played by the star Nina Dobrev.

In Never Cry Werewolf, the writers have tried to give our protagonist some individuality by introducing a new dangerous love concept between the monster and the sleuth – but more on that later!

The Ex-Celebrity

the celebrity of Never Cry werewolf

The third major character in both the movies is the ex-celeb. In the Fright Night version, this character is portrayed by Peter Vincent (played by Roddy McDowall) – a has-been TV host who has acted as a vampire hunter in the protagonist’s favorite TV show. In Never Cry Werewolf, this role belongs to the former TV actor Redd Tucker (played by Kevin Sorbo).

In both films, this is the character that we found the most amusing. Providing comedic relief at just the right moments, this character is responsible for much of the views that these movies have gotten.

Part 2. The reasons that it is still worth watching

So, with all of these similarities to Fright Night, why should you still give the Never Cry Werewolf movie a watch?

Well, we have three very solid reasons for it.

2.1 Great measure of pace, music and settings

Though the story and the basic plot of Never Cry Werewolf may be inspired by Fright Night, the former sets its individuality in terms of music and settings.

Never Cry Werewolf tells a frightening yet fun story that develops at the perfect pace. Unlike most horror movies, there are no unnecessary, lagging twists and turns just to delay the climax. At the same time, the scenes do not feel rushed either. The perfectly eerie music plays just at the right moments in the film, building up anticipation for the next scene. The settings also wonderfully complement a horror movie and work great with the script and story.

2.2 Solidly scary to watch.

scary scene in Never Cry werewolf

Despite having a humorous ring to it, Never Cry Werewolf is solidly scary to watch. There were multiple scenes in the movie where we felt the hair on our arms stand up and a chill run down our spine. One honorable mention is the scene that happened when our sleuth goes looking for some ammo to kill the werewolf menace haunting her town.

The thrilling scene starts off with Loren making a trip to the local sporting goods and gun store in search of some silver bullets. While she is in there, she is viciously attacked by her new neighbor’s supernatural dog. The ferocious battle that ensues between woman and beast is enough to give anyone some serious goosebumps. Luckily, Loren manages to fight off and escape the beast – though not entirely unharmed.

2.3 The dangerous-love concept.

the danger scene in Never Cry werewolf

An interesting hook to the story – that is quite original as well – is the dangerous love concept between monster and teenager.

The lycanthrope that has moved next door to the Hansetts had lost his young wife to death. Our protagonist – the 16-year-old Loren – reminds him so much of his dead wife that he becomes positively obsessed with her. So while Loren is spying on her neighbor trying to uncover his secrets, she is also being stalked back and vehemently pursued by the dangerous monster. This adds a new, refreshing twist to the story that makes the film worth watching.

Part 3. Summary and overall review

To sum up the story of Never Cry Werewolf, one would not need too many words. It is a simple teenager werewolf chase and hunt with a sprinkle of good humor here and there.

The story follows Loren as she begins to suspect her new neighbor is a lycanthrope and is responsible for the recent mysterious deaths in town. As expected, nobody believes her theories and brushes them off as delusions until she seeks the help of the washed-up TV star Redd Tucker. Teamed up with a local delivery boy, Loren and Redd set out to solve the mystery and catch the monster before he catches up with them.

Overall, Never Call Werewolf is a fun – though not too original – movie to watch by yourself or with your friends. We would not call it a must-watch, but it is still a good way to relax and unwind on a Friday Night.


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