Redefining Beauty: Dangerous Temptation-Kissed by the Panthers


Dangerous Temptation-Kissed by the Panthers starts off in a very dark tone which is consistent throughout most of this novel. We have Evelyn Taylor’s perspective, who speaks to a receptionist in order to get her key. The receptionist gives her a suspicious look, probably because the key she took was designated for room number 13, a cursed number that hotels don’t usually give out.

It was an unlucky number for sure, though that was pretty much Evelyn’s life as a whole so she accepted it. While walking by her room after an elevator ride, Evelyn notices a man ‘checking her out.’

This is a revolting experience for any woman, and the realism that was felt in this scene by Evelyn’s reaction really formulated a relationship with the reader. Evelyn found it beyond frustrating, she wanted to rip her own skin out despite appreciating such looks on her body at an early age.

She screamed out at the door in agony, commanding it to open. The man, slightly confused, opens it for her with her key. He was fairly handsome. The man asks if she was okay, Evelyn was barely able to reply and pretty much slammed her door shut while breathing heavily.

Here, we get some background to Evelyn’s character. Tragic, nothing more than that. Her mother was a heroin addict who, after hospitalization, promised to quit. Though, as with a lot of other heroin addicts, she never quit. Evelyn had to forget about her education and was harassed because of this. Evelyn captures the reader’s sympathy perfectly in this scene, who wouldn’t feel bad for someone who’s had it this low for their entire life? On top of all her shortcomings, she was financially unstable and constantly looking for jobs to make ends meet.

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Part 1: Introducing the Author: The Panthers

Introducing the Panthers

Following Evelyn’s character introduction, we get a peek into the life of the shifters that change Evelyn’s life as we know it. The man who helped Evelyn out initially was Anthony, and he had an irresistible urge to help her out in any way possible. Something about her was so attractive to Anthony that he had no words.

He demanded for the receptionist let her stay for as long as she wants without any payment. He goes back home to his brothers, with his older-brother figure shouting at him asking where he was.

Victor, his other brother, was also introduced to us as someone who lost his lover and was left with three kids as a result.

All three of these brothers were attracted to Evelyn’s scent in an inexplicable fashion and this was essentially the root of, well, the rest of the intense moments of the series.

Part 2: Main Theme of Dangerous Temptation-Kissed

The novel does portray itself as one pertinent to werewolves, though the author never wanted it to be the main selling point. Rather, the dark tones of the series paired with an odd sense of romance really define this novel.

Speaking of dark tones, this novel is REALLY dark. So dark, in fact, that the author put numerous disclaimers prior to the novel even beginning and this broody nature is evident throughout the novel. Evelyn’s a victim of this dark tone and mercy is a very rare concept in this series.

The language, the tone, the scenes all portray themselves as nothing intended for a younger audience. Even more mature audiences might get a little disturbed, at least.

Romance in this case is done in a slightly… different way. The concept of having multiple mates that are each very dominant in a relationship with you can never go as intended which results in scenes that are downright remarked as harassment and submission to said harassment.

While this may scare off a few readers, I was literally smirking throughout all of it. That may be concerning, though our community is unique, so to speak.

This novel is STEAMY beyond imagination. The erotic scenes are masterfully created and have some elements of emotional presence to them. Never would I have thought that a werewolf novel could make me feel emotional during erotic scenes. The author utilized the concept of rape in, let’s just say, a unique manner.

Part 3: To be Dark or Not to be Dark

To be Dark or Not to be Dark

The comedically dark tones of this novel definitely define it alongside its realism. However, you can notice that a few things get out of hand in order to bring justice to what the series built its character off of.

Cussing and swearing in general are used in a slightly excessive manner just for the sake of it. They do fit in most places, though at times they bring down the quality of the scene at hand because there were probably much better ways to bring the scene to life.

Part 4: Conclusive Remarks

Dangerous Temptation-Kissed by the Panthers is a unique adventure. It is beautiful in a very weird way since nothing about the story is especially wholesome in that way.

People like me who are just satirical about everything and laugh at the saddest scenes enjoy this novel, and saner people do as well. Dangerous Temptation-Kissed by the Panthers is pretty much an internal conflict. Reading it have you questioning whether or not you should read more if it would get weirder than it already is. The answer is that it does, though that’s not a bad thing.

Reading this novel offers you fun, a level of thrill, a level of sympathy, and a level of dopamine that matches with no other. Definitely go give this a read.

Her Triplet Alphas is a similar novel with multiple love interests as well, go give that a shot too!

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