Charming Lady Hard To Chase After Being Dumped


Just awesome. These jerks really showed the monsters they could be to someone weaker. They had no problem putting her down and using her for their personal gains. All because she seemed so helpless and common. Well, she won’t have to stress herself when putting them in their place. They don’t even know what she looks like. And, now she suddenly came back looking different from the helpless person they could trample on. This type of karmic retribution is what it is all about. Honestly, it was the audacity to ask her to sign her company over.

The evil bastards seriously had no shame when they gave her the share transfer agreement. For reals, I wonder how she didn’t immediately start slapping bitches left, right, back, and front. Her father has got to be the worse of them all.

He’s just a plain, opportunistic degenerate. I absolutely love what her mother made her do. It was clear the woman saw through everything before she passed. She knew her daughter would need to hit them where they least expect it.

The part that will really get you though, is the fact that she lost her son because of these nonsense human beings. But, our girl is going to get him back. But, who would have thought that the boy was right under her nose? This is the problem with twins.

Charming Lady Hard To Chase After Being Dumped is too good.

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Part 1: Plot Summary of Charming Lady Hard To Chase After Being Dumped

Charming Lady Hard To Chase After Being Dumped, Read Now!

The story follows Nora. She was bullied, antagonized, and suppressed by the people that were supposed to be her family. There’s always this stigma for being plus size, and Nora experienced it so vividly. They had no problem insulting her to her face because she never responded.

They had no problem beating on her because she would never fight back. They were bold enough to treat her like a complete fool to be used because she remained submissive and docile. However, she made sure to struggle to keep her children when they wanted to take them away.

Nora fought even though she had just been through labor. Unfortunately, she was only able to save one of them. Afterward, she left the country with the help of her Aunt. She survived and lived away from that place with her daughter. But, she had to return. Her son was meant to be with his mother. She was prepared for anyone who wanted to pose an obstacle.

With her return, the one she was trying to hide from might be able to get to her after all. But, Nora was ready to take the risk. It didn’t matter that Justin Hunt was looking for her, she was going to do as she made up her mind to. But, never did she expect that the child she was looking for would be with the man she was hiding from.

Part 2: Main Characters of Charming Lady Hard To Chase After Being Dumped

Nora Smith

Charming Lady Hard To Chase After Being Dumped: Nora

She was a girl who got pregnant at a young age. She has no recollection of when she had ever been intimate with a man, but here she was with a child. Nora has been through so much since the passing of her mother. Nora was trampled on by the smith family.

She was derogated because of her weight and size. They disregarded her and then wanted to take her possession from her. It was her mother’s legacy, something that was rightfully hers. It was to them, merely an opportunity to climb up the social ladder.

They were prepared to throw her aside like a piece of discarded trash when they finally got what they wanted; her mother’s company. Nora endured, even when her son was taken from her. Now that she has returned, how will she get her son back?

Justin Hunt

He is a handsome and wealthy man from the most reputable family in the city. He finds himself looking for Dr. Anti, a famed surgeon. Justin doesn’t spare his efforts in looking for this person.

But, suddenly there’s a woman next door who keeps luring his son out of the suite. He can’t be sure of her motive at all. Nevertheless, she is someone intriguing. What will he do when he finds out that she is the mother of his son and also the famous Dr. Anti?

Part 3: Amazing Chapter from Charming Lady Hard To Chase After Being Dumped

Chapter Eight

Justin finds his Pete but doesn’t even get the chance to scold the child before the most unexpected thing happens. He watches the child cry heavily in his arms and he can’t help his surprise. Why did the child seem relieved and surprised that his father had shown up? The child was acting strange, unlike the aloof and stubborn kid he usually was.

Justin’s anger seemed to wash away quickly and he comforted the crying child. He had no idea that the child he thought was the boy, Pete, was actually a girl. Cherry was feeling so happy that she now had a father. Cherry had no plans to let the man disappear again.

When Cherry pointed at her Mommy, Justin only became angry. He noticed the same woman who was apparently trying to seduce him.

She had brought his son downstairs for pizza, once again trying to use his child to get to him. He made sure to warn his son off of strange women, especially the ones who were beautiful. Cherry just frowned.

On the opposite side of the room, Nora was looking at the child she thought to be her daughter. She couldn’t understand why the child seemed to be different. Cherry suddenly became a meticulous eater and Nora didn’t understand.

Not to mention, the child kept eating like there was a pit that needed filling in her stomach. The child suddenly went to get more food. But, then she came back, ready to go. Cherry had sneaked back to her mother’s side.

When Pete came back, the person he found wasn’t his mother, it was the tyrant of a father. And, the man was acting strange?

If you love this amazing book, you’ll enjoy The Mafia’s Triplets Book Three, On Dreame!

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At Dreame, Stevenson has always been a lover for all kinds of novels with unique appetite for the female characters and their storylines. Boasting the experience as a former editor cooperating with millions of best-seller authors, he knows the most important factors in a novel that attract a specific audience group. He now is devoted in the review of prevailing novels and movies from all sources, selects the best ones, and gives his thoughts to help more people to find their suitable novels or movies quickly.


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