Everything About I Am His Luna You Wanna Know


Only trash would continuously hurt a child, especially one with a disability. I want to hurt somebody because of what our protagonist has to deal with. Her life was hard enough with a disability and the absence of her birth parents. But, then they have to use her as a punching bag because somehow it’s her fault her mother died in childbirth (stupid people everywhere).

Everyone deserves happiness, except trash. I hope karma finds all those trash out there and finishes them off so kids like our protagonist don’t encounter them.

There’s a special place in hell for traitors, too: those girls who say they care, but turn around and stab their friends in the back for the sake of opportunities. Why is the world populated with beings carrying rotting hearts? It is too much, okay?!

They turned an Alpha into a slave. A SLAVE! It gets much worse because she is their best friend’s daughter. I mean, is decency a totally abstract concept now? Or maybe even empathy? These evil groups of people just pull out the anger in a person.

Fortunately, fate will not be cruel. The moon goddess has plans for our protagonist that surpass the trials she has been going through. They thought they were sending her off to be slaughtered, but instead, they made sure she was seen by the right person. Her mate isn’t anyone you can mess with. No, he’s the cold-blooded Alpha Enzo.

You will also enjoy Her Fate, His Luna by Gratisaya

Part 1: Plot Summary of I Am His Luna

The story follows Andrea. She is living pretty much awfully as she is relegated to being a slave even though she has the blood of an Alpha. She suffers hard treatment every day, at the whims of the family that is supposed to take care of her. Andrea has only one friend, her best friend, Melissa. She cares for Melissa and Melissa cares for her, or so she thought until one day, she heard the family conversing with each other about a marriage agreement with the Cold Moon Pack. They were reluctant to send their daughter, Melissa, to the Alpha who was rumored to be a cold-blooded killing beast.

They were afraid she would be slaughtered. So, they wished to send Andrea to him instead. Andrea clearly heard her so-called best friend give her up in a quick second.

Andrea pretends not to know as her friend showers her with gifts. She suddenly started to believe that her friend never sold her out and really did care for her. But, a hard truth hit her in the face when she came face to face with the man she was to marry.

He looked far from what his reputation said. The man was perfect and Melissa saw it, too. She does hesitate to shame Andrea in front of so many people, even the gifts she gave her, she used them as an instrument to devalue her. However, this man had set his eyes on Andrea and they were not going to stray toward an opportunistic bimbo. Why? Because he had found his mate.

Part 2: Main Characters of I Am His Luna


I Am His Luna: Andrea

She is a young woman who was born mute. She is the daughter of an Alpha but is made to live like a slave. Andrea is treated like garbage by the people who were supposedly her parent’s friends. She does everything a maid is supposed to, even though on paper she is given the status of a daughter.

They consider Andrea an eyesore and are displeased with nearly everything she does even when she completes her tasks perfectly. Andrea quietly lives life like this, never asking for anything and only able to say two words.

When she is told to marry the Alpha of the Cold Moon pack, Andrea is unwilling because of his reputation, nevertheless, she says nothing in the complaint. When they finally stand in front of each other, Andrea can smell something intoxicating. He doesn’t look at anyone else but her and says the word “mate”.

Alpha Enzo

He is the Alpha of the Cold Moon pack. He appears at the party to meet the bride he was promised and comes face to face with his mate. However, she is shoved to the back and called a slave. He watches her trip and fall.

Uncaring about the audience, he goes to help her, but instead, she runs away. The next time he meets her, he makes sure she never runs from him again. This Alpha with a bad reputation was a warm-hearted man with his mate, and he wasn’t going to let her go.

Part 3: Amazing Chapterfrom I Am His Luna

I Am His Luna ' Novel

Chapter Four

Melissa tightens the grip on Andrea’s wrist. Andrea is quick to catch the wicked expression on Melissa’s face. She suddenly pulls Andrea to her back, effectively hiding her from view. Enzo doesn’t look happy to see that. Michael goes to introduce his daughter, but she steps in to do so herself. Enzo smiles albeit awkwardly and then asks for Andrea to be introduced.

Rather than introduce Andrea as her sister or even her friend, Melissa introduces her as a slave (it is at this point that Melissa truly shows her true colors, the whore). Andrea is shocked. In fact, everyone is shocked. Melissa continues by taking credit for giving the slave her clothing and jewelry to wear for the night.

Unable to withstand the betrayal of the person she called a friend, Andrea begins to leave. However, she is hindered by her fall. The party guests all seemed to laugh at her misfortune. Andrea felt vulnerable at that moment.

Then Enzo appears beside her and asks if she is hurt. Andrea can’t even focus on that at all as he stands so close. All she suddenly wants is to pounce in him and have a taste if him. She’s able to shake her head in response, tamping down the urge she felt. He offers a hand to help her up and she wanted to take it, but thinking about Melissa, she instead gets up on her own and runs away from the scene.

When she returns to her duties, she’s confronted by Jesse. He uses force on her and doesn’t let her leave. His company for the night also decides to make things harder for Andrea. However, Enzo appears and the two are terrified like little mice.

If you love I Am His Luna, you will enjoy Her Fate, His Luna by Gratisaya.

You can read it here, on Dreame!


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