Hot Chapters of My Three Mates | Hot Werewolf Romance Story


Don’t worry I, too, was taken aback by the widespread availability of werewolf romances with a female protagonist juggling not one but three love interests.

There’s a possibility that her hair was even longer than Rapunzel’s. How lucky she could get? In this book review, you will get an inside look at My Three Mates novels.

We will discuss the story’s flow and the novel’s strengths and weaknesses. Let’s start with the first section of the main storyline.

Alternative story of My Three Mates

Part 1: The Plot Summary of My Three Mates

My Three Mates Plot Summary

My Three Mates, female protagonist, Abby Smith is a battered wife who desperately wants to leave her abusive husband. Daisy Morgan, her best friend, suggested to her frequently that she should run away however, she was concerned that he might also harm her daughter.

Jake, Matt, and Jared Cooper, her bosses, are wonderful people who genuinely care about her. She is very fortunate to have them as her bosses. They are the Cooper Co. triplets, and Abby Smith is their secretary. The three dashing gentlemen stormed into her office one day and asked about the bruises that were visible on her arm.

There was no doubt in her mind that the guards had reported her presence to the building’s management when they spotted her.

She was grateful for the triplets’ constant concern for her. Despite this, she couldn’t help but be terrified of them due to their dominance. She is afraid of what they are capable of doing to punish her husband, and punishing her husband means her daughter will be hurt, which she does not like because Abby loves her.

Jared pulls her blouse up to reveal more bruises. She has been severely beaten for her refusal to have sex with her husband, which has led to the abuse. Jake growled and asked Abby where the rest of her bruises were. The man was certain that it wasn’t just those, and Jake was correct Abby pulled up her skirt a smidgeon and saw another, which made his blood boil three times faster. Matt and the rest of his siblings agreed they would not let that happen again to Abby.

A group of authorities later knocked on Abby’s door and carefully questioned her about what had happened. At first, Abby was adamant about speaking. But when Matt assured her that her mother and daughter were safe, she calmed down and told him everything.

Jake has informed her that she will no longer go home with her husband and instead live with him and their daughter. Abby was overjoyed when Jared told her that no one would ever hurt them again and that he would go to any length to keep them safe.

The triplets have been in love with Abby since she began working with them. They accepted the fact that she had fallen in love with someone else as a mark of respect. However, when they discovered that Abby was being abused, they acted immediately and promised to love and protect her as well as her daughter.

Part 2: The Main Characters of My Three Mates

Abby Smith

My Three Mates: Abby Smith

A battered and abused wife who was dearly loved by the Cooper triplets in the television show My Three Mates. They are her employer and showed a large concern for her and rescued her from her abusive husband.

Because Abby was such a caring mother to her daughter, she was willing to put up with the pain and fear that was caused by her husband, Jackson, for the sake of her child’s safety. My issue with Abby is that she was too martyred and masochistic for my taste.

Jake Cooper

My Three Mates: Jake Cooper

He is the most independent-minded of his triplet siblings and the oldest of the Cooper family. Jake will go to any length to keep Abby safe, even if it means murdering her husband. His brothers were always reminding him to keep his cool. In the novel My Three Mates, he possesses a dominant character.

Matt Cooper

My Three Mates: Matt Cooper

Among the triplets, he is the one who exudes the most charm and solace. Matt always kept his cool when making decisions for Abby and always put Abby first.

Jared Cooper

My Three Mates: Jared Cooper

The one who likes to have the most fun out of the three and an absolute monster in bed. Jared was the one who liked to tease Abby, and his wit made her laugh every time.

Part 3: Hot Chapters of My Three Mates

Disclaimer: Explicit scenes ahead!

Chapter 2 of My Three Mates: The Bed Scene

The Cooper triplets immediately bring Abby home after saving her from her abusive husband. Abby had been crying so much that she ended up falling asleep, and when she woke up, she was taken aback to find the Coopers lying next to her.

Jake is the one who is currently spooning her, and the two of them are in a position that is significantly more intimate than usual. The triplets eventually began devouring her body until she reached her peak. Isn’t it too fast?

Chapter 5 of My Three Mates: The Mating

Once again, My Three Mates features an erotica-themed chapter. Jared carries Abby back into bed after they finish their breakfast. Matt and Jake were the ones who washed the dishes.

When they got into bed, Jared spread her legs and let him do his thing, causing Abby to moan in pleasure. Matt eventually followed them inside and marked Abby in the neck before they resumed their heated bed exercises together with Jake.

Chapter 6 of My Three Mates: Blow

This chapter was another opportunity for Jake to indulge in his favorite pastime of teasing Abby. They were in bed. I’m wondering why the settings were always in the bed position. Abby gave him a blow that completely blew his mind until Jake reached his release.

Part 4: My Conclusion to My Three Mates

The plot is interesting, but once I got into the second chapter, I realized that it was moving at a very quick pace. The erotic scenes are brutal, and it was not recommended for minors to read because it was too explicit.

Words aren’t used as freely as they should be as if I were reading a pornographic novel. However, if you want to read themes like this in a novel in an erotic artful way, you should read Oh, For Mate’s Sake.

Alternative story of My Three Mates


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