Hot Chapters of Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted Novel by Eleven Jewell

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There had been an accident, the once in a lifetime type of accident that occurred with supposedly important people on board the bus. Not meaning to say that everyone on the bus was not important, but there were celebrities and notable people aboard the bus that fell off the road and into the river.

Stella Jewell was one of them. Married to Mr. Kane, she was frantically calling him from the hospital after she had been rescued and treated to an extent.

In Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted Book, the nurse in charge of treating Stella Jewell, needed her to contact a next of kin who would sign some medical documents for her, but Mr.

Kane, Stella’s husband was not picking up the phone. Suggesting to sign the document by herself, the nurse refused and insisted that Stella Jewell contacted someone on her behalf, and it only got more frustrating for Stella each time she called Kane and he didn’t pick up her phone calls.

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Part 1: Intense Chapters of Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Chapter 15

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted Chapter 15

Interest! A beautiful lady like Stella had been divorced, so why would she not expect that men will find her attractive? She was in a private area when a man entered the area, taking pictures. An aggressive Stella demanded for his cell phone, only for her to find out after collecting the cell phone that the man had been taking landscape pictures, and that the camera was never pointed directly at her.

“I’m sorry, I just thought the night view below was beautiful. I’m sorry if you misunderstood.” In Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted Novel, the man that had taken pictures was quick to apologize to Stella when he saw that he had made her a bit edgy. But Stella was quick to apologize back at him for judging wrongly.

“No, I should be the one that’s sorry. I’m too jumpy. I’m so sorry.” Stella had replied. Following an unpleasant experience with the paparazzi in the past, Stella was guided and at alert at all times, hence the aggression.

Chapter 96

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted Chapter 96

“This shit does know how to pretend.” Stella had said to herself when she had heard the way a certain actress in the circle had referred to her husband. In a bid to keep the paparazzi and netizens away from such fruitful gossip, Stella, according to Mr.

Kane Got Blacklisted Novel, had maintained poise, acting as if she did not hear Bella refer to her husband with intimacy. On the other hand, Keegan also acted as if Bella did not just call his name in a compromising way.

“You don’t drink? Are you pregnant?” Bella had asked Stella at the event they were found together in when Bella handed Stella a glass of wine. It was seen as a bid to mock Stella according to Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted Novel, Bella was pregnant as a mistress for Keegan, yet, she, Stella, the bonafide wife was not.

Part 2: Story Line of Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted Novel

Based on the nurse insisting that Stella Jewell made a call for her next of kin to sign important medical documents, Stella Jewell stepped out of the ward as she tried to concentrate on getting her husband, Keegan Kane to answer her phone calls.

The first shocker received was from two nurses talking about the accident that had just happened, and how a popular actress Bella Young. In Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted Book, it was narrated that when Stella heard of what had happened, she was stunned.

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Stella Jewell had heard the nurses talk about the boyfriend of Bella Young hurrying over to keep her company as she was being treated in the hospital, and her brain started to put two and two together. If she was not mistaken, the nurses were talking about her husband, Keegan Kane. As if to confirm Stella Jewell’s thoughts, she heard her husband’s voice in one of the wards, talking to Bella Young’s manager.

Right there and then in Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted Book, Stella called Kane again, and this time he answered, though impatiently, and he lied that he was at the company when Stella asked where he was.

Of course, this singular act by Keegan Kane made Stella Jewell very upset, and it even sparked an argument between husband and wife. Stella Jewell threatened to divorce Kane, and with every ounce of nonchalance in his breath, he suggested that she should go ahead and do so if she wanted to. As if the saga was not enough, Stella saw that Bella Young posted a pregnancy notification and checklist on her social media at a time that corresponded with when Stella suspected Kane of being with Bella. It broke Stella’s heart further in Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted, and before anyone knew it, she served Kane a divorce agreement.

When Kane read the divorce agreement, he saw a few things that made him laugh with scorn, including the fact that he would share everything he had on an equal basis with Stella Jewell. However, Keegan Kane’s laughter wore off when he saw the reason that Stella had put down as the reason why she was having the divorce.

She claimed that her husband Keegan Kane was infertile and that he could not make her have children. In Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted Book, Kane did not take it lightly, and immediately called Stella for an explanation. Among a thousand other reasons she could give she chose that one, why?

Maybe Stella Jewell was trying to humiliate Kane in the exact same way that he had humiliated her, and that was why she gave that horrible reason.

When Kane called to ask why she would say such a thing about him, Stella Jewell claimed that he should actually check himself, that she had confirmed that the problem of her not having a child was not her fault. Read Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted Book to find out what happened between Keegan Kane and Stella Jewell.

Part 3: Evaluate Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell

A decent performance by the author of this book. Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted generously portrays all the needed elements of a good novel. The plot opens up in different stages that do nothing but intrigue readers and make them crave to know what would happen in the next chapter, and the next, and the next.

Ten out of ten times, I will recommend this book to novel lovers because I am confident that Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted Book would win the hearts of romance novel lovers.

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