Best Romance Book Review: The Stopover


How do two people just click instantaneously? The vibe is on point, sexual tension is suffocating, but there’s the inevitable end. Why? Because you can only see them that one time. Your paths may never cross again.

However, who knows: the universe may drop a second chance in your lap. But, maybe the timing is wrong, maybe the both of you want really different things. Also, maybe he turns out to be your boss.

The top floor is just hot with sexual tension. This could turn out to be detrimental. She could lose everything for a single night of wild and crazy sex. Her life in the big city is just beginning and she loves what her future looks like.

How does she handle this situation? What will she choose to do about the heat between herself and her boss? Maybe she will give in to him. Yes, she definitely wants to. His blue eyes and the dominant way about him just make her want to cave.

Her body wants it, but her mind is sensible enough to avoid unclear paths. In the meantime, her boss can suffer a case of blue balls.

Emily has a tough decision to make. Will she pass on the CEO’s request and suffer another drought, or will she dive into the chaos that he might potentially bring into her life?

Love at First Flight Also Deserves A Read

Part 1: Plot Summary of The Stopover

The Stopover by T.L. Swan

The story follows Emily. She has an interview in New York, a very important interview. Due to an incident at the airport, her flight is upgraded to first class. There, she meets a man with blue eyes. She has to admit to herself that this man was very attractive.

He politely offers up the window seat, and she accepts. This marks the beginning of a very amazing eight hours between them. When the plane has to take a detour, the two people finally let loose the tension between them.

They have the best sex. But, all good things come to an end. Especially when you’re both complete strangers without the intention of seeing each other again. However, one cannot escape fate. Twelve months later, Emily got the job.

When Emily reports working on her first day, she encounters the man from the airplane. She is filled with anxiety at the thought of what they did together. However, this anxiety is mostly caused by the fact that the man turns out to be her boss.

In this way, Emily is troubled by him. She refused his advances. Even after he practically assures her that her work won’t be affected, Emily stands firm on her decision. Also, she didn’t forget to mention that she had a boyfriend. But, the man is quick to tell her to break up with her boyfriend.

Will she accept his request for dinner? Will she agree to that one night? While she doesn’t want to ruin her hard work, Emily cannot deny that she wanted him.

In the midst of everything, Emily begins her new life in New York City.

Part 2: Main Characters of The Stopover

Emily Foster

The Stopover: Emily Foster

She is a determined woman. One who knows how far she can allow things to go. Emily finally gets a job in the big apple, and she couldn’t be more excited and nervous. It all becomes even more unreal when she meets the boss of Miles Media. She recognizes him at once, as the same man she met on a plane heading for New York twelve months prior.

She can’t say she feels great about the current situation, because firstly, he never asked for her number after they had the most amazing sex together. Secondly, he was now her boss: that personal boundary line was automatically drawn by their positions.

However, it does not stop this arrogant man from being insistent. Emily is not having it. Jameson Miles might be gorgeous but she could not risk her job being in jeopardy because she gave in to her desires. Damn! This dude can be persuasive.

Jameson Miles

He is the CEO of Miles Media. He is known for his good looks, his wealth, and his charisma. All of this worked on women like a charm. He knows what he has and how to get what he wants or whomever he wants. And, the person he currently wants is none other than Emily Foster. The one woman who didn’t fawn all over him.

She held no reservations about rejecting him, and it only made him more attracted to her. They met on a plane to New York twelve months earlier, and since then he couldn’t get her out of his mind. Emily is the first woman he had been this attracted to in a long time. What will he do when she refuses his proposal? Miles always gets what he wants, will she be the exception?

Part 3: Superb Chapters from The Stopover

The Stopover Novel

Chapter One

Emily encounters a drunk and rude man just as her flight is boarding. Things quickly escalate and Emily receives help from a stranger and the airport security. Because of the commotion, she soon gets a flight upgrade to First Class. Emily walks toward her aisle and meets a man with vivid blue eyes. She acknowledges her attraction to him and it only doubles when he offers her the window space.

For the eight hours of the flight, the two people share conversations and laughs. They flirt unashamedly with each other. Subsequently, due to unforeseen circumstances, the plane would have to take a detour before heading back to the plane.

Chapter Two

Given the rare opportunity to spend more time with each other, the two horny do not beat around the bush time. Both fully indulged in each other with the limited time they had. They don’t exchange numbers, therefore they clearly expected nothing more to happen, or even to see the other again. However, Emily hands him her scarf to help hide the hickey on his neck. Like that, they parted ways.

Fast forward to twelve months later. Emily got the job of her dreams and moved to New York. She is taken on a tour and surprisingly presented to the usually absent CEO. Emily is shocked to find that the CEO is none other than the man she met on the plane.

The Stopover Chapter Two

The Stopover is exciting and intense. Grab a bottle of wine, this is going to be a doozy.

Love at First Flight Also Deserves A Read

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At Dreame, Stevenson has always been a lover for all kinds of novels with unique appetite for the female characters and their storylines. Boasting the experience as a former editor cooperating with millions of best-seller authors, he knows the most important factors in a novel that attract a specific audience group. He now is devoted in the review of prevailing novels and movies from all sources, selects the best ones, and gives his thoughts to help more people to find their suitable novels or movies quickly.


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