Give Night Pleasures An Online Read


Want an adventure-packed fantasy romance book with a Greek mythology vibe? An opposite does attract tropes with steamy scenes? Well, you better add Night Pleasures to your shelves today. The mixture of emotions will make you engaged throughout the whole reading experience.

I personally raved about this since I started reading the first few pages. Plus, the attractive characters, especially the male lead named Kyrian of Thrace who was dripping with inexplicable hotness from start until the end of the story.

But Amanda Deveraux was also a stunning character with such a realistic demeanor, making me admire her for being a witty and strong woman amidst all the challenges that came along her way.

Sherrilyn really did such fantabulous writing. She developed all the characters systematically, although there was terminology overload which I still had to take to time to totally understand. A vampire story that awakened my senses on how their lives happened.

You will surely love her droll banters, a worthwhile read with a great sense of humor. There were numerous lines that were indeed clever and grabbed my attention. Nonetheless, even though Night Pleasures was created in the early 2000s it could still be a hit today for paranormal romance lovers out there.

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Part 1: Passionate Characters and Highlights of Night Pleasures

Night Pleasures- Part 1 Background and Characters

Kyrian and Amanda met in the most peculiar way. It all started when Amanda was so burned out from living with her family. She grew up with them however, she could no longer handle them and was making her so tired of compromising. Her mother and her sisters were all psychics and used magic.

In other words, they were witches. She hated being around them and wanted to live a normal human life. So, she worked as an accountant. However, her deep-seated psychic powers were still unknown to her, not to mention that she also came from an awful breakup.

Unexpectedly, she was mistaken to be her twin sister, Tabitha, and was targeted and abducted. And right from that moment, her life has never been the same.

The gorgeous blonde man, Kyrian was an ex-Greek army commander who fought against the Roman empire. Unfortunately, his wife cheated on him and was defeated by his opponent. When he lost his life in the battle, he was turned into a Dark Hunter after seeking vengeance and bargained his soul to be an immortal creature.

He lived his life for over two thousand years, hunting for vampires and demons that kill human beings. And now, he was searching for Desiderius the most notorious daimon who was like the mastermind of evil in Night Pleasures.

Night Pleasures- Part 2 The Most Exciting Plot

Kyrian existence was indeed treacherous and full of danger. And when he met this smart conservative woman, he realized that he could still fall in love again for the second time around. He was attracted to her yet, he had no idea if a woman like Amanda could give him a chance to enter her life and fall for him too.

Part 2: Hot Paranormal Romance: Night Pleasures’ Ending

Night Pleasures- Part 2 The Most Exciting Plot

In the succeeding chapters of Night Pleasures, the evil Desiderius captured Kyrian and Amanda. The two were handcuffed together and it was the main reason why Kyrian felt that she was the one destined for him. Amanda woke up with this oozingly sexy hunk beside her. There was a prophecy that only the Dark Hunter living with a soul could overpower Desiderius.

Kyrian wanted to protect Amanda at all costs even if he had to surrender his life. His attraction to her was something he did not force. He knew that fate brought them together and he could not let her go just like what happened to his ex-wife before.

The chemistry between the two was very nice. They really made a hot couple, knowing that the novel was full of smut, not suitable for very young bibliophiles. The intensity of each scene was like booze in the middle of a cold summer night.

Overall, the ending was indeed pleasing, no doubt that the Dark Hunter series topped the New York Times chart. It was filled with magical and superhuman entities, pulling my imagination into a different realm.

Sherrilyn Kenyon was a talented creative novelist and I look forward to her new masterpieces joining my booklist this year. She built a world which was something I was not expecting for a paranormal romance story like this.

There was balance in all aspects which I find so genius. The story progression is not draggy, almost fast-paced. Plus, the erotic scenes were executed perfectly. But for those who don’t like too much explicit content, I don’t recommend this one for you. Still, Night Pleasures was a uniquely entertaining book to keep.

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Part 3: Vampire Romance Review For Night Pleasures

Night Pleasures- Summary

Yeah, Night Pleasures is not your typical vampire-themed novel. Although this trope was repeatedly used since then, I could still appreciate the effort and systematized writing of the author. And this deserves an honest review.

Kyrian personality was so enticing not only because he was goddamn delicious and physically pleasing but because he was someone I would like to talk with during my dull moments. His humor was epic, and I could not say more. Also, Amanda’s smart nature made them a great couple.

I mean, there was no awkwardness although out the story. The mythology thing was also a plus point which was indeed commendable. I suddenly imagined how would the gods react to the modern world crisis. LOL! Dark, sexy, and rich… Night Pleasures got me hooked and I did not regret binge-reading it.

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