Best Sports Novel: Carrie Soto Is Back


Carrie Soto is no ordinary character. She is stubborn and hard-working and she knows exactly what she wants. She spent her entire life training and playing tennis and, when she retired, she was still at the top of the ranking board.

I like how determined she can be when setting a goal. She endures months and months of heavy training sessions to get back in the game. She acts like she is ready to battle at any given time.

With no fear of failure, with her father as coach and working out with Bowe Huntley, Carrie Soto will make a terrific comeback and prove to the world that she is a true tennis player, maintaining her world record untouched until the very end.

Among all training sessions and tennis matches on different world-famous tennis courts, Carrie and Bowe will also develop a romantic relationship, truly heated. So, you get a mix of everything you need to enjoy a wonderful book.

There is fiction, sports performance, romance development, and amazing characters. There is the devoted father, the hard-working daughter, and the side-kick slash love interest help.

If you enjoy sports novels and romance, you should also read The Basketball Players Game. It’s just as entertaining and well-constructed and you can find it right here.

Click to Read The Basketball Players Game Here

Part 1: The Main Story of Carrie Soto Is Back

Carrie Soto Is Back Tennis

The novel begins with Chan vs Cortez, one of the most expected tennis matches in history. Chan is expected to break a world record during the game. As Carrie Soto watches the match from the stands, her father, Javier warns her to keep a composed facial expression, as all cameras are also watching their reactions.

Deep down, Carrie wishes for Cortez to stop Chan from winning today. The girl moves well on the tennis court, but she knows that Chan always saves her power for the third set.

The woman’s father, although visibly weakened from the chemotherapy he endured for the past few months, still watches the game, looking for Chan’s weak spot. He didn’t figure it out yet, but he will one day.

As it was obvious that Chan would win, Carrie decides it was time to make her comeback. Even with her injured knee and a convalescent coach, she will still make history on the tennis court.

Coming out of retirement will not be easy, as everyone will wait for her to fail. With her father’s help and Bowe Huntley pushing her to work hard, Carrie will rewrite history. Even more, she will find love in the process, as she and Bowe will share some romantic moments.

Will Carrie achieve her goal? Will she learn to have a life outside of the tennis court? Read the amazing novel to find out.

Part 2: Hot Chapters from Carrie Soto Is Back

Look out for female ambition! Carrie Soto is fierce and her comeback will stupefy everyone. The chapters, in general, depict various matches, so they are filled with adrenaline and will captivate you entirely. Don’t worry if you find yourself turning your head from left to right and right to left! We’ve all done it! We’ve all lived the tennis matches!

Carrie Soto Is Back Storyline

Carrie Soto Is Back October 1994

Carrie wakes up at seven in the morning, drinks her smoothie and puts on her track pants and a T-shirt, and goes to the tennis court for her training session. She is determined to defend her record and take Nicki Chan down.

Soon, her father joins her for training and begins testing the girl to see where she lacks skills. First, he tests her serve, then their footwork, and lastly her endurance. To improve her endurance, Javier advises his daughter to remember how Lars trained her years ago, as the man did a good job.

They decide to add aerobics and weight-lifting to Carrie’s training and increase her endurance exponentially, as her opponents will try to wear her off during their matches. It has been a while since she retired so it was only obvious they would think that the girl lacked stamina.

The father makes a daily workout schedule for his daughter that included a ten miles run, squats, sprints, jump rope, swimming, and hitting balls. It was the Devil’s workout plan and Carrie knew that she would complain, but she would also follow Javier’s orders.

Seven days into the training program, Carrie was already making significant progress. Her father is proud of her and asks her if she is ready to face her nemesis. The girl responds with a simple yes’, so Javier takes action.

They go to Gwen, Carrie’s agent to put her back in the game. Gwen reminds the girl of her sponsorships, starting the Elite gold campaign, Gatorade, and Adidas tennis shoes.

All those campaigns were based on the legend Carrie Soto, not a comeback average tennis player. Carrie is adamant in her decision though, so Gwen supports her comeback in the end, prepping her return to the tennis court.

Carrie Soto Is Back 1995 Australian Open

As Carrie steps into the rod Laver Arena, she hears everyone screaming her name. Signs with messages welcoming her back on the tennis court filled the crowd and the woman is determined to win today against Madlenka Dvorakova.

Carrie wins the coin toss, thus being the first one to serve. She throws the ball in the air and hits it hard. Dvorakova didn’t even flinch as the ball passed her. The first point is for Carrie Soto.

The woman wins the first set. The crowd goes wild, some people cheer for Carrie, and some boo her. Pumped with adrenaline, Carrie doesn’t have time to ponder over spectators hating her. She was winning.

Soon after the match, her father catches up with her in the tunnel to congratulate her. He missed this during her retirement. Carrie’s next match is with a woman named Josie Flores, an easy win for her this time.

Reporters are all over Carrie asking her about her comeback. The woman responds happily that she feels great to be back on the tennis court. Then a weird question startles Carrie. The reporters ask her opinion regarding Ingrid Cortez’s affirmation that she should have stayed on the bench.

Carrie laughs it off, telling the reporter that nothing and no one will stand in her way to the top.

Part 3: Apart from Carrie Soto Is Back, You Should Also Read This Book

Carrie Soto Is Back Narrative

Even if you’re not an avid sports fan, you have to know that there’s no way you won’t enjoy sports novels. The adrenaline, the rush you feel while reading these stories will overwhelm you.

If I got your attention and you want to read something fabulous, check out the Basketball Players Game. Daniel is a basketball player who wants to take things to a professional level and Kenzie is his high school sweetheart.

They have all their life planned out but everything will be turned upside down when they learn that they are about to become parents. Daniel will have to let go of his dream to become a basketball player and get a normal job to support his family.

How will things turn out for them? Will Daniel manage to stay away from the ball? Read this amazing book on Dreame, now!

Click to Read The Basketball Players Game Here


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