Lost Luna by XDeafening_SilenceX | Book Review


Lost Luna is a romantic werewolf fiction that revolves around the world of werewolves, witches, Lycan, and alpha.

Lost Luna follows the journey of Nova Hope who is bullied for being an outsider and for her inability to shift. She has always longed to find her true identity, her history, and the reason behind the marks on her body.

Lost Luna, true to the title Nova’s identity is hidden and when she finds Titan, the alpha of the blood moon pack her life is going to change Forever with secrets and a dark past getting unveiled.

Part 1: Storyline of Lost Luna

lost luna novel

Lost Luna is a free romance novel set in the genre of fantasy and supernatural elements such as werewolves, Lycan, and mating bonds. The story is well written with a unique plotline and character development to make it an enjoyable read.

Lost Luna begins with Nova Hope who is an omega. She was found floating by the river when she was just three years old. When she was found by Damien, the alpha there were all sorts of marks and burns on her body as she has washed off.

Damien took the child knowing the pack above the mountains was washed off by the resistance pack. However, he couldn’t care for the child as it took a toll on his time hence Damien handed the care of baby Nova to an omega family.

Nova’s adoptive parents treated her well and celebrated her birthday on the day they got her. Not knowing her heritage or where she came from Nova has always been an outsider

Everyone disliked her and made it for her to fit in. However, the real problem started when she didn’t shift at the age of fourteen like all other females in the pack who go through their puberty and then shift.

lost luna free Romance

The males in the pack usually shift around the age of sixteen. But Nova was already the official age of shifting and it wasn’t just by a year or two but six years. She has not shifted and everybody in the pack thought her to be different and weird.

Being an outsider and not being able to shift Nova was made to put up against constant bullying by her pack. With everyone hating her and wanting to get rid of her Nova’s life was nothing easy.

But Nova wanted to find her roots, the reason behind all those marks scarring her body around her arms and legs.

It was Alpha Damien’s daughter Rosie’s birthday. The alpha was blessed with a daughter and a son, the future alpha. Steven, the alpha’s son had found his match with Sophie as he hadn’t yet found his fated mate.

In the story Lost Luna, werewolves mating was considered important and it’s said that finding your soul mate, your fated mate made you stronger than others.

With Rosie’s eighteenth birthday party coming, the blood moon pack was approaching. The blood moon pack always visited the surrounding packs to make sure everything was right.

lost luna storyline

Lost Luna continues with The party which was in full swing and it was more crowded than usual with all wolves visiting around the globe. Nova was serving the drinks when a guest decided to behave inappropriately.

Being an omega, all she could do was be shocked and sorry. During the party, the alpha announced that his daughter had found her mate and everyone in the room howled.

Being wolfless Nova envied all of them and Rosie who had found her mate the very minute she turned eighteen. But maybe it was becoming she was the alpha blood.

However, Steven, the future alpha cared for Nova, always trying to make things better.

When it was announced that the alpha of the blood moon pack will be visiting, and everyone needs to be ready to welcome him, little did Nova hope knew that this was going to change her life forever.

Lost Luna continues with Nova meeting the alpha of the blood moon pack Titan, with dark secrets unveiling Nova is about to meet her true self and her true mate.

Can the alpha accept Nova, an omega as his mate?

But what was the true identity of Nova Hope? Lost luna holds the suspense till the end, making it a remarkable read and helping all fantasy lovers witness a whole new world of supernaturals.

Check out the story to know more about Nova and Titan.

Part 2: Characters of Lost Luna

lost luna characters

Lost Luna is a werewolf romance story that revolves around Nova Hope and Titan who come from contrasting personalities and statuses.

Lost Luna revolves around the Female lead, Nova Hope

She’s the perfect innocent girl, naturally shy and sensitive. But being an outsider and omega ranked her life as harder than others. The bullying is constant and it doesn’t make her feel any better when she’s not able to shift just like other females in the world pack.

However, Nova is a strong, determined girl who keeps to herself and is often kind to others even when they treat her badly.

Lost Luna revolves around Titan, the male lead of the story who happens to be the alpha of the blood moon pack. He’s strong and holds one of the domineering personalities. When he meets Nova, he immediately calls her his mate and howls calling her his own.

Nova and Titan make the perfect couple but it’s not going to be easy for them

With Nova unable to shift and her identity Unknown, it’s going to be hard to find herself happily ever after with her mate Titan. All the other characters such as the Alpha Damien and the future alpha Steven are written well giving them a space of their own in this fantasy fiction.

Part 3: A Must-Read Novel Lost Luna

The lost luna

Lost Luna is a fantasy fiction that is set against the backdrop of paranormal romance set in the world of supernatural elements. The story true to its title revolves around the hidden identity of Nova Hope who is treated as an omega and being bullied by her pack.

Nova is treated as an outsider with everyone hating her and wanting her out. Even though the alpha and the future alpha treat her well, Nova isn’t able to avoid the scrutiny of the pack members.

Not being able to shift, it’s worse for Nova. When the alpha of the blood moon pack, Titan is visiting he immediately calls Mate looking at Nova.

Lost Luna is a werewolf romance featuring the alpha and the omega. But there’s more to it. From being found down the river at the age of three, Nova Hope longs to find her true identity and the history of her family.

The alpha king's lost luna

When she meets her mate, Titan her life is going to turn upside down. After finally finding her mate, Nova has to find her true identity and answers to all those questions in her life including what her real heritage is.

Nova’s identity becomes a question including the reason why she hasn’t shifted yet. Will finding her mate help her find who she is or where she came from?

Lost Luna is a thrilling romance read that is set in the trending genre of werewolf Romance holding key tags such as Lycan, beta, alpha, mate, true identity, and love.

Lost Luna is a must-read so check it out.

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At Dreame, Stevenson has always been a lover for all kinds of novels with unique appetite for the female characters and their storylines. Boasting the experience as a former editor cooperating with millions of best-seller authors, he knows the most important factors in a novel that attract a specific audience group. He now is devoted in the review of prevailing novels and movies from all sources, selects the best ones, and gives his thoughts to help more people to find their suitable novels or movies quickly.


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