Hot Chapters of Men of The Harem


In Men of The Harem Book, Emperor Latil of Tarium started a harem as soon as she was crowned the emperor after a stretch of back and forth, with her promising the most to all the authorities that aided her, a female, become an Emperor.

At the beginning of the book, I got really confused, thinking that the author had made a mistake in representing the Emperor as a woman, but reading the book further down made me realize that Latil was not a man, and she had just become Emperor Ontario.

Funny! Very unheard of, a woman becoming the emperor or leader of any territory rare, and I have never heard of a female emperor before until I came across Men of The Harem Book.

As would be naturally suspected, a lot of secret meetings, betrayals, sacrifices, and whatnot would have gone in to make Latil become the emperor in a jurisdiction where there were men who were eligible to become the emperor resided in. Now, that is where the story gets interesting.

Read the book – Harem Master now

Part 1: Main Story of Men of The Harem

Men ofThe Harem Book

Love turned to pain at the beginning of the Harem Book, and it was the reason why Latil started the Harem in Tarium. So, the author narrates that Latil was in love with Hyacinth of arisen. Hyacinth was studying in Tarium under the leadership and emperorship of Latil’s father, and that was where he met Latil. They fell in love and planned to get married.

It was agreed between them that when Hyacinth returned to Karisen after his study at Tarium and he conquered everyone that was eligible for the throne in Karisen, he would become the emperor and get married to Latil.

Latil spent a lot of time after Hyacinth returned to Karisen, praying for him to be victorious and emerge as the Emperor of arisen so that they could get married and live as they had planned. But things didn’t go as Latil planned.

The author narrated that Latil only prayed for Hyacinth to emerge victorious, and she forgot to pray for her to still remain in his heart while he was going through such difficult times. Eventually, Hyacinth became victorious, hereby having Latils prayers answered. Latil was excited and expecting Hyacinth to act according to the plan that they had, but for a long time, she didn’t hear from him.

Latil did not lose hope, regardless. If only she knew that fate was building up for her to be the notable Emperor that started Men of The Harem in Tarium. She gave Hyacinth the benefit of doubt, stating that he had a lot to handle and that getting married would come in sooner or later after he got acquainted with his new status as the Emperor at Karisen. But she was wrong.

One fateful day, she heard that an entourage had arrived from Karisen. Excited, Latil hurried to eavesdrop on the meeting, waiting to hear that Hyacinth had sent people on his behalf to indicate his interest in getting married to the Imperial Princess of Tarium, Latil, but nothing prepared her for what she heard next.

The entourage had come to deliver an invitation for marriage between Hyacinth and another Princess of another territory. Latil could not believe her ears. She listened until she was sure that she was not making things up, and then she returned to her privacy to shed tears of heartbreak.

In the course of the book, she went to Karisen after receiving an anonymous letter from Hyacinth, asking her to pay him a visit likely to tell her the reason why he had a change of mind, and Latil did, even though her father would rather that she didn’t.

As a result of this, Princess Latil connived with the important authorities in Tarium, to make her the Emperor after her father, and so it happened.

All the dukes and other important authorities that helped Latil achieve this goal did it with the hopes that she would get married to their son, and make the family of whoever she got married into a powerful force to reckon with, but to everyone’s surprise, after Latil had been installed as the emperor, she made an announcement that sent the entire territory agog. She said that she would take in consorts.

Consorts are akin to concubines.

While everyone was wondering about this, and delegating on Latils choice of a consort, and more than one for that matter, she suddenly declared that she wanted five consorts for starters. Everyone grew alarmed at this. Latil stated that she had every right to pursue a Consorts just like her predecessors had done. Why did her reign have to be any different from others?

While addressing the territory ofTarium, Latil gave different examples of when her predecessors had concubines that were popular in the territory. Well, that was true, but the point was that Latil was female, and as usual, it is seen as taboo for a female to have more than one romantic partner. Latil didn’t care about that in the slightest and insisted on starting a consort for herself.

Part 2: Hot Chapters of Men of The Harem

Chapter 1

Men ofThe Harem Latil

There is an introductory aspect of this chapter before it progresses to the main content of the chapter. In the first part of chapter one of the Harem Book, Latil was seen making a declaration. She had become the emperor and was declaring her intention to adorn herself with Consorts.

Of course, it was followed with grunts and hisses from a surprised crowd of delegates that were present, including ones who had in mind to hand their sons over to Latil for marriage. Mixed feelings of acceptance and disagreement filled the place as Latil made her declaration to start a Harem in the territory that was Tarium.

Chapter 2

Men ofThe Harem Hyacinth

The author takes us back to how it all started in the second chapter of Men’s The Harem Book. In this chapter, Latil was still just an Imperial Princess and had fallen in love with Hyacinth of arisen.

The chapter tells us about the excitement of finding love, and the expectations of Latin until she gets heartbroken by Hyacinth. Hyacinth becomes the emperor at Karisen, and instead ofhis to get married to Latil as planned, he jilts her and becomes engaged with another lady.

Part 3: Evaluate Men of The Harem

Men ofThe Harem Full Book

An exciting story from the very first page. The author did a great job of narrating the story. There is literally no dull moment in the book. I love books like this that go directly to the message without spending time trying to establish the setting of the book in the minds of readers.

What’s the book about? The author narrates it with little to no distractions that cause boredom. That is exactly Men of The Harem Book. A generous hundred percent would be the mark of this book because it is well deserved. Good job by the author.

Read the book – Harem Master now


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