Hot Romance Book Review | The Author’s POV


The Author’s POV is an awakening fantasy-romance/Sci-Fi novel that caught a lot of attention in the digital scene, grossing 8.6 million views on Webnovel. It was an AI story that took place in the modern time with a futuristic vibe. This one would surely give you an endless exciting experience all in one book, not to mention the romantic scenes that flavor the plot differently.

Push your strength to the limit and obtain high status and points together with the promising casts of The Author’s POV!

Part 1: Main Story from the Author’s POV

the author's pov novel

Perhaps you might say that the title sounded odd and unusual. Well, I was thinking that too before reading this literary gem. Some might say, that it started a bit MEH, and boring at the same time. But personally, I think every chapter of the story is significant. Although at first, it was like I was watching a TED talk or something like that because the author’s pov had been focusing on motivation and efforts.

But hey, as I flipped through the pages I started to realize that the author’s pov, deserved such appreciation. No doubt that it had millions of reads since it was published.

Just so you know this novel was divided into different volumes and all of them were great. But actually, when I reached the 50th chapter the hunger in my heart went wild, I just could not help to read it without minding the time.

The main plot revolved around Ren, he is the male lead in the Author’s POV novel. This 32-year-old author was given a chance to transmigrate into the realm which he basically created for his very own novel. He met different people along the way which helped him learn about living his life in the futuristic era.

As the author’s pov went on, Ren played some chess games which was correlated to his mindset. But there was a significant reason why he had pure love for chess which I would not want to divulge. Let’s see your reaction once you knew it.

the author's pov by Entrail_JI

This story was loaded with thrill, action, romance, friendship, and self-discovery. Although there were some passages in the book that caused me confusion, there were lots of positives on the other hand that I could not deny.

Also, the shifting of events was well executed. It might be lacking intense emotions but I understand that it was not that easy for this genre to be possible.

Nevertheless, the Author’s POV deserved a thumbs up. Kudos to the author who never failed to surprise the readers by giving outrageous twists and turns.

Part 2: Hot Chapters of the Author’s POV

Chapter 2 I’ve Reincarnated Inside Of My Novel

the author's pov hot chapters

There were a lot of questions inside the author’s mind as soon as he became an unknown person. His appearance changed, and even his body build. From the floating screen, his name was Ren Dover.

The author thought that he was inside the novel he wrote but the character which was given to him was not his creation. He finally put his confusion aside when a hologram popped up, meaning his mission just started.

For him to obtain the seed of limit, he had to reach the capital of humanity, so he boarded the train to Clayton Bridge.

Chapter 400 Pure Evil (2)

the author's pov fantasy

Ren was enlightened by something that he never thought to be true before. He was not in a dream and the person sitting right in front of him was none other than himself, whom he called the other Ren.

At first, he was confident in asking things about himself that the other Ren could not answer. But as soon as he took out his ID card to show it to him, his picture suddenly disappeared. He also had no idea why he called his school, University A.

From that moment, he started to get confused about what was happening. Right before the other Ren entered the orb he called him Kevin, telling him that it was not yet over.

Chapter 600 He Is Coming

the author's pov romance

Kevin was so anxious about what would happen next if he could not destroy the core and complete the mission. With that. Emma was there to help him and even though he was already hopeless, they eventually succeeded. The core had finally shattered.

Meanwhile, Amanda helped Ren search for his items when suddenly she asked if he was going to leave. At the next moment, he asked her to just give up on him. However, she refused and could not do it. He insisted and told her that he was not going to stay for long.

It caused Amanda so much pain, that she could no longer control her feelings and burst into tears.

Part 3: Conclusion of the Author’s POV

the author's pov review

It was good to realize that there were authors like Entrail_JI who went deeper into focusing on the details. So far, the Author’s POV was my latest favorite when it comes to the fantasy-romance novel genre.

The main characters were well-profiled in their appearance and abilities. Plus, the power system was good, and even the classification of ranks and abilities was well-researched What I also wanted to commend was the brilliance behind each concept, because it is not easy to develop such a long-running novel.

So, if you are an adventure lover like me, you would probably love the Author’s POV. For sure, you will get hooked as soon as you entered the futuristic world of dwarves elves, orcs, humans, demons and so much more!


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