Book Review: Stunning Skills Of Training Dragon


Xuan was a lower-branch disciple of the Jiang group. He was ridiculed among his peers. He’d in fact migrated to the Jiang group accompanied by his only sister and his girlfriend – Xu.

Xu left him after they arrived and chose to date one of the higher members of the group. She was very beautiful and she miscalculated action brought even more ridicule to Xuan.

Fate dealt it that Xuan’s sister suffered from a certain unique illness that plagued their society.

This illness left her body really cold and freezing, and it was Xuan’s duty to take care of his sister since their parents left them without a race many years before. If he didn’t take care of her, she was going to be found frozen and dead.

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Part 1: Storyline of Stunning Skills of Training Dragon

This and the fact that Xuan hoped to find their long lost parents, and the fact he needed to be rich enough to be able to afford a certain elixir that would permanently cloak his sister against cold were Xuan’s driving force.

He’d heard that his parents were last seen within an ancient sect, a sect that no lower being can access. If he was ever going to be able to break his boundaries and meet his parents face to face again, to ask the questions that bothered his teenage years, then he needed to rise quickly.

stunning skills of training dragon xuan meditating

He had no spiritual Qi and was yet to achieve the first level of the pulse-opening realm. Therefore, he worked hard, and pushed himself harder and harder. He preferred to train alone in the bamboo forest and was rounding up from doing so one evening when he was accosted by higher-ranking members of the Jiang group.

After a load of laughter and ridiculing, Mo – another loser and low member of the group, who was on level three of the pulse-opening realm, challenged him to a fight feeling giddy.

Xuan and the bystanders knew he had to chance against Mo since he had yet to cultivate a spiritual Qi, and also yet to rise to the first level of the pulse-opening realm.

Mo at level three would crush him. He decided to set a date for a fight after accepting the challenge. The fight was set for three days time. Xuan ran from the scene and was venting his anger by punishing a tree when he was struck on the head by fiery thunder.

He woke up in a magical star world where he met the divine dragon who’d been ambushed and wrongfully murdered in a past life. This dragon wanted to bless Xuan by possessing him and giving him all his powers, which weren’t much cos he’d died at a young age. In exchange, he wanted help for his people.

When he woke up from this life-changing trance, his story changed. His destiny was aflame, his levels and cultivation rapidly rising, his body glowing and no one could stand his way; especially not in the lowly Jiang group.

An unstoppable force has risen in the least expected of places. What would become of Mo who had unfortunately allowed this pride to make him challenge Xuan? How about his ex Xu?

stunning skills of training dragon xu

Part 2: Main Characters of Stunning Skills of Training Dragon

Xuan, the protagonist of the stunning skills training dragon, is a teenage boy of about seventeen. Even though most people who lived in his time were already strong and radiating power at this age, Xuan was yet to bloom in this manner. For this, he was ridiculed among his peers, as a nobody, and a loser.

Xuan was affectionate, he was constantly searching the forest for the very rare herb used in preparing an elixir for his sister’s treatment. He didn’t relent in this duty, in fact, it was a driving force.

He was prepared to face death in other to be able to raise the money with which he could buy her a permanent cure. He patented his little sister since their parents left them.

Part 3: Hot Chapters from Stunning Skills of Training Dragon

Stunning Skills Of Training Dragon chapter 2:

Xuan has just been challenged by the third level Mo, with the support of other members of the Jiang group. They’d increased their mockery of him after he accepted the challenge, and had laughed at him.

He ran further into the forest where he’d gone only for the sole purpose of finding herbs. He had been infuriated and was hitting on a tree when the fiery lightning struck him.

He was on his way to the library to learn about his newly acquired abilities and capabilities the next day when Mo accosted him. The training was on his way to the library and he was crossing it when it happened. Mo had refused to wait for the three days they’d agreed on out of pride.

stunning skills of training dragon mo's defeat

Stunning Skills Of Training Dragon chapter 5:

Xuan was now able to defeat demon beasts and was trail-blazing when the Demon lion king roared from somewhere within the forest.

He was not on level six of the pulse opening realm, the lion king was a level seven demon but he knew that by combining all his precious cultivation and Qis, plus his level in the pulse opening realm, he could kill it and boost himself more.

He watched as other higher members tried to fight it and failed. He went in and killed the beast. The lady who had stood and tried fighting the lion was very pretty and a higher member of the group. She would pick interest in Xuan. Who was she?

Part 4: Evaluate Stunning Skills of Training Dragon

stunning skills of training dragon is a great action novel, very fast-paced, with zero sex scenes, and yet interesting. I believe this is why it is so interesting.

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