Hot Chapters of Mr. Gu, Your Replacement Bride Is a Big Shot!


Great books often come in disguises, and this book Mr. Gu, Your Replacement Bride Is a Big Shot! in particular and came in the greatest disguise of all! Mr. Gu, Your Replacement Bride Is a Big Shot! in a book filled with so much intrigue that you will not be able to put it down. It is extremely good, perfect in logic, and unrealistically irresistible.

When I first started this book, I had no idea what to expect. I thought that it would be just the normal kind of book and I would be able to glance through it without much thought. However, just a few chapters were more than enough to convince me that I was dealing with perhaps one of the best books I have ever read!

Mr. Gu, Your Replacement Bride Is a Big Shot! that caught my attention sooner than I had anticipated and since then, I did not look back! But there is more. I went out to find other books on Dreame that are similar to Mr. Gu, Your Replacement Bride Is a Big Shot!

I found one which would be of interest to you. If you have been intrigued by Mr. Gu, Your Replacement Bride Is a Big Shot! then check out the recommended book on Dreame below!

Read a girl nobody wanted here!

Part 1: Exciting Synopsis of Mr. Gu, Your Replacement Bride Is a Big Shot!

Five years ago, Qiao Nian was schemed against by her sister, Qiao Xin. After spending a night with a stranger, Qiao Nian got pregnant. She did not know who the father of the child was and eventually gave birth to a stillborn. Under the machinations of her mother and sister, Qiao Nian was stripped off of her shares in Qiao Group and sent to a mental hospital.

Five years later, her younger sister, Qiao Xin, was going to be married off to the Second Young Master of the Gu family. He was rumored to be extremely ugly. On the day he was born, the doctor predicted that he would not live past twenty years old.

Her mother could not bear to see Qiao Xin marry such a person and thought of Qiao Nian, who was still locked in the mental hospital. Overnight, Qiao Nian was taken out of the hospital to replace Qiao Xin in her marriage to the Gu family.

Her mother said, “It’s a good thing that Qiao Nian, this good-for-nothing, can replace Xin’er to be a living widow in the Gu family. If Xin’er were to marry into that family, I would be heartbroken.”

Qiao Xin said, “Mom, don’t say that about Sister. If it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t know what to do. I’m just worried that Sister wouldn’t agree.”

Her father said, “Xin’er, you’re too kind. Have you forgotten how Qiao Nian slandered you five years ago? She has no self-restraint. She got pregnant before marriage and even gave birth to a stillborn child. We’re treating her well enough by letting her marry someone from the prestigious Gu family! What right does she have to be picky?”

Qiao Nian sneered. Back then, the scheme against her had only succeeded due to a freak combination of factors, causing her to suffer. She was going to get back at all of them! Everyone thought that her actions were borne from a combination of a loser’s mentality and mental

illness, but little did they know that this marriage would be a strong union as impactful as Mars crashing into Earth! Taking advantage of her brilliant skills in medicine, Qian Nian made various

trashy people and scumbags eat their words. In the blink of an eye, her multiple identities shocked the world as each of them got exposed. It turned out that she was rich enough to rival a country!

Later on, Second Young Master Gu placed a pair of Qiao Nian’s miniature clones in front of her. Faced with these two children who resembled her and Gu Zhou, Qiao Nian blinked in shock. “When did I give birth to your children?”

Part 2: Main Character Of Mr. Gu, Your Replacement Bride Is a Big Shot!

1. Qiao Nian

Qiao Nian: main character of Mr Gu your replacement Bride is a big shot

She is shown to be beautiful, perfect, and artistic in great ways. Qiao Nian was betrayed by her sister and even her mother. She has always been driven down by them, and they just did not know when to stop. When her mother took her to a psychiatric hospital in the guise that she was crazy, Qiao Nian thought her life was over. But then she was taken out again and made to marry the young master of the Gu family who was rumored to be very ugly.

She utilized the opportunity she had received and prepared the sweetest revenge against all those who had ever looked down on her.

Read a girl nobody wanted on Dreame here!

Part 3: Hot chapters From Mr. Gu, Your Replacement Bride Is a Big Shot!

Chapter one

“No, stop”

In the darkness, a strong masculine scent wafted toward her. The man pressed Qiao Nian forcefully against the bed. With tears in her eyes, she tried to push the man away, but there was no strength in her body.

The sound of tearing fabric could be heard. Qiao Nian’s tears fell uncontrollably.

“Lass, what’s your name?” The man’s hoarse voice was like a demonic spell. His breath, filled with lust, lingered by her ear.

“It’s fine if you don’t want to tell me. My name is…”

An intense pain pierced through her entire body. Qiao Nian’s breathing hitched, and her eyes flew open. She stared straight ahead. Only then did she realize that she was in the car.

So it was just a dream!

Once again, she had dreamed about what had happened five years ago.

Qiao Nian sat up and breathed heavily, her pale face etched with unease.

The events from that night five years ago constantly haunted her.

After that night, she got pregnant. She didn’t know who the father of the child was, but after ten months, she suffered a stillbirth.

After her mother and sister seized her shares in the Qiao Corporation, they sent her to a mental hospital.

The Qiao family butler, who was sitting in the front passenger seat, sensed a movement in the backseat. Seeing that Qiao Nian had awoken, he reminded her with an indifferent expression, “Miss Qiao Nian, we’re reaching the Qiao family’s house soon. Please get ready!”

Part 4: Similar Book to Mr. Gu, Your Replacement Bride Is a Big Shot!

Sarah Anderson is a beautiful, straight – Student, but she leads a miserable life as she has no one to love her. She is used to getting bullied and heartbroken by everyone, including her parents and her twin brother.

She has just two things that keep her going every day, her passion for education and her undying obsession for Jake, who is a perfect combination of talents, looks, and wealth. However, to her dismay, Jake shows contrasting attitudes towards her, one time he tries to show his care but only ignores her completely the next moment.

One day she receives a text from an anonymous person, which becomes the turning point of her life. This person starts to take care of her from distance, does everything to keep her happy and even confesses his love for her, as a result, she eventually falls in love with him. But this leads her to a mental struggle as she is unable to let her feelings for Jake goes away.

What will happen to her, when she finds out the true identity of her anonymous messenger? Would it helps her to overcome her struggle or make her life even more miserable?

Part 5: Concluding Remarks

Concluding remarks on mr. Gu your replacement Bride is a big shot

I would score both books 4.5/5.

I’d highly recommend them as well, so, have fun reading! Recommend them to someone out there today! Below is the link to the recommended book on Dreame.

Read a girl nobody wanted on Dreame here!


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