Read Her Tormentor Alpha by Liz Barnett Now


Alpha Hunter is an egotistical, womanizing, trouble-making, flirtatious alpha. He’s from a long line of alphas and his father was the present alpha of the pack. He had several girlfriends and it didn’t help that like every other alpha male, he was heartbreakingly handsome, tall, and lanky.

Other pretty well-to-do she-wolves of the school died for a second with him, and in turn, he changed she-wolves as he does with his pants.

Nevertheless, he had a girlfriend who would go to the ends of the earth to be with him.

She didn’t mind that he was a no-good boyfriend, didn’t mind that he was the easiest sex peddler in the school, didn’t mind that he had no respect whatsoever for her… Ashley didn’t mind anything Alpha Hunter did, so long as he remained hers at the end of the day. Even though she acted patient and unconditionally loving, Ashley went behind his back to harass any other woman she sees as a threat.

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Part 1: Storyline Of Her Tormentor Alpha

On the other hand, Aria was about to be eighteen. Her birthday was in fact, in two days’ time. Birthdays were special for the wolves of her tormentor alpha, it was the day unmated wolves found their various mates, and it was also the day wolves who hadn’t shifted before, finally shifted.

It was especially special because of this. Her parents were the Betas of the pack and they lived in the pack house… everyone lived in the pack house except the Alpha.

Aria had been friends with Alpha Hunter since she was fourteen, they’d done a lot of things together, and built a lot of memories. Even though Alpha Hunter was about two years older than Aria and two classes ahead of her, their friendship had blossomed successfully until Alpha Hunter shifted and became “wiser” as a result.

Her Tormentor Alpha Hunter

Yes, wiser, because then Arịa became too small to mingle with. He started acting as if she was the lowest personality anyone could want to be around. Their separation broke Aria, he was her only friend, he was her best friend. She had a few more friends when they were together, but they left her side immediately after Hunter left her. Her social was ruined and she became segregated a loner, and the most gossiped about in the school’s social circle.

It was a difficult time for her, as Alpha Hunter added bullying to his distancing of her. He began to seize every opportunity to either talk her down or beat her up and generally torment her.

In this manner, years flew by. Aria had nursed some sexy romantic feelings for Hunter during the years when all was well between them, but when everything went sour, such thoughts evaporated gradually until no hint of it was left.

Imagine her surprise when she came to school one morning, doing her basic best to see that she avoided her worst nightmare of an ex-friend, but was caught on the arm by him and dragged into an elevator.

That’s not even the problem, cos he’d been doing similar harassment in the past, the problem was when instead of beating the already weeping Aria, he began to place kisses on sensitive spots on her neck.

He told her how she was his and how he would kill anyone who came between them, how she was never getting away from him.

Ashley didn’t like the amount of time the two spent alone in the elevator. Her dream of becoming the Luna of the pack had always been threatened by the naive Aria.

She made sure to leave her a vivid warning with bruises and dislocations a few minutes later. Both Aria and Ashley have the same birth date, who would mate with Alpha Hunter?

Her Tormentor Alpha Aria

Part 2: Main Characters Of Her Tormentor Alpha

Aria, the protagonist of her tormentor alpha is an eighteen years old, high school shewolf. The daughter of the beta of her pack. Even though she was constantly tongue-tied around Alpha Hunter, she has a razor-sharp tongue that constantly brought tears to her rivals.

She was never looking for anybody’s trouble, but the she-wolves who were in desperate need of attention from Alpha Hunter, who saw her as a threat, were always trying to bring her low, especially in front of him.

Where it seemed she lacked confidence, where she showcased her strength and finally, she would find her wolf.

Part 3: Hot Chapters From Her Tormentor Alpha

Her Tormentor Alpha Chapter 5:

Aria was in class when she saw a pretty shewolf walk in with Alpha Hunter. She took a proper look at the dazzling girl and it happened to be her cousin – Samantha.

She was one of the wolves desperately eyeing the Luna position. Even though Aria had tried in many ways to hate Hunter back as much as she thought he hated her, deep down, she still had feelings for him.

Samantha sensed her disapproval and began to talk low at Aria. She fought back and in the process disobeyed Alpha Hunter. She was leaving school later when Hunter dragged her into an empty classroom.

Her Tormentor Alpha Chapter 6:

It was finally the day of Aria’s birthday. It was also Ashley’s birthday by default. Aria’s parents were so excited for her, they anticipated the person with who she would be mates. They bid her farewell as she left for school.

She knew deep inside her, from the way she felt that her mate was somewhere close. But in the midst of the excitement, there was foreboding. She didn’t understand until she saw who her mate was…

His scent led her to him. She was dazed for a second before she took steps in his direction. Excitement mixed with dread as she saw him lost in kissing Ashley.

Her Tormentor Alpha Ashley

Her tormentor alpha is just incredible and captivating. You’ll also love Enslaved By The Alpha


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