Hottest Review: Hero of Hearts


I think it is wonderful. You probably think this is weird. But, certain things have a way of digging up strange emotions within you. It pulls them to surface and suddenly you’re helpless. In the end, all you can say is, ‘I think it is wonderful.’

It is always exciting when you watch the beginning of a new journey as it unfolds in front of you. You feel a sense of excitement for events still to come. It’s a strange high, where you kind of feel nervous, but extremely anxious to begin something that could be beautiful. Jemima probably feels that way about the new adventure she would suddenly be embarking on. I feel that way after reading this chapter.

The writer turns something ordinarily boring and creates a world full of complexity and mystery. The slow-burn plot will scare you at first. No doubt about that. But, honestly it is only if you look at it from a surface level. This piece practically pulls your mind into every scene, makes you feel each emotion and it radiates the writer’s state of mind.

Imagining something as extraordinary composed as this, takes time. The amazing characters and the correct display of emotion is so vivid. After a few chapters, you would feel that this book is no longer a piece of paper, but an engineered tool for immersion. The immersive quality leaves nothing to fault. Except the slight spelling errors, this piece brokers no arguments of its perfect plot and display.

The characters are so well-developed and the protagonist are portrayed with vivid and captivating humor. The coincidental encounters create a magical link of fate that will immerse the readers if this cool piece.

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Part 1: Plot Summary of Hero of Hearts All Chapters

Hero of Hearts by Luis Fernando Narvaez Cazares

The story opens with Jemima. She applied for a position in Aurous Hill University, and has come for the interview. It takes a while for it to settle that this particular woman was seeking a position in this school.

It’s not exactly impossible, but it was a bit weird. Quite understandably is the fact that Jemima is too good to be true. Her achievements academia wise, are more than stellar, her temperament is astounding, her looks are on the up and up: this lady was practically unreachable. Especially for a university like Aurous. Even they have to admit, Jemima is a gem.

She is complete perfection in the interview, and the interviewers completely agree. They recognize an opportunity when they see one, but this was more than that. Jemima is definitely a gift sent from the heavens to grace their university.

She has a Ph.D. and even graduated from a top university, how dare they let her slip from their grasp. Without wasting much time, immediately they got the sign, each gave their okay and just like that Jemima got the job.

This would be the start of her new future, and Jemima couldn’t wait. Who knew what awaited her? Who knew she wasn’t the only one preparing for a life in Aurous Hill? Things are about to get very interesting. Even more so than a luxurious villa worth millions.

Part 2: Main Characters of Hero of Hearts


Hero of Hearts: Jemima

She is a young woman with a purpose. Jemima goes to the interview for the job she applied for, especially hopeful. However, she doesn’t know that in the eyes of the people conducting her interview, she is overqualified. She gets the desired result of her interview as she is immediately accepted and she can’t contain her joy. I mean, why shouldn’t the girl be happy.

She has every right to be. If they treat her like a goddamn empress, even better. Who doesn’t know how hard it is to get a PhD? Need tell you, it is really hard. Like, ‘wish for the world to crash and burn’ kind of hard. It feels right when she skips down the pavement after passing her interview. Everything is falling into place and looking up, but one thing first: she needs to find a place to stay.

Even though the school offered her a lodging, Jemima would still get the place she wants. Even when a slight hindrance occurs, Jemima is calm as she deals a verbal slap without much emotion.

Part 3: The Author of Hero of Hearts

Hero of Hearts - Novel

Luis Fernando Narvaez Cazares

Luis Fernando Narváez Cázares is an author from Mexico. He has a Degree in Law, with a Masters in Teaching and he is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Education. I mean, this author is top-grade. Imagine the time it would take to craft a whole world while pursuing each of these degrees. Boss level, no doubt.

At this point, he has already various notable literary pieces. He has published novels and short stories, and he has received various national and international recognitions for his works. Luis Fernando Narváez Cázares has had books published in Mexico, the United States, Argentina and Spain.

This man crafts tales like no other. And we are here for the goods. His most exciting titles include, but are not limited to, Hero of Hearts, Return of The Prodigious Son, Against the Gods, and His True Colors.

Luis Fernando Narváez Cázares is an expert, a writer in touch with the current vices of the modern world, one who takes up the unremarkable thoughts and helps us remember the good stuff.

This book will give you the giggles, and it will give you that feeling that despite everything unfavorable that is happening, there will always exist a particular thing to look forward to. It is a wonderful read.

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