Fantasy Romance Book Review – The Whole World Seems To Be Falling For My Wife


“A famous singer, an award-winning actor, an heir of a rich family-so many excellent men were chasing after his fiancee, Maria. What should Anthony do?”

Finally, I bumped into a book with a unique storyline! Reading the blurb of The Whole World Seems To Be Falling For My Wife, left me honestly in awe.

Well, don’t get me wrong I’m a fan of a strong female lead, and this novel promises me that, aside from that, I’ve been an online reader for a long time and have read many stories of different genres, so I’m kind of bored with stories appearing to have a common storyline.

But The Whole World Seems To Be Falling For My Wife seems to be a lot different from the romance stories I read. And this excites me. Okay, so, let’s then find out if this book really delivers the curiosity it stirs in me.

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Part 1: What is The Whole World Seems To Be Falling For My Wife

The Whole World Seems To Be Falling For My Wife Fantasy Romance Story

The Whole World Seems To Be Falling For My Wife is a fantasy romance story that tells about Maria who took her sister’s place and married a disabled man, Anthony who lost his status as family heir.

At first, they were just a normal couple, however, things changed when things about Maria were gradually exposed. It turned out she was a professional hacker, a mysterious composer, and the sole successor to an international jade sculpting master.

The more that was revealed about her, the less Anthony could rest easy. A famous singer, an award-winning actor, an heir of a rich family-so many excellent men were chasing after his fiancee, Maria. What should Anthony do? The Whole World Seems To Be Falling For My Wife gives us a strong female lead and romance story with a touch of fantasy.

This is the novel’s strongest point which makes the story itself striking. So, if you see The Whole World Seems To Be Falling For My Wife along with other books on a shelf, this book has a kind of charm that would enchant you to pick it up. I guess the blurb was really effective. Well, let’s see other things about it if this book is really worth our time.

Part 2: The Plot of The Whole World Seems To Be Falling For My Wife

The Whole World Seems To Be Falling For My Wife Plot

Maria or Master M of The Whole World Seems To Be Falling For My Wife is the kind of girl you cannot just step on. Many tried to bully her, but she’s a fighter. She’s unaffected. She’s a con artist living with different identities but what is clear at the start of the story is that she’s a divine-level hacker.

She was adopted by the Jenkins family for the sole reason that she’ll be married to Anthony Wilson. The Jenkins couldn’t afford their real daughter to marry a disabled man who was cut off from his right to inheritance. So, in substitute, the Jenkins adopted Maria instead, and arranged her marriage, without them knowing who she really is.

On the other hand, Anthony, Maria’s fiance doesn’t have any idea too about her real identity, until one day he finds out that his fiancee is beyond ordinary.

The Whole World Seems To Be Falling For My Wife really has an intriguing and rich plot. We have been given much to be curious about including Maria herself.

The plot is loaded with cliffhangers not only about Maria’s mysterious identity, but her love relationship too with Anthony is thrilling plus her adopted family’s arrogance is effective enough to make the readers dislike them.

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Part 3: Main Characters of The Whole World Seems To Be Falling For My Wife

The Whole World Seems To Be Falling For My Wife Maria

Maria or Master M

Maria of The Whole World Seems To Be Falling For My Wife is not the kind of girl you would toss into marriage and boss around. She’s unlike those arranged marriage stories I read. I like her character here in The Whole World Seems To Be Falling For My Wife.

She’s strong. She can fight for herself. She’s a badass hacker and a secret daughter of a jade master. I like how Maria’s character was crafted to be different from the setup marriage I read. At last, I encountered a female lead who was strong from the start.

The Whole World Seems To Be Falling For My Wife Anthony


Anthony is the male lead of The Whole World Seems To Be Falling For My Wife. You won’t read much about him at the beginning of the chapters, but he seemed to have a miserable life after that accident that caused him to become paralyzed. Anthony’s character in The Whole World Seems To Be Falling For My Wife is a mystery to root for.

The Jenkins Family

They’re kind of weird here in The Whole World Seems To Be Falling For My Wife. But what is certain is that they’re prideful. They think of themselves as too high and they’re money hungry to the point that at first, they agree for their real daughter, Vivian to get married to Anthony but then decide to trick him after they learned that Anthony was no longer the heir of the Wilson Family.

They adopted Maria for their own benefit yet they didn’t take care of her. They treated her lowly plus their spoiled real daughter makes Maria’s life with them difficult.

Part 4: Review and Conclusion About The Whole World Seems To Be Falling For My Wife

 The Whole World Seems To Be Falling For My Wife Book Cover

The Whole World Seems To Be Falling For My Wife has an interesting female lead character. This is the plus point charm of the story. To add is the storyline concept wherein, unlike the arranged marriage I read, it’s usually the girl who’s head over heels in love with a guy, but it’s different here in The Whole World Seems To Be Falling With My Wife.

It’s the guy who’s more in love instead. And I like it. Another thing is, the character-building of Maria as being the real daughter of a jade master and an expert jade master herself was very interesting for me, to add her hacker identity too.

It’s a breath of fresh air to read stories where female leads aren’t easy to trample on, especially with the kind of world-building that this story has – a world of the rich bitches. All in all, I can say that The Whole World Seems To Be Falling For My Wife is a striking love story. This is the kind of book that will stand out in the sea of romantic stories.

Part 5: Recommending Similar Books To The Whole World Seems To Be Falling For My Wife

The Whole World Seems To Be Falling For My Wife Similar Book Ready For Flynn

Readers of The Whole World Seems To Be Falling For My Wife also read Ready For Flynn. I also love this novel for its uniqueness.

Ready For Flynn is a not-so-forbidden love story. It is a story of Flynn who swears not to fall in love with her best friend’s younger sister, but then one circumstance pushed them together unto the forbidden.

Flynn didn’t intend to bed her; he was there to protect her. However, lust and fate might occasionally draw in the forbidden. Their life changed after that, but the desire was still there even years later.

Flynn did not think twice to react when the present circumstances allow them to be together again. Could this be the second chance for their love? Or is it just another cry for help?

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At Dreame, Stevenson has always been a lover for all kinds of novels with unique appetite for the female characters and their storylines. Boasting the experience as a former editor cooperating with millions of best-seller authors, he knows the most important factors in a novel that attract a specific audience group. He now is devoted in the review of prevailing novels and movies from all sources, selects the best ones, and gives his thoughts to help more people to find their suitable novels or movies quickly.


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