Hot Werewolf Romance Book Review | The Alpha’s Protective Brothers


How would you live your life if someone constantly looked over your shoulder and judged everything you did? It was the most difficult thing Ivy and her mother had to go through in their pack because her mother was unmated when she had her.

Ivy’s mother studied hard to become a doctor in order to prove herself, but it wasn’t enough. As a result, they have made the decision to join another pack, and once they do, Ivy’s life will alter along with that of the alpha’s protective brothers. Let us take a stab at the main storyline to shed some light on this fantastic tale.

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Part 1: The Main Storyline of The Alphas Protective Brothers

The Alphas Protective Brothers

Ivy and her mother were confident that the new pack they’d arrived at would welcome them with open arms. It broke her heart to leave their old pack, but they could no longer put up with the bullying and had no choice but to leave.

In spite of the good things that they had done, they were constantly subjected to insults, such as “she is the daughter of a bastard” and “her mother is a teen mother without a mate.”

Since Ivy’s mother is a physician, they decided to join a pack that desperately needed one. When they first moved in, the neighbors were obviously surprised to see new people in the neighborhood and began peering into their windows to see who it was.

In contrast to the pack they had previously come from, their new alpha provided them with a magnificent and roomy new home. Ivy found the entire experience to be surreal due to the fact that she had never gotten used to people being nice to them. She hoped the moon goddess would finally grant them a happy and peaceful life free of outside judgment.

On his second day in their new pack, a man approached her and asked her name. The man introduced himself as Beau Singleton, the alpha’s younger brother.

Following their initial exchange, the man took her heavy grocery bags and assisted her in bringing them to her car. At first, Ivy hesitated to accept the gesture but eventually gave in and brushed off her negative thoughts. She was taken aback because it was the first time a stranger had treated her nicely. After all, she needs to move on from what they’ve experienced in their new pack and look on the brighter side that there are still good people. She loosened up and they eventually get along well and bond over dinner.

Asher Singleton is the pack’s alpha. Because he so desperately needed a doctor to be a part of his pack, he quickly agreed to let Ivy and his mother live in his territory. Alpha Asher directed his younger brother to find Ivy Inglewood in the grocery store and help her carry her belongings.

That was his way of knowing if the people he let in were good people, and he was fortunate that they were. On the day Alpha Asher met Ivy, Alpha Asher was instantly taken by her fierce beauty and personality.

He was aware that he liked the woman, but he restrained himself from expressing it because he noticed that Beau, his brother, also liked her. But how much longer was he able to keep his feelings for the girl a secret when, as time passed, those feelings grew stronger and stronger?

Part 2: The Characters of The Alphas Protective Brothers

Ivy Inglewood

The Alphas Protective Brothers Novel

She is the female protagonist of The Alphas Protective Brothers. Because she is the daughter of a physician, they are finally allowed to move to a new pack because of this qualification. Ivy has been bullied since birth. Being the unmated wolf’s daughter is a disgrace in their pack.

Her blue eyes were an abomination to them. Ivy was able to keep a level head, draw on the resilience she inherited from her mother, and make it through the ordeal clinging to life. Until her mother made the decision to leave their old pack and start a new one. And her new pack will cause her heart to be confused because the alpha’s protective brother messed with her heart.

Beau Singleton

The Alphas Protective Brothers: Beau

He is one of the male protagonists of The Alphas Protective Brothers and the alpha’s sweet young brother who vowed to follow his brother’s rules, which included protecting Ivy and her mother.

In light of the fact that being a doctor is a significant responsibility in their pack, Alpha Asher instructed him to greet them and see their needs. Beau was delighted to meet Ivy and his mother. The lovely lady made his heart beat faster.

Alpha Asher

The Alphas Protective Brothers: Alpha Asher

He is the great alpha in The Alphas Protective Brothers, who welcomed Ivy and his mother. Accepting a new pack member was an innocent choice, but it threw his heart into disarray. As soon as Alpha Asher laid eyes on Ivy, he was enamored by her beauty and began to envy Beau’s relationship with Ivy. He tried to hold back his emotions because he didn’t want to make his brother feel bad by wishing it was him in the situation. But as time passed, his pesky heart and his mate pushed him to steal Ivy from Beau.

Alpha Jackson

The Alphas Protective Brothers: Alpha Jackson

He is the antagonist of The Alpha’s Protective Brothers, who used to make fun of Ivy and his mother. He hasn’t gotten over the fact that the two have left his pack. Ivy and her mother’s new pack will be thrown into disarray as a result of his presence, and the pack’s alpha will be led astray as a direct result of these lies.

Part 3: Conclusion to The Alphas Protective Brothers

Honestly, the title was a bit confusing because it wasn’t really The Alphas Protective Brothers but the protective alpha and his brother. The author of the novel seems a newbie because of some grammatical errors. Though despite this, if you’re a good reader, you will get what she wanted to say and the plot was really good.

I hope that her next novel will be better so that the readers will not always crease their foreheads to understand every word. It wasn’t bad for a newbie and I wish her good luck in her journey in such novels as The Alphas Protective Brothers.

But, you know, if you want to read a novel better than this. I recommend that you click the link below so that you can see what I mean by it. The book The Perfect Luna is incredible, and from what I’ve seen, it’s one of the books that sell the most copies.

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