Book Review: Dragon Bound by Thea Harrison


Dragon Bound by Thea Harrison is a supernatural alternate world style book about the chemistry between half-human and half-way, Pia Giovanni and Cuelebre Dragos, arguably the most powerful way of the elder race.

In a world full of supernatural creatures (such as wars, demons, elves, gargoyles, trolls, gnomes, etc), where the elder races have demesnes

overlapping the human state, and country borders, Pia Giovanni, a half-human and half-war finds herself in a dirty political power struggle after being blackmailed by her ex-boyfriend into stealing from the most powerful warrior in the elder race.

Pia used to live by her mom’s principles, always being on guard and keeping her true identity a secret until her mom died. She’d gotten attracted to Keith partly because of his wits, looks, and charm, and partly because she felt an ache to bare her soul to someone. She’d spilled her secrets to him.

This was a very costly mistake and she didn’t realize it until Keith began to blackmail her about it.

Knee deep in debt, Keith had met with some associates’ as he called them who were willing to pay him and clear his debts if he could get into Cuelebre’s hold and still something that belonged to him.

Cuelebre was arguably the most powerful way of the elder race and everyone knew better than to mess with him. But Keith being desperate and a greedy sack of dirt, agreed to do the job.

Knowing what Pia, his ex-girlfriend was, and believing she was up to the task, he blackmailed her into doing the job for him. He’d given her a talisman from his associates that helped her bypass Cuelebre’s security so she could steal anything from his hold.

It didn’t matter what she took, so long as it just belonged to him.

Seething that she’d disappointed her mom and let her guard down, Pia still managed to steal just a penny’ from Cuelebre’s coin collection, not after replacing it with one of her own and an apology note with the hope that he wouldn’t be too upset.

She’d handed Keith the penny after making him swear not to blackmail her again and then left town because she didn’t want to be caught up in the power struggle play she could sense brewing between Keith’s associates and Cuelebre. And also because she was avoiding Cuelebre’s wrath.

Cuelebre Dragos was indeed very angry when he found out someone had invaded his hold.

He was so enraged that he’d blanketed New York’s sky with just his sheer size, as he circled in patterned sweeps in search of this thief that dared to bypass his security and enter his hold a crime that had never happened before.

Pia might’ve left town a while ago but it didn’t stop Dragos from engaging in a thorough investigation that soon gave him a lead on her identity and her whereabouts. He was going to find her.

Also Read: Surrendering To the Dragon

Part 1: Main Characters of Dragon Bound

Pia Giovanni

 Dragon Bound Thea Harrison Pia Giovanni

Pia Giovanni is a twenty-five years old half human half way girl who works for Quentine, a tall handsome blonde half human, probably half-elf man with deep blue eyes, who owns Elfie’s bar an establishment that served loyal clientele mixed breeds from all three races.

Before she met Quentine at the age of twenty-one, Pia used to stay with her mom who raised her to never be too attached to people, places, or things due to what she was.

She was trained to run at a moment’s notice. Her mom had even gone as far as keeping stashes of cash and different identities for them in a half dozen places throughout the city.

By the age of six, Pia had been trained by her mom to memorize public transportation routes, lock combinations, and safety deposit numbers for all locations.

Hell, she’d even been thought martial art for self-defense, but she’d let her guard down around her now, ex-boyfriend, Keith. A mistake she regretted sorely.

Cuelebre Dragos

 Dragon Bound Cuelebre Dragos

Rumored to be as old as the earth itself, there used to be a time when Dragos used to be a feral beast intent on chaos, destruction, and the need to hunt, kill and feed on raw flesh and blood.

But with time he began to evolve and pick note of delicate emotions and languages as he studied the emergence of older races (working, elves, light fae, and dark fae). These new creatures had named him Dragua (meaning evil, monster, great beast) because they feared him.

And then came the humans fragile, weak with a short life span yet they still thrived. Intrigued, this caused him to learn to shapeshift so he could walk among them.

He learned from them: history, mathematics, philosophy, astronomy, alchemy, magic, and modern science, while also collecting the finest collection of their treasures and books which he saved in his hold. These treasures were precious to him.

Dragos did not realize this immediately but gradually he had evolved from a feral beast to an aristocratic intellectual person. of course, different cultures of humankind had their own name for his massive winged serpentine alter ego which they called Ryu, wyvern, naga, or Dragos.

Universally acknowledged as the oldest power in the elder race, and recognized as the iron-fisted ruler of the New York working demesne, Dragos owns Cuelebre Enterprises, a conglomerate (parent company) of his vast network of businesses including banks, casinos, hotels, resorts, stock trading, shipping, and international risk assessment or private army for hire.

In his human form, Dragos is a massive six-foot-eight dark-haired male with dark bronze skin and gold raptor’s eyes.

Part 2: Hot Chapters from Dragon Bound

Chapter two

 Dragon Bound Chapter Two

After losing her mom at the age of nineteen, Pia Giovanni had come to work at Elfie’s bar at the age of twenty-one. This was how she first met her boss Quentine. And four years later they were still tight.

Even as they were close they respected each other’s privacy and boundaries, refusing to speak on their past which they believed was best left as it was, or pry into each other’s business.

They did not say it but they both knew they weren’t just ordinary humans as they presented themselves to be in public. However, Pia suspected he could be a half-human half-elf.

It was because of the closeness they shared that had made Pia go against her will and come to Elfie’s bar to say her last goodbye, but instead, Quentine coaxed her into letting him help her.

Part 3: Conclusion of Dragon Bound

Dragon Bound by Thea Harrison is a book about Pia Giovanni and the oldest power of the elder race Cuelebre Dragos, set in a contemporary alternate world where elves, faes (both light and dark), and working are real. It is a very interesting book with an engaging plot.

Also Read: Surrendering To the Dragon


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