Hot Chapters of Cavier Falcon Princess


The greed of the first king of the Kingdom of Roymonde cost him more than he could handle. The Kingdom of Roymonde fell in the Chewridge war. They were attacked, beaten, and brazen to ashes. In this war, the eighth Princess of the Kingdom of Roymonde was killed.

As hard as she fought, she didn’t deserve to die, but she died under the poisonous sting of an arrow, and that was how she reincarnated into a bird. A falcon to be precise. At least she was not a robin or one of those little birds that can do absolutely nothing. She was still pretty useful. Princess Zelleine woke up feeling very different. First of all, she saw that she was behind bars.

Gasping, she was wondering what prison she had ended up in, she wanted to clean her eyes to be sure that she was not dreaming but when she moved her hands, something else hit her.

Where were her arms? Princess Zelleine took a closer look and that was when she realized that she had feathers for arms, and in fact, she was standing on a small log of wood inside a bird cage. Eh? There was no exclamation that could buttress the fear, surprise, and astonishment that she felt.

Read the similar book: I Reincarnated As A Skeleton

Part 1: Main Story of Calvier Falcon Princess

Calvier Falcon Princess Manga

Nothing prepared Princess Zelleine for the reality that was in front of her. She was a bird. Why? of all things to be reincarnated into, a bird? Who did she wrong? She squeaked and gawked for help when she realized what had happened. Even if she were to accept the fact that she had been reincarnated into a bird, she was behind bars, she had been locked up.

By who? Or, by what? Where was she? Whose territory? Was she imprisoned in that cage by her allies or by her enemies? For every fact that she tried to accept her current circumstances, more reasons to be worried arose. Princess Zelleine, the Calvier Falcon Princess was in a frenzy and as a result, was shaking and tossing all around her cage so much so that she caught the attention of one of her keepers.

Getting close to her cage, she saw that she was still in a camp, as the person that came close to her was a soldier of her own Kingdom. She heaved a sigh of relief, at least, she was in a “‘safe” place. But she didn’t feel safe enough. She had a plan, she needed to escape, to be free.

At the slightest provocation, and as soon as the keeper came to check on her for squeaking and gawking as heavily as she was doing, the Cavalier Falcon Princess found the smallest chance to wriggle out of the cage and fly free into the sky.

If only the keeper had known that he was dealing with a human being that had reincarnated into a bird, he would not have bothered to be so apprehensive because as the Cavalier Falcon Princess was making her escape from the cage, if only the keeper had wings, he would have taken flight behind her. But away she went.

No, it got interesting for Princess Zelleine while flying because she didn’t even know how to stop. Before she knew what was happening, she had gotten into the camp of the commander-in-chief of the army of her faction, the one she died trying to protect.

His name was, Sir Lumares Valhayle. She tried to stop, but she could not, and the next thing she knew, she had thumped into the great commander-in-chief, who seized her at once.

He held Princess Zelleine in absurd ways, thinking that she was a killer bird that the opposition had sent to destroy him, unknown to him that she was the one and only Princess Valhayle. “‘Tie it up,” Sir Valhayle ordered, noticing that the bird came with a secret letter. But, how could it be so that a so-called messenger that had not been trained could show up to him with a secret letter?

There were so many questions that needed to be answered. Sending for the keeper in order to identify the bird properly, Sir Valhayle confirmed that indeed the bird was not an enemy bird and had been kept in their camp, but what was not clear enough was how the bird knew how to deliver a secret letter directly at him. Read the book to see what happened to Princess Zalliene as the Calvier Falcon Princess.

Part 2: Hot Chapters of Calvier Falcon Princess

Chapter 1

Calvier Falcon Princess Lumares Valhayle

The first chapters of any book are the most important, I know I have said this in one or two of my reviews in the past. You cannot skip the first chapter of any book and still follow the plot, but trust that you can skip other chapters in a book and still get a hang of the plot perfectly. So, in the first chapter ofCalvier Falcon Princess, the story of the Kingdom ofRoymonde is told.

The first king of the empire was full of greed, as the story narrates, although we are not directly told what sort of greedy instance he was involved in.

Following his greed, the kingdom fell in the Chewridge war. During the war, Princess Zelleine was active. So, I would love to ask a question here, do princesses fight in wars? Because I am wondering what Princess Zelleine was doing outside during the war. It was not as if she was hiding and then she was attacked by the enemy, no.

She was actively involved in the war, in the picture in the manga book, I saw her riding a horse very actively and even opting to save one of the soldiers of her camp, so, why was she outside fighting a war? Anyway, she fought, or at least she was on the war ground. Moreover, the first chapter of the book also states that if the entire Royal family were killed the bloodline would wash away, but if as much as one person from the Royal family survives, their bloodline would remain valid, so Princess Zelleine knew that she had to stay alive by all means, yet she was outside on war grounds during the war, why? We need to ask the author of this interesting book.

In this same chapter, she died and discovered that she had reincarnated into a bird.

Chapter 2

Calvier Falcon Princess Manhwa

In this chapter, Clavier Falcon Princess escaped from her cage and flew to freedom, but she was quickly captured again when she slammed into the body of the commander-in-chief 0f the Roymonde army because she didn’t know how to land.

This was her first time being a bird, and she didn’t know the features well enough to make a seamless landing so she revealed herself by slamming into the body of the commander-in-chief, Lumares Valhayle.

Part 3: Evaluate Calvier Falcon Princess

Calvier Falcon Princess Comic

Adventure-filled, the book carries its readers along at a decent pace. For crying out loud, it’s a manga book. Mangas are hardly boring, with all that facial expressions and comic drawings, they can do nearly no wrong. A decent job by the author deserves an outstanding ten out of ten score.

Read the similar book: I Reincarnated As A Skeleton


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