Hot Chapters of Mr. Billionaire And Ms. Broken Girl


What would make the York family deliberately kill Jade’s parents? Well, at the time it happened, Jade didn’t know who had killed her parents and why, but she mourned their passing. The York family who was ironically behind the tragic passing of Jade’s parents, quickly adopted her. They eyed what belonged to Jade, and that was the property that she was heir to following her parents’ passing.

The best way for the York family to be in control of Jade’s inheritance was to adopt her and have her as close enough to themselves as possible to ensure total control according to Mr. Billionaire And Ms. Broken Girl Novel. The York family showed Jade love and affection anytime they were in public with her, but as soon as they were behind closed doors, Jade suffered worse circumstances than a servant due for punishment.

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It all came to an apex when Jade suffered in the hands of Lily York, the daughter of the York family. She apparently threw Jade down a dangerous height, and snatched her priceless necklace, one that Jade’s mother had given her before she tragically passed on.

Part 1: Hot Chapters Of Mr. Billionaire And Ms. Broken Girl

Chapter 1

Mr. Billionaire And Ms. Broken Girl Chapter 1

This is the beginning of the end of Jade’s stay in the York family. The story starts with Lily York, having bullied Jade and thrown her down a dangerous height, leaning over Jade and watching her bleed. Lily York pretends to be sorry about Jade’s plight, but soon enough, a sneer of mockery could be found on her face.

“Jade, you fell down yourself. I didn’t push you. Don’t blame me.”

Those were words said by Lily York as she watched Jade bleeding. Of course, Lily had pushed Jade down mischievously, and as if watching Jade bleed without doing anything to help was not enough, Lily had snatched Jade’s necklace from her.

“My family adopted you out of kindness and provided you with food and clothing. It’s fine if you don’t know how to repay us. How can you keep bothering us because we are taking this stupid necklace from you? You are so ungrateful.”

If the necklace was as worthless as Lily York was making it to seem, why was she bent on taking it from Jade? The statement above was made by Lily as she looked over Jade in her vulnerable state. All that Jade could refute was that the necklace was not stupid, and that it was given to her by her parents, but it was not enough to convince Lily York, daughter of Jacob York, to let Jade have it back.

Chapter 84

Mr. Billionaire And Ms. Broken Girl Chapter 84

In this chapter of Mr. Billionaire And Ms. Broken Girl Novel, Jade was having an episode with Valentino. Valentino was the man that saved Jade after she was left to possibly bleed to death by Lily York in the first chapter of the book. He took Jade to the Royal Garden, where he lived. Valentino was a no-nonsense man that had all his staff and servants fear him to the marrow, and that included Jade as well.

Jade had stayed in the Royal Garden long enough to know that Valentino was not to be messed with. In this chapter, Valentino had eaves dropped on Jade’s phone conversation with her friend and heard when Jade told her friend that she would leave the Royal Garden if Valentino asked her to. At that point, Valentino was already in love with Jade, and desperately wanted to know if she felt the same way towards him. When he heard Jade’s reply to her friend, Valentino became upset.

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Part 2: All About Mr. Billionaire And Ms. Broken Girl

Mr. Billionaire And Ms. Broken Girl Novel

Jade Herring’s parents were killed by Jacob York and his family, and he took the property that belonged to Jade, adopting her quickly to have his eyes on her. At the beginning of Mr. Billionaire And Ms. Broken Girl Novel, Jade was seen in a state where she had been thrown down from a height and was bleeding. The person who stood over Jade at that time and would not do anything to help was Lily York, the daughter of Jacob York.

Lily held a necklace that Jade cherished dearly over Jade’s face and made condescending statements to Jade. Eventually, Jade was left to bleed to death. Jade would have actually bled to death if not for the supposedly kindhearted man that stopped by to rescue her. Yes. Jade managed to crawl to the street hoping to get help from passers-by, and eventually Valentino Mosley stopped and helped her.

Fast-forward to two years later, Jade had become skilled in a number of things including combat, and hacking. She lived in the Royal Garden. The Royal Garden belonged to Valentino Mosley. Valentino was from a wealthy and very powerful family, and he carried a heavy aura that made everyone around him fear him. Including Jade.

Feeling mischievous and desperate to test her hacking skills, Jade thought it best to try and shut down the power system of a prestigious night club that belonged to Valentino. Nothing in the world told Jade that Valentino would be at the club that night. Of all nights for him to be at the club, it had to be the night that Jade tried to test out her mischief. Jade hacked into the power system of the Prosperity Times.

That act of Jade’s, brought her before Valentino, and the man acted out of character to the shock of his staff. He carried Jade all the way back to the Royal Garden without questioning her as intensely as he should have.

Jade was also astonished. She had expected Valentino to punish her but he was carrying her lovingly in his arms. Why? According to Mr. Billionaire And Ms. Broken Girl Novel, Valentino did not have space in his heart for such frivolities. He considered such a gesture frivolous as he naturally believed no lady deserved him. High and mighty Valentino Mosley.

Jade would rather go on her knees and beg the man, but he jokingly demanded for her body instead as a way of Jade apologizing for her misbehavior. Along the line, Valentino started to realize that he in fact, loved Jade. But as much as he yearned for her each passing day and would rather, she laid in his arms all day instead of yapping about and being a nuisance, Valentino could not outrightly tell Jade how he felt, as he was certain that it was unlike him. Moreover, it was common knowledge that what most filled Jade’s heart was revenge. Revenge towards the York family. All Valentino could do for a long time was secretly test Jade to figure out how she felt about him. Did she love him?

Part 3: Characters In Mr. Billionaire And Ms. Broken Girl

Jade Herring

Mr. Billionaire And Ms. Broken Girl Jade Herring

Jade is the female lead of the novel, Mr. Billionaire And Ms. Broken Girl. She was from a family with a respectable status financially and based on status, but a greedy Jacob York cut off what was nothing short of a good life from Jade.

Jade grew up at the Royal Garden under the scrutiny of Valentino Mosley. They had tough love for each other which eventually blossomed into something deep. Jade had a witty personality. She was the silly type, that is as far as Valentino Mosley was concerned. Jade nursed a vengeful heart towards the York family during the book.

Valentino Mosley

Mr. Billionaire And Ms. Herring Valentino Mosley

The male lead of the novel, Mr. Billionaire And Ms. Broken Girl, Valentino Mosley was the man that saved Jade Herring. He literally picked her up from the road where she had crawled to after Lily York left her to bleed to death.

Valentino Mosley had a stern character. He was strict and everyone around him feared him and dared not get on his bad side. He fell in love with Jade Herring first and doubted that she felt the same way towards him.

Part 4: Conclusion

Mr. Billionaire And Ms. Broken Girl Jade And Valentino

Mr. Billionaire And Ms. Broken Girl is witty and fascinating. I like it. Wittiness is easy to comprehend, and I doubt that an author can ever go wrong when he or she makes use of the witty feat. The author also delivers at a good pace, and I like the fact that the chapters are of a decent length. Not too long, and not too short. Just right.

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At Dreame, Stevenson has always been a lover for all kinds of novels with unique appetite for the female characters and their storylines. Boasting the experience as a former editor cooperating with millions of best-seller authors, he knows the most important factors in a novel that attract a specific audience group. He now is devoted in the review of prevailing novels and movies from all sources, selects the best ones, and gives his thoughts to help more people to find their suitable novels or movies quickly.


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