Best Fantasy Book Review: Lover Awakened by J.R. Ward


A vampire war is here and it keeps getting dicey by the day. But, there should be time for a little romance, some drama, and a dash of sibling rivalry.

Lover Awakened is the third book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. It sheds a light on what happens after Bella is missing. For many weeks, the brothers relentlessly search for her, with hopes that she is only missing and not dead. At the help of this search party is Z. He rips his way through countless lessers without an ounce of mercy, all in search of Bella.

That kind of dedication and commitment can be a fast track to a lot of big things. For one, there’s a possibility of a possible mating bond forming in this case. But, plot twist, another person feels something for our girl Bella. Yes, it’s none other than Phury; warm, kind, and gentle Phury. These two males are literally twins, so things are bound to get testy. But, all the more awesome for us.

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Part 1: Plot Summary of Lover Awakened

Lover Awakened by J.R. Ward

Bella is gone. Her family thinks she’s dead, others hope she’s alive and breathing somewhere. By others, I mean the brothers out searching for her with a fervency never before seen. Several weeks of bloodshed, yet no information on Bella. However, when all hope seemed almost lost, a lead finally appears. Someone had actually seen Bella.

Stuck in an underground basement, Bella undergoes countless torturous events at the hands of a lesser. But, who would guess that this bastard is actually in love with Bella? This is some crazy stuff right here. Fortunately, this love makes the douchebag sloppy, and someone escapes to tell the brothers where Bella is.

Bella is found but in very bad shape. One wonders just how much of her had changed while in captivity. This went far deeper than physical scars, which she had plenty of.

Part 2: Main Characters of Lover Awakened


Lover Awakened: Bella

She is born into an aristocratic family. She finds herself trapped underground. Captive of a lesser who fancies himself in love with her. However, it is very clear that this love is one that could leave her dead or mangled in a corner. Bella basically loses all hope of ever leaving. But, as a chance dropped in her lap by fate, she gets an opening.

Due to all that she went through, Bella is left with multiple injuries. Some were quite creative. One even left both her eyes stuck together.


With his troubled past, he is someone trying and barely succeeding in sleeping soundly through the night. He loses his mind after the disappearance of Bella, even though they’d only met twice. He goes on a killing spree to find her but is unsuccessful. Finally, she is found and he’ll be damned if he let her out of his sight.


He is the twin brother of Zsadist. His attachment to Bella is not unlike his brother’s, but Phury is the clear-headed one. He sees the growing pull and possessiveness of himself and his brother towards the same girl, for what it is: signs of a possible mating bond. But, obviously, this wouldn’t go down very well and he is reluctant to see anything ruined by his or his brother’s impulsivity.

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Part 3: Superb Chapters from Lover Awakened

Lover Awakened Novel

Chapter One

The chapter opens up with Zsadist killing multiple lessers and torturing them for information about where Bella was. Sadly, he failed to get what he wanted from them. But, he is more than happy to complete his rage-filtering kill wave.

Moving forward, we see Bella held captive in a dungeon by a lesser called David. For some reason unknown to Bella, he loves her. She doesn’t care about his reasons for feeling that way. All Bella knows is that it’s a fortunate thing because she knew just how to work the bastard’s obsession to her tune.

Chapter Four

The lesser returns back to the center with a gift for Bella. A breathing undead gift. The vampire civilian trembles in terror as he looks upon Bella whose fangs are drawn out at the opportunity to feed.

Bella however, restrains her hunger even though it is difficult due to the weeks of starvation. When she refuses, David is unhappy. In his emotional state, he confesses his feelings and someone overhears. David quickly goes off to deal with the person.

On her side, Bella helps the victim free and tells him to pass on her whereabouts.

Subsequently in the chapter, we take a glimpse at the cruel past of Zsadist. The boy is it a doozy.

Chapter Six

After getting the whereabouts of Bella from the vampire civilian, Zsadist and his brothers, even the king, go after Bella’s trial. They follow the trajectories and come upon a cabin in the woods. They search through the cabin and find only a male prisoner at first. However, later on, they find Bella in another underground basement of the cabin, unconscious.

Lover Awakened Chapter Six

Lover Awakened is beautiful in its dark glory, intense in its deep plotline, and perfect for an afternoon binge.

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At Dreame, Stevenson has always been a lover for all kinds of novels with unique appetite for the female characters and their storylines. Boasting the experience as a former editor cooperating with millions of best-seller authors, he knows the most important factors in a novel that attract a specific audience group. He now is devoted in the review of prevailing novels and movies from all sources, selects the best ones, and gives his thoughts to help more people to find their suitable novels or movies quickly.


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