Blood Legacy: New World Of Doom | Free Chapters Online


Blood Legacy: New World Of Doom follows a story about a genius schoolboy in his 14-15 years old named Ikaris who survives his prisoner life. His other prisoner friends are killed in front of his eyes, and Ikaris as the only survivor in that prison is immediately transferred to a new realm called The Forsaken Lands.

The Forsaken Lands in Blood Legacy: New World Of Doom is a fantasy realm where the beings can use magic as much as they’d wish to. Imagination seems to be their only limit if they are not aware of what aspects of their bodies are weak. Ikaris is still new to this realm; hence, he asks one of the Elders, Grandma Gralla, many questions about The Forsaken Lands.

In addition, Ikaris also wishes to learn magic skills despite knowing the life-versus-death risks.

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As Ikaris learns magic with other supporting characters in Blood Legacy: New World Of Doom, he also learns more about the Divine Sparks within him. Anyway, the Divine Sparks in the Blood Legacy: New World Of Doom novel is one of the magical components that permit the users to access their skill levels and control their appearances.

Now that Ikaris has learned several basic-level spells, how will his adventure turn out to be in the Blood Legacy: New World Of Doom book?

Part 1: The Author Of Blood Legacy: New World Of Doom

Blood Legacy: New World Of Doom by Arkinslize

Arkinslize is the username of the author of Blood Legacy: New World Of Doom. When we look at his profile picture and check the book lists that he has authored, we know that Blood Legacy: New World Of Doom is one of the highlighted novels by Arkinslize.

First of all, the author uses the main character visualization in the Blood Legacy: New World Of Doom novel as the profile picture, at times of this published article. Second, the Blood Legacy: New World Of Doom book itself is the recently-updated book among two books from the same author.

As the updated book, it’s no wonder that we see many replies from Arkinslize as the author of this novel.

On the other hand, it’s surprising to know that Blood Legacy: New World Of Doom is one of the most well-written novels that I’ve read. Here, I’m not only speaking about the grammar that makes me think that the author comes from an English-speaking country (while Arkinslize is French).

Instead, Blood Legacy: New World Of Doom is a novel full of philosophical teachings that we can also apply in real-life settings.

Part 2: Free Chapters Online Of Blood Legacy: New World Of Doom

Blood Legacy: New World Of Doom Chapter 5

Blood Legacy: New World Of Doom Chapter 5

“Monstrous Talent” is the title of Chapter 5 of Blood Legacy: New World Of Doom. The title of this chapter refers to Ikaris’ unbelievable ability in connecting with the Divine Sparks within him, to a point that Malia, his first ally in The Forsaken Lands, wants to prove the truth.

No wonder Ikaris is still determined to learn magic from Grandma Grallu!

In this chapter, we don’t only read about other characters who feel surprised in witnessing Ikaris’ geniuses controlling the Sparks; instead, we also get to know another character who is willing to learn magic from the same teacher, and that female character is Ellie, one of the prisoner girls that Ikaris knew in the past.

Blood Legacy: New World Of Doom Chapter 14

Blood Legacy: New World Of Doom Chapter 14

Chapter 14 of Blood Legacy: New World Of Doom has the title of “Lvl 2 Spell”. When I read the title of this chapter, I expect Ikaris would receive new spells apart from the offensive Black Veil spells that he has used continuously in the previous chapters of Blood Legacy: New World Of Doom.

My prediction is not entirely wrong nor it is entirely true, anyways – this chapter lets me know that the Lvl 2 Spell that the author means is the ability to merge with the System. In other words, the System now has become a part of Ikarus’ body, allowing him to deal deadlier damages with his existing Lvl 1 offensive spells.

Blood Legacy: New World Of Doom Chapter 32

Blood Legacy: New World Of Doom Chapter 32

We know this chapter of Blood Legacy: New World Of Doom will involve lots of battle scenes when we see the title of this chapter, which is, “Ikaris vs Glenridge”.

Anyways, the Glenrings that we know in Chapter 32 are different from the Crawlings in the previous chapters, in ways that they are less intelligent and more aggressive than the Crawlings. In other words, the Crawlings are like humans to the Glenrings’ chimpanzee.

Even though Ikaris’ Stealth ability has leveled up to Lvl 2 in this chapter, I feel worried about knowing that he has to face more than one experienced and physically-strong Glenrings with his deprecated stamina levels. I’m wondering how will Ikaris manage to win from the Gleanings.

Blood Legacy: New World Of Doom Chapter 34

Blood Legacy: New World Of Doom Chapter 34

I thought Arkinslize as the author of Blood Legacy: New World Of Doom wants to disclose Malia’s forgiveness for things related to the Crawlings and Glenrings when I read the chapter’s title (“I Want To Apologize”).

My prediction turned out to be partially correct about the Crawlings – however, it was not Malia seeking forgiveness from Ikaris. Instead, it was Grallu who wishes to apologize to the Crawlings. Anyways, let’s see how Ikaris will react in the next chapters.

Part 3: Alternative To Blood Legacy: New World Of Doom

Similar to Blood Legacy: New World Of Doom

Blood Legacy: New World Of Doom isn’t just another fantasy genre novel. Instead, it is about the main character who goes from zero to hero. It also involves three elements, just like the trinity elements we see in psychological aspects and many video game settings. Talking about “the trinity” and “from zero to hero”, Dreame also has The Supreme Cell, with the main character who shares the same patterns of adventure.

Bill, the main male character of Dreame’s The Supreme Cell, starts his life as a Common-ranked xeno-creature in the Divine Gladiatorium realm. As a Common xeno-creature, all Bill can do is kill other Common creatures, but not do something to the most renowned “Boss Monster” in the realm, the Asura Hellborn, who turns out to be his archenemy.

At least, Bill can’t do these things until he levels up his three Cell aspects.

Summary of The Supreme Cell:

The author of The Supreme Cell opens up this Dreame novel’s stories by telling us about Bill, a Common-ranked xeno-creature with all zeros in the Cell stats. When I read the three different Cells in The Supreme Cell and try to find similarities with the Blood Legacy: New World Of Doom, I see the Overgod Cell as the most similar Cell to the Divine Sparks.

As a Common-ranked xeno-creature, Bill can only kill fellow Common creatures. In other words, he has no hope of surviving the attacks from the higher-ranked creatures. No wonder Bill’s fiance’s family members are about to ditch him because they see Bill never grows to be a stronger being.

However, later on, as we read the novel’s chapters, we know that their predictions are so wrong. Bill can surprise other creatures by defeating his much higher-ranked archenemy, the Asura Hellborn. He also defeats several other beings, in which he continually improves his stats, just like the characters in the Blood Legacy: New World Of Doom book.

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At Dreame, Stevenson has always been a lover for all kinds of novels with unique appetite for the female characters and their storylines. Boasting the experience as a former editor cooperating with millions of best-seller authors, he knows the most important factors in a novel that attract a specific audience group. He now is devoted in the review of prevailing novels and movies from all sources, selects the best ones, and gives his thoughts to help more people to find their suitable novels or movies quickly.


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