Must Read: Fated To Be Loved By Villains


Fated To Be Loved By Villains is a fantasy romance book set in a game world. It follows the quest of a veteran video gamer who gets sucked into the game world (following a mishap) as a side character with zero stats but still finds his fate tied to the main characters.

He could not tell exactly how it happened but Dowd Campbell, a game veteran was surprised to find himself in the game world of his favorite video game – a game in which he had completed the quests and stories so many times that most of the moves of the main characters were embedded in his head.

However that wasn’t what bothered him – it was that he had taken the skin of an irrelevant side character with zero stats (Dowd Campbell from a low-baron family).

And knowing how dangerous this game can be, he knew that it would be tasking for him to survive. Things even got worse, because while studying his stats, he noticed that even as a side character, his fate was tied to the main characters and that he needed to get favors from them to level up his stats.

Trying to reconcile that, he’d agreed to go to school (as is part of his story) and keep a low profile but things don’t go as planned because he’s made to share a coach with the main villain (although she hasn’t started on the path yet) and on that same day, his life is threatened by people trying to ambush the villain because she’s from an influential family.

Getting to the school, Dowd Campbell begins to notice some questionable things, including the dirty politics and power play going on in the school and how the main characters aren’t exactly following their storyline in the video game he knows.

Has he been sent to an alternate world instead? These are the questions Dowd Campbell must find answers to, while also finding a way to maneuver his relationship between the supposed villain and protagonist of the game.

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Part 1: Main Characters of Fated To Be Loved By Villains

Dowd Campbell

 Fated To Be Loved Dowd Campbell

Dowd Campbell is the main male protagonist of Fated To Be Loved By Villains. He is a veteran video gaming kid who got sucked into the world of his video after a mishap. In the game, Dowd takes the skin of a young heir from an irrelevant baron family who happens to just be a side character in the game.

The character almost has zero stats save for some hidden abilities that can only be activated if he performs certain tasks. However as the story goes on, he begins to make progress and improvements on his ability.

Elnore Elinalise La Tristan

Fated To Be Loved By Villains Elnore La Tristan

Elnore Elinalise La Tristan is the alleged main villain of Dowd Campbell’s favorite video game. She’s very beautiful with black hair and prefers wearing black dresses with her equally ominous black sword almost always sheathed in its black scabbard. She’s from an evil but influential family, infamous for being linked to the devil in some way.

Her villain origin story stems from being bested by the main character.

Elijah Krisanax

 Fated To Be Loved By Villains Elijah Krisanax

According to Dowd Campbell’s favorite video game’s initial story, Elijah Krisanax is the protagonist from a family almost as influential as Elnore Tristan’s.

Their families are known to have a feud that runs deep, with the Krisanax having a vendetta against the devil-related Tristans. Before she became the protagonist she had impressive stats but they level up when she becomes the protagonist, so much so that she levels mountains.

Part 2: Hot Chapters from Fated To Be Loved By Villains

Chapter One

 Fated To Be Loved By Villains Novel Up

Dowd Campbell is taken aback when he realizes that he is inside Sera (his favorite video game).

As exciting as it may sound, he is worried because he has taken the skin of an heir from an irrelevant baron family, which supposedly makes him a side character because his stats are low; almost nonexistent save for some dormant skills which can only be unlocked if he performs certain tasks with the game’s main characters (villains to be specific)

These requirements are sort of confusing to him because even as a supposed irrelevant side character, he seems to have a pivotal role to play in the game’s story.

Taking a mental note of how this story is somewhat different from the main story he is used to, Dowd Campbell finds himself already sharing a train coach with Elnore (the game’s main villain) on their way to school.

He is yet to understand the rules and his relevance to this game’s story, but he is already noticing that this Elnore is somewhat different from the one he knows – this one is a little bit nicer.

When Elnore sparks up a conversation with him, he picks more information from her but suddenly lurches towards her for protection when a huge boulder crashes into their coach. Elnore who misunderstands his action and thinks he was attempting to save her, promises to owe him a favor.

Chapter Two

 Fated To Be Loved By Villains Chapter Two

As if he can’t be unlucky enough for one day, Dowd Campbell is set up against Sera’s main protagonist Elijah Krisanax for a sparring contest. This is partly his fault anyway because he was distracted. Even though she hasn’t become the protagonist yet, Dowd knows he’s done for because at this state she still has impressive stats.

Things don’t even get any better because Elijah Krisanax’s family has a feud with Elnore Tristan’s, and Elijah thinks Dowd is friends with Elnore. So she promises not to hold back on her attack because whoever is friends with Elnore Tristan is an enemy to her.

When the contest starts, Elijah starts swinging her dummy sword at Dowd with devastating blows that can prove life-threatening if they actually touch him. Dowd is only able to evade her attacks because he has played the Sera game too much and has mastered her skills.

In a moment of desperation, Dowd unlocks a new ability that he uses to knock out Elijah with one single blow, ending their contest.

Part 3: Conclusion of Fated To Be Loved By Villains

Fated To Be Loved By Villains is a fantasy romance game-style book about Dowd Campbell who gets sucked into the world of his favorite game, and finds out that his fate is intertwined with that of the game’s main characters.

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