Must Read: Fake Marriage With A Blind Billionaire


Betrayal can sting. It can even burn, a feeling like your skin is being ripped from your bones or even the common ‘stab in the back.’ It becomes even more painful if the one involved is a lover, a family member, or a childhood best friend.

Everyone handles betrayal in their own peculiar way as it can come in various forms. For Flora, what choice does she have but to bet it all on the one person who says he will fix all her problems. She doesn’t know how he will do it, but she throws all doubt out the window because her savior had arrived.

To be honest, this sort of betrayal can make one imagine flaying all their enemies till there’s only bits of skin scattered on the floor. Some things are just hard to forgive. Jealousy can take a different shape, can stem from something so irrelevant. It makes one wonder why people torture themselves over things their friends have that they don’t. Like, isn’t it enough that you have a chance to be with this person?

No, you want to take what they have for yourself, and without any remorse because your jealousy made you hate with every fiber of your being. It always starts with something very stupid.

Practically speaking, the villains of this story push every button in your body. You’ll feel pissed, frustrated and overall appalled by the lengths these people are willing to go. Even their lack of loyalty will leave you dumbstruck.

The author expertly toys with the reader’s emotions, immersing them in this great book.

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Part 1: Plot Summary of Fake Marriage With A Blind Billionaire

Fake Marriage With A Blind Billionaire by Meo Meo

The story follows Flora, who is suddenly betrayed by her lover: he goes behind her back and is able to take away the management rights and even the overall access to the company which has been managed by her family since it’s inception.

Flora is labelled with multiple criminal allegations relating to the company and is denied access to the company. She goes to confront the bastard, but on getting there, she finds her friend since childhood, locked in a passionate kiss with him.

Flora gets to know that it had always been his plan to take everything away from her and he never once had feelings for her. And, Flora’s friend hated her because she had everything she wanted, she was always jealous of Flora. The two traitors had been banging each other for five years.

The bastard offers to give her something, but in exchange she has to sleep with him. Flora is drugged, but refuses to sully herself. She nearly commits suicide to stop such a thing from happening. One thing leads to another and she woke up beside Charles Clinton. She escapes, nevertheless he finds her. He makes a proposition that Flora couldn’t resist.

How will Flora handle this situation? Flora is going to take a deep dive into the cruel reality of Charles’ life, can she handle it?

Part 2: Main Characters of Fake Marriage With A Blind Billionaire

Flora Scarlet

Fake Marriage With A Blind Billionaire: Flora

She is a young woman who was once high up in society and the business world, however, everything is taken from her overnight. The evil deed is done by none other than the man she was in a committed relationship with. He strips her of her title after a single board meeting and denies her access to the company.

This comes after a long list of allegations of fraud are dumped on Flora. She angrily goes to find him but winds up in an unfortunate situation with her virtue at risk. She winds up unconscious after a failed suicide attempt and the night leads her to another man’s bed.

Flora knew of Charles Clinton, but seeing the handso6man in person is still a shock. And, when he presents her with a marriage proposal that could solve all her problems, Flora doesn’t need to think twice before accepting the deal. They are going to be in a fake marriage.

Charles Clinton

He was rendered blind after an unfortunate accident. Charles was once the number one person at the top of the country’s business, however, things changed after his accident. Charles is currently looked down upon by his family members who are intent on taking everything that belongs to him.

Charles has been given the chance to get everything back if he only marries and bears a child within three years. A year and a half have gone by, and now Flora walks into his life. Charles’ deal would benefit him as well as her. And, he doesn’t need to have any sort of feelings or commitment with her other than their deal.

Part 3: Fantastic Chapters from Fake Marriage With A Blind Billionaire

Fake Marriage With A Blind Billionaire - Novel

Chapter One

Flora is angry as she speeds through the busy road. She has never been this way before, so what was the reason for her acting this way? Very simple, Flora was arrested by the police on charges of tax evasion and money laundering.

of course, the charges were false, therefore she wondered why. Her questions are answered when, just less than a day after her arrest, she learns that the company was no longer under her management. Her fiancé had held a shareholder meeting right after she was arrested, and just a few hours later, she was fired and he became the new president.

Flora learns from the two people their schemes to take over the company and leave her penniless. Her ex-fiancé, Richard, hated her for being old-fashioned and refusing to pleasure him until marriage. He reveals he never lived with her and only wanted to use her to get the company. Flora’s best friend, Lynne, reveals she was always jealous of Flora.

Richard offers to give her a little something if she sleeps with him, but Flora refuses.

Chapter Five

After coming to see Charles, Flora meets the man and he reveals his intention: he wants her to marry him. He needs a fake wife and she needs her company back. He is willing to help her, therefore Flora agrees. They will be married in one month.

Fake Marriage With A Blind Billionaire Chapter Five

Fake Marriage With The Blind Billionaire is filled with incredible suspense. An unexpected encounter can develop into anything, and the possibility is endless. Read this awesome piece to see how it all turns out.

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