Accidental Surrogate for Alpha by Caroline Above Story Review


Betrayal can be so ugly. Honestly, why do people do crap like that? What is the reason? The only wrong thing the person did was trust, and traitors never notice how valuable trust is. She became the pathetic one for foolishly thinking that he loved her. As if it wasn’t enough, the other person had to be her best friend. I think the best friend is the biggest jerk, honestly.

Life just has to get harder and harder, if not it wouldn’t be called life, right? Ella would answer affirmatively. She can’t catch a break. I mean, let the girl breathe. She’s been looking to get pregnant for so long, and never knew or suspected that it was her bastard of a partner that kept on sabotaging her.

The best thing about this book is how the protagonist doesn’t stop for anyone. I mean, even after seeing and hearing the most hurtful things a woman in a relationship can hear, she finds it in her to prioritize.

She doesn’t even need to hear the pathetic excuse, and neither does she wish to break down in front of the two disgusting lowlifes. No, Ella wants a child and nobody can stop her. Even if the time is running out, she won’t be hindered.

After getting on her plan b, Ella discovers her pregnancy. It’s been a long ten days, and it’s all the fault of one man. The same man burst into the room during her ultrasound. What will Ella do when she discovers his secret?

Read Accidental Surrogate for Alpha here!

Part 1: Plot Summary of Accidental Surrogate for Alpha

The story follows Ella. She is told that she is running out of time to have a child. And, with only one cycle left before her window closes forever, she only has a month to get pregnant. Ella returns home, and there she clearly hears her boyfriend having sex with another woman.

It only takes a glance at the belongings strewn on the floor, in order for Ella to figure out that the woman is her best friend. It gets much more painful when Ella hears her boyfriend describing how he made sure that she never got pregnant.

Ella quickly makes up her mind and goes to get artificially inseminated by her sister, Cora. Ella will return in ten days to check if it worked. However, in those ten days, Ella goes through the most unfortunate and profound experiences. She is left jobless and broke, and her sister might get fired. Ella blames one man for two of those problems. She has to consider abortion because she can’t raise the child penniless.

When the faithful day arrives, Ella can’t help hoping that the procedure didn’t work. However, it did. Suddenly, the billionaire jerk bursts into the room and says the strangest thing.

Things are about to get serious. Ella has no idea that the man is not an ordinary billionaire. Fate brought them together, and it all happened because of an accident. In both of their cases, it is the best accident that could ever have happened. But, how much was their life going to change?

Part 2: Main Characters of Accidental Surrogate for Alpha


She has always loved kids and even works as a nanny. After witnessing her boyfriend’s betrayal, she decides to do things on her own. She gets inseminated and waits for the results which will arrive in ten days. In those ten days, one man makes her nearly lose her mind in frustration and annoyance. This man is none other than Dominic Sinclair.

Ella has her grievances, but nevertheless understands his situation which is similar to hers. Their paths intercross and many things come up. What will Ella do when she discovers Dominic’s secret? What will she do when she learns he is the father of her baby? Ella’s life just turned upside down, how much can a person take?

Dominic Sinclair

He is a famous billionaire. However, like everyone else, he has his problems. It just so happens that his problem is nearly the same as Ella’s- infertility. He donated his seed, but suddenly it was lost. Dominic meets Ella and she begs for her friend. However, he didn’t bother to pay her mind. Not a few days later, he comes face to face with the woman carrying his child. It’s none other than Ella. What will Dominic do now? How does he tell her about himself? Will she be able to handle his secret?

Part 3: Amazing Chapters from Accidental Surrogate for Alpha

Chapter One

Ella listens to her physician give her the bad news: she is running out of time to have children. Ella has to conceive within ten days, otherwise, it would be practicing impossible for her to do so later on. Ella goes home frustrated and miserable.

There, she hears weird noises which she quickly recognized as the sound of two people having sex. But what two people would be doing it in her house, it’s none other than her best friend and boyfriend.

Ella hears her boyfriend describe how he stopped her from having any kids by loading her morning coffee with contraceptive pills. Ella is dumbfounded and furious. When she pulls the fire alarm, the two people rush out wet from the sprinkler, and Mike, her boyfriend tries to explain. Ella doesn’t bother waiting to hear his words. She goes to her sister’s where she gets inseminated and is told to wait ten days.

Chapter Five

Ella has to beg her friends and acquaintances for help, but no one comes to her aid. She disliked the feeling of begging them, but it wasn’t about her pride.

She goes into the sperm bank, not as excited as she is supposed to be. It’s not long before she feels a pull and presence that she knows is Dominic Sinclair. He is in a meeting as she walks past.

When Ella reaches the lab, she’s tested and the results come out positive. Not long after, Dominic Sinclair busts open the doors and declare that he can smell his pup.

Read Accidental Surrogate for Alpha here!


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