Hot Chapters of You’re Out, Daddy Novel (Natasha and Kenneth)


We follow Natasha as she finally makes the decision to get out of a relationship that was toxic and hellish. She makes sure that nothing else would cause her to meet the man again, yet she must have understood that such a moment would be unavoidable considering the fact that she was carrying his children.

“You’re Out, Daddy” exposes us to an imperfect marriage and a very imperfect man who practically invites the problems that occur in his life all by himself. Nothing much to be said about the stupidity of this male because he easily makes us speechless with the immoral and depraved actions which he slips into even though he has a wife. Infidelity has never been this disgusting. It was so bad that Natasha did not bother trying to save something that was dead.

She already confirmed from the man himself, so what was holding her back? Precisely, nothing. Natasha astounds the reader so easily with her nature; she is a quiet but colossal force and that is exactly the type of woman that gets things done. She knew it would be a tough endeavor to raise children as a single mother, but she did it anyway. At least, it was better than than having a cheating bastard for a father.

The story explores themes of divorce, infidelity, family, and romance, to mention but a few. It clearly shows the easy way with which things develop in a downward spiral when we are not cautious or grateful for the things we have; only after a long time does the man learn that he has not one but three children.

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Part 1: The Main Character of You’re Out, Daddy

Natasha Watson (Nat)

You're Out, Daddy: Natasha

She is a woman with a terrible fashion sense, but a lot of intelligence, grace, and dignity. It is no surprise that she passes on this trait to her three amazing children. Natasha shows a determination that is inspiring when she makes the decision to leave her husband. Her courage to fend for herself and her children is a beautiful thing to behold. A single mother never has it easy, but still, she chose this route.

Fashion is Important

Her life is a jumbled mess, but at least she still had her kids. Natasha loves her family, and it shows so clearly as her story goes on. Her strange fashion, however, causes her a ton of problems. Both with her marriage and even slightly at work. Although Natasha cannot be blamed for not prioritizing her looks.

Natasha is a strong and independent woman with a shattered marriage and three children, but she makes it work one day at a time, that is until the secret finally cannot be hidden much longer. The man who had been responsible for everything she had gone through, walks back into her life and Natasha must navigate the complexities of a life lived with the ginormous weight of a secret that had the potential to cause abundant problems.

As a protagonist, Natasha’s character has the ability to arrest attention completely. Kind-hearted and straightforward, Natasha is decisive. I especially enjoy how fast she is. She practically takes the power from her opponent.

Part 2: The Story of You’re Out, Daddy

You're Out, Daddy: Natasha and Kenneth

The story is about Natasha, a woman who is subject to the failure of the arranged marriage concept. Arranged marriages are such a hassle and usually have at least one spouse who is unsatisfied with the matrimony. This was the truth for Natasha. She had come into the marriage willingly, but Kenneth had been compelled into it. After marriage, he didn’t even bother to show respect for the woman who was his wife; he followed other women and didn’t hide his wandering gaze.

Natasha just so happened to get the results of a test that confirmed she was pregnant. She finally decided and her decision was to leave her husband which was more problem than he was worth. They got divorced and she left the country. There, she had her children. But the twins that she had been expecting turned into triplets.

Several years later, Natasha returns to the country with her three children. She wasn’t back for anything more than her family and work. She knows that she cannot hide the truth from the children about their father, and nor can she hide the truth from Kenneth for long. At some point, it will all come out.

Natasha must brace herself well for that day, and it comes sooner than she expected. When they meet, Kenneth is unable to recognize her because the woman he remembered was so fashionably ugly that he had been irritated by the sight of her. However, this woman was different, she was stunning. Unfortunately, Natasha cannot hide behind a fake name forever. The two of them were entangled by fate and that is something inescapable.

Part 3: Amazing Chapter of You’re Out, Daddy

Chapter Five

You're Out, Daddy: The Bedroom

The whole office was abuzz with gossip and rumors of a handsome new client and the woman at his side. Natasha could vaguely hear all that was being said outside. She wondered what kind of client could make them that excited. Soon, they were called and before they left, Xavier told Natasha not to interrupt.

Natasha followed and when they entered the meeting room, she saw the client that they were fussing over. It was none other than Kenneth Hamilton, her ex-husband. Natasha had expected to see him at some point, but still, she was surprised. She looked away and pretended not to have seen him.

Meanwhile, Kenneth saw a woman who looked like Natasha and convinced himself that she was not the same person. Then, Mark introduced everyone present. However, he did not introduce Natasha by her name. Natasha just stayed there without a single expression on her face or a single hint of recognition in her eyes. Only when Thea reminded him did he avert his gaze.

They began the meeting, but Kenneth was not listening.

When it was time for them to leave, Kenneth reached the entrance only to stop and ask the familiar woman for her name. Natasha told him it was Sally. When she had said this, Kenneth finally left without suspicions. Natasha had to answer the question that Mark and her new colleagues had.

Before Natasha left, Mark quickly stopped her and warned her of Thea, Kenneth’s fiancée and trusted assistant. Natasha assured him there would be no problem. It was unknown to them that Thea hid in a corner with a smirk on her face.

Drama comes with unexpected conception. That means you might enjoy A Baby Daddy And More. The story has a fun pace.

Read A Baby Daddy And More


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