Darlin’ by E L Lewis | Book Review


Darlin’ by E L Lewis is a romantic fiction featuring the motorcycle gang leader’s love story with a glamorous girl who travels all the way to bring her brother back home.

Darlin’ is one of the best fiction if you love a good enemies-to-lovers trope with a sassy aks kick-ass heroine and strong male lead. The story follows Savannah who goes on to find her missing brother but only finds herself in the middle of Hawk ridge around the sexy vice president of the SoCal chapter Jesse Paxton.

Darlin should be on your top reading list for every romance reader.

Part 1: Storyline of Darlin’

Darlin' Storyline

Darlin’ by E L Lewis is a Romance fiction that revolves around the young high-spirited girl Savannah Jean Kingsley, hailing from a rich and well-settled family.

Her father John Kingsley is running his campaign for elections and her mother Caroline Kingsley is constantly asking Savannah about her eating habits and appearance as Savannah is about to compete in the beauty pageant.

Ever since Savannah was a little girl, all her mother spoke about was the pageant. Now her mother is making sure Savannah is ready to be crowned as she constantly judges her daughter and her sassy mouth.

When Savannah hears from Dylan Moore, she knows the call is about beau her brother who is missing for the last three years.

Dylan informs Savannah that her brother is alive and the headshots and fingerprints match the headshot they have got. Savannah is confused and thinks that Dylan has got the wrong person.

Because Savannah’s brother was the varsity captain, the kid who had never been to California.

darlin the walking dead

Now her brother is in California and a part of sons of sorrows who is known as the biker gang out of Hawk ridge. Not only that but three weeks ago he has gotten into a bar fight hence the mugshots.

Upon confirmation that Dylan has got the right person.

Darlin’ romance novel continues with Savannah lying to her mother saying that she got a call from Beau, the son who left the family on graduation eve when he was just seventeen years old. Her mother makes it a point to say that her brother no longer exists as a part of their family when he chooses by betraying the family by leaving.

Even with her mother’s disapproval Savannah informs her father saying she heard from her brother and she wants to go meet him.

But her parents deny saying she would keep quiet till the elections are over and her brother is an adult who chose to make his bed by leaving the family.

Darlin' plotline

However, Savannah holds her ground saying she will go meet her brother. Beau and Savannah were like two best friends for seventeen years and she feels like she owes him this. And she wants to bring her brother back, back from the biker gang.

And she is all alone in her decision as her parents cut her off financially if she doesn’t listen to them.

Darlin’ continues further with Savannah reaching California in hopes to find her brother’s beau. But upon arrival, she learns that her brother is now called Radley king and he’s at the clubhouse.

Darlin' best read

Determined to get her unwilling brother back home Savannah takes it upon herself to leave the sweet comfort of her home and now find her way through the notorious biker gang.

But in attempts of finding and convincing her brother back home, Savannah meets Jesse Paxton, the vice president of the biker gang

Jesse Paxton is the vice president of the SoCal chapter. All he had ever known is his bike, his gang who he calls brothers, and his bar. But when he comes face to face with Savannah the sweet princess of the Kingsley family, his life turns upside down.

What happens when Savannah’s life gets even more complicated with Jesse Paxton’s arrival in her life and the handsome DEA agent breathing down her breath in the story Darlin’

Darlin’ is a thrilling read with the sassy heroine and the brooding gang leader.

Check out the story to know more about Savannah and Jesse.

Part 2: Characters of Darlin’

Darlin' characters

Darlin’ is a fiction featuring a few interesting and charismatic characters that will pave their way into the book lover’s hearts. This romantic comedy novel holds some strong personalities who aren’t afraid to chase life and fight the odds to find their happily ever after.

Darlin’ novel revolves around Savannah Kingsley who hails from a family of politicians. Her father is currently running for the elections and her mother is prepping her to win the beauty pageant which has been the only thing her family cares about.

This glamour queen is sassy with her big mouth and doesn’t give a damn about attitude. She’s not shy to express her thoughts and stop herself from speaking her mind out.

She’s not afraid and she is confident in the way she leads her life. When she finally finds her brother who is in California, and part of a biker gang Savannah is ready to risk it all to bring her baby brother and best friend back home.

Even when her parents oppose her choice, Savannah isn’t afraid to be cut off by her parents as she chooses to do the right thing by going to meet her family.

Darlin' fiction online

Darlin’ story features Jesse Paxton as the male lead who is the vice president of the SoCal chapter. While his life Jesse has only known about his bike, his brothers, and the bars he owns.

He’s a typical gangster from the hood, with that rough attitude and domineering personality without shying away from the fight.

When Jesse meets Savannah, the girl from the city looking for her brother he can’t shy away from the feelings.

The gangster is finally going to taste the love and what it feels like to find a woman who is going to turn your life around.

Darlin’ by E L Lewis holds the characters so close to reality that the readers find it so easy to connect and cheer for their favorite characters. Savannah is a free bird and Jesse is the typical gangster. These opposite attracts make an epic love story like never before.

Part 3: Read Darlin’ Now

Darlin' romance novel

Darlin’ is a romantic fiction that’s featured against the backdrop of the gangsters’ love story with the beauty pageant girl who has only known the comforts of her rich family.

Darlin’ revolves around Savannah Kingsley who hails from the Kingsley family currently running in the elections. She is all set to participate in the beauty pageant and all her parents care about is that.

When Savannah learns that her brother Beau who had gone missing for the past three years is finally been located in California, she wants to go bring him back.

Her brother who left at the age of seventeen at her parents’ disapproval is now part of the sons of a sorrows biker gang which is notorious and dangerous. With a new name to add to his identity, Beau isn’t willing to come back.

But setting her mind to get her brother back Savannah comes to California. That’s where she meets the Vice president of the SoCal chapter, Jesse Paxton and her life will never be simple again.

Darlin' Fiction

With the hot DEA breathing down, it’s going to get complicated for Savannah

Can she go back to her normal life after this whirlwind trip?

Darlin’ is a terrific rom-com novel and what’s there not to love about the sexy and hot gangsters who hold their swag?

E L Lewis in her story Darlin’definitely sets the bar for romance on a very high level, with her Characters holding the sassy, dominant attitude in this slow-burn romance that’s currently trending among Romance lovers. This is the go-to love story is a definite and must-read.

The storyline is unique with plot twists that add to the love story like never before and makes it one memorable read.

Do check out the story if you love a good biker gang love story trope with the glamourous girl.


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