Best Romance Review: Count Your Lucky Stars


Two former lovers find each other -even though neither was looking for the other. Nevertheless, they are both suddenly in front of each other and the past seems to mingle with the present in a timeless blend of stars and hearts. Like it was eleven years ago, romance might bloom once again in an unexpected way.

But, in the meantime, problems have 3be dealt with. Misunderstandings have to be corrected. Communication needs to be had. However, the priority should probably be the orgasms.

So, everyone is getting married, but you’re alone in your apartment, or probably with a cat. The universe doesn’t send mixed signals. But, you have to pay attention to see the direction it’s pointing towards. Who it’s pointing to?

Count Your Lucky Stars is a wonderfully magical tale that embodies the thoughts and desires of the average person seeking love. Everyone should experience this magical journey that walks you through friendship, love, estrangement, and reconciliation.

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Part 1: Plot Summary of Count Your Lucky Stars

Count Your Lucky Stars by Alexandria Bellefleur

Count Your Lucky Stars tells the story of Olivia Grant and Margot Cooper. After many long years of not seeing each other and a parting that was unsatisfactory, they suddenly meet once again. Olivia meets Margot when she is given the task of planning a client’s wedding. Surprisingly, Olivia’s client is a friend of Margot’s.

Seeing each other after eleven years, they are unsure how to interact. Because of this, many conversations are awkward.

The same night they meet, Olivia gets a call from her landlady telling her that her plumbing had a problem. Olivia is distressed about it because she has to find a place to stay.

However, Margot offers and with the insistence of her friends, Olivia agrees. Now that they live together, how much can they avoid the elephant in the room? And how can they fix the misunderstanding between them?

Part 2: Main Characters of Count Your Lucky Stars

Olivia Grant

Count Your Lucky Stars: Olivia Grant

Olivia is a wedding planner. She is quite recently divorced and has a cat named Cat. Olivia is given the unique opportunity to plan a very important wedding. She goes to meet the client, but a surprise encounter greets her.

Olivia meets Margot and it’s hard not to remember the unexpected way they parted all those years ago. Suddenly finding herself needing a place to stay, help comes from an unexpected place -Margot. In simpler terms, they’re roommates!

Margot Cooper

Margot is one of the founders of Oh My Stars. She is in search of a roommate, even though she denies this fact. Margot encounters Olivia who she’s not seen for eleven years when Olivia comes to plan her friend’s wedding.

She lends a helping hand when Olivia needs a place to stay. Margot still remembers their awful parting and thinks Olivia just didn’t care enough about her. However, the truth will always find its way out, even after eleven years.

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Part 3: Amazing Chapters from Count Your Lucky Stars

Count Your Lucky Stars Novel

Chapter Two

Olivia still can’t believe that Margot is M. Cooper.

She finds Margot alone and they start talking. It’s not awkward but not totally uncomfortable. Both withhold their expectations of how they thought the talk would go. However, they seem to skirt right around the main topic.

They are joined by Margot’s friends and Olivia is invited to dine with them. She agrees after they insist but then goes off to return missed call.

When she returns, Olivia looks distraught as she tells them that her place is wrecked. She has to go look for a new place to stay, therefore she can’t join them for dinner. Margot takes the hint from her friends that this is a good fix for her roommate situation.

Even better, they already know each other. When Margot offers her spare room, Olivia agrees gratefully. The night is spent with everyone helping her move her stuff.

Chapter Four

Margot feels lucky to be where she is career-wise, but still misses Elle, her business partner.

Margot encounters Olivia’s cat in the hallway and is fearful so she seeks advice from her brother. It, however, turns into a family chat and she lets out that Olivia is staying with her.

When Margot walks out if her room, an unexpected sight greets her -Olivia, half-naked. Well, with a towel at least. Margot drops the vibrator in her grasp and the cat attacks it.

It provides a good laugh for both of them when Olivia makes a bad joke about it. This way the awkwardness they had slightly dispersed.

Count Your Lucky Stars Chapter Four

Chapter Nine

Margot finds out that Elle is getting married. She feels complicated about it. When she tells Olivia her thoughts, Olivia is quick to understand. Born from her insecurities, Margot just wants to continue being there for her friend.

As they talk, the conversation graduates into something else. Yes, some kissing happens. Truthfully, all that’s needed is a bit of eye contact.

Count Your Lucky Stars Chapter Nine

Count Your Lucky Stars is a beautiful novel that I believe readers won’t set down after tasting.

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At Dreame, Stevenson has always been a lover for all kinds of novels with unique appetite for the female characters and their storylines. Boasting the experience as a former editor cooperating with millions of best-seller authors, he knows the most important factors in a novel that attract a specific audience group. He now is devoted in the review of prevailing novels and movies from all sources, selects the best ones, and gives his thoughts to help more people to find their suitable novels or movies quickly.


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