Free Online Chapters Review of Leave Me Alone, Heroines!


In a world where everything was possible, where humans could reach new heights that were impossible in their old life. The monster King that reigned over the world of hitmen for long years was given another chance in another world by the goddess of reincarnation, in leave me, alone heroines. Find out what becomes of him.

He was the absolute peak that no other being could reach. His name reached the ears of every powerhouse in the world and sent shivers through every human. Yet, his legend came to an end suddenly when he died under unknown circumstances

But, this place didn’t seem to be normal as it carried a huge surprise that will make his journey seem all the more interesting. The Goddess of reincarnation wasn’t as holy as anyone would think. She was nothing but a twisted being who found a toy to play with.

Part 1: Core Story of Leave Me Alone Heroines

Core story of Leave Me Alone Heroines

In a world where everything was possible, where humans could reach new heights that were impossible in their old life. The monster King that reigned over the world of hitmen for long years was given another chance in another world by the goddess of reincarnation.

He was laying down on the ground with his eyes facing the ceiling. He could hardly feel any discomfort in his body, but he felt as if his mind was still not functioning properly. He also couldn’t move his body as he wanted. When he stood up, he was finally able to have a proper look at his surroundings.

It was a white place, with no walls, no ceilings, and no trace of any human signs for that matter. It was as if he was floating in the nothingness, in leaving me alone heroines.

How didn’t hesitate to think he was dead? Even with his horrible past, he felt as if he was pure in this place and he felt his whole being as clean as it had ever been. Such a feeling of purity made the possibility that this was heaven not so farfetched.

Core story of Leave Me Alone Heroines

Suddenly, a gentle and sweet voice reached his ears. The feminine voice was calm and carried a sense of superiority that made the man feel as if he was hearing the voice of a Goddess. He was surprised she could hear his. He didn’t know whether he should cry or smile at such a complicated situation. No one would like the fact that someone could hear their thoughts.

But the goddess will not give him attention. The man then started walking in a random direction, in leaving me, alone heroines. He was not someone to be looked down upon, not even by gods. The goddess called for him but he feigned ignorance as he inspected the place. But, even with that, he kept looking around as he walked away. Her voice only fueled his desire to ignore her until she accepted his request.

After some silence, the goddess could only sigh in defeat. She tried to impose her authority and divinity on the man but her plan backlashed and now she had to follow his desire. The Goddess of reincarnation wasn’t as holy as anyone would think. She was nothing but a twisted being who found a toy to play with, in leaving me, alone heroines.

Part 2: Main Character of Leave Me Alone Heroines

The Goddess

The goddess - leave me alone heroines

The goddess looked to be in her 20s, with her long and shiny golden hair that reached her waist, and a pair of deep blue eyes that could make anyone captivated with just a glance. A body that was sculpted out of perfection with excellent proportions that could make anyone drool in desire.

-She wore a white robe that stuck to her sinful body and enclosed her amazing curves. She was by far the most beautiful woman the man has ever seen, in leaving me, alone heroines.

The King of Assassin

The King of Assassin - leave me alone heroines

He was a distrustful person who didn’t trust anyone easily. It wasn’t his choice since the environment he grew up in and the line of work he followed needed him to be cunning and decisive, in leave, alone heroines.

Any time the goddess saw his reaction and an amused smile appeared on her stoic face. She liked his intelligence since it made their conversation even more interesting for her.

Part 3: Free Online Chapter of Leave Me Alone Heroines

Chapter 2 of Leave Me Alone Heroines

Chapter-2 of Leave Me Alone Heroines

In the weekly market that is situated in the center of the slums, countless people were walking back and forth looking at all kinds of merchandise. From fruits to meat and everything in between, in leave me alone heroines chapter 2.

There an old man looked frail to the point where anyone could mistake him for a skeleton. He held his wooden can to his side as he gazed at the two customers.

“7 copper coins.” The old man answered after some time. He glared at the seller with an extremely cold look and said in a slow manner “7…copper…coins.”

The skinny man felt the threatening aura that oozed out of the old man. He could’ve started a fight but he didn’t want to grab the attention of the population around him. He needed those berries urgently so he clenched his teeth in frustration.

Then, the old man took the huge amount of berries and intended to walk away. However, a weird voice came out of his mouth in shock. He looked ahead of him and saw a small child holding a bag full of berries and running away at an alarming speed.

Chapter-2 of Leave Me Alone Heroines

The bustling market made their chase even more tedious. They barely could see the small frame of the child as he ran left and right. The chase lasted for 30 minutes. They chased him from the market to the outskirts of the slums where the population was quite scarce.

The boy had already taken a turn in the near alley, in leave me alone heroines chapter 2. They could still see where he went so the man didn’t want to lose his tracks. When he turned to the alley that the boy went to. He found the child standing in front of the wall motionless. It was a dead end.

You thought you could run away! I will beat you up for making me run like this! The man said. However, the child didn’t react to his voice as if he didn’t hear him. This infuriated the man even more. So, he approached him and grabbed him roughly by the shoulder.

But, when the child turned around, a spine-chilling coldness suddenly invaded every pore of the man’s being. He felt his heart stop for a moment as he looked into the boy’s eyes.

Chapter 3 of Leave Me Alone Heroines

Chapter-3 of Leave Me Alone Heroines

The boy looked behind him and much to his surprise, a very old man was standing there holding a wooden cane. It was the same old man that sold the berries to the other two people, leave me, alone heroines, chapter 3.

Seeing the poor child that called him, the man snorted in disdain and spoke in a harsh tone, “what do you want, brat? Go away before I beat you up!”

His reaction was justified because many kids like Acht roam the markets and steal from merchants to feed themselves. Every single fruit and item in the stalls is important to the merchants since it’s not easy to buy them from providers. Most of these items were special to a certain degree after all, in leaving me alone heroines chapter 3.

Chapter-3 of Leave Me Alone Heroines

While Acht was having this conversation with himself, the man watched him from the sidelines with a weirded-out look. He thought that this child had lost his mind from hunger, in leaving me alone heroines chapter 3.

Acht then started walking away while ignoring the existence of the merchant who probably had seen the most bizarre thing in a while. Acht’s steps took him out of the market. He had a solution for the money shortage he had. “I should find some thug and take his money. It’s the easiest way for now.” But, while having such thoughts, his senses caught something. Read to find out more.

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At Dreame, Stevenson has always been a lover for all kinds of novels with unique appetite for the female characters and their storylines. Boasting the experience as a former editor cooperating with millions of best-seller authors, he knows the most important factors in a novel that attract a specific audience group. He now is devoted in the review of prevailing novels and movies from all sources, selects the best ones, and gives his thoughts to help more people to find their suitable novels or movies quickly.


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