Cloud Piercer by Grace Collins| Book Review


cloud piercer is a shifter romance novel written by the fantasy author Grace Collins. This trending supernatural fantasy story revolves around the mystery of shifters and humans with the sudden disappearance of humans with killings and kidnaps during the red moon night.

cloud piercer is an absolutely terrific read with a slow-burn romance and filled with suspense, elements of dark characters with surrounding mystery. With a perfect budding love story and dark secrets to unveil, it’s written beautifully.

cloud piercer is a must-read and check out the story for free to know more about the fantasy thriller romance.

Part 1: Exciting Storyline of Cloud Piercer

cloud piercer story

cloud piercer is a fantasy fiction featuring the human world and shifters, that’s set against the myths of the red moon night. This shifter romance fiction holds a whole new world into the supernatural elements with various fantasy creatures such as shifters, werewolves, and many more giving a whole new look to paranormal romance.

cloud piercer written by Grace Collins talks about how shifters never mingle with humans and often live above the mountains and only ventures into the human world during the red moon time.

In almost every werewolf or supernatural element, there’s always a prominent feature that revolves around the moon most likely the moon goddess as it’s told that werewolves shift during the full moon time.

cloud piercer is yet another Fantasy pick that follows the story of eighteen-year-old Freya. She’s a simple girl in college, determined to have a better life. But the problem is, shifters are invading the human world

cloud piercer online story

During these invasions, the shifters often kill and take the humans, and each time they make sure they haven’t left any trace behind to track them

However this time there’s been an exception and that is Freya. And the shifters have taken Freya’s brother.

The eighteen-year-old Freya is determined to find out what happened to her brother who she believes is taken by the shifters. This leads Freya to search for the deserters, putting all her time and efforts into forming an elusive rebel group against the Shifters.

cloud piercer fiction follows with Freya meeting the new assistant professor Killian Li.

Usually, all of her professors are either old or and retired decide to find the town as their last option. But Killian is going and too young to be a professor’s assistant. With his dark eyes staring at her and an accent that runs differently from hers, Freya needs to be careful.

As the red moon night is approaching Freya needs to be careful with whom she trusts especially with shifters who will be invading the humans and everything is a risk and a suspect.

cloud piercer fiction

As Killian Li sweeps into the human world and with red moon night approaching Freya needs to be careful.

Everyone close to the deserters is murdered and it’s again a harsh reminder for Freya that she can’t trust any one including the ones close to her.

With Killian sweeping into her life, Freya needs to be more careful with her determination to find the truth about shifters and the disappearance of her brother while her feelings grow toward Killian Li.

cloud piercer is a must-read for all those readers who enjoy the elements of fantasy, thriller, and all combined in the world of supernaturals. Check out the story to know more about Freya and Killian.

Part 2: Fascinating Characters of Cloud Piercer

cloud piercer characters

cloud piercer is an online fantasy story that is set on supernatural characters such as shifters, werewolves, witches, and other creatures who hold unique traits and personalities with other supernatural powers and strengths.

cloud piercer by Grace Collins revolves around the female lead Freya. She’s determined and she’s leading her way to find the truth about the shifters.

Freya also acts as a witness to the killings and invasion of the shifters where her brother is taken by one of them. The uniqueness of Freya’s character is that she is not backing down from the risk or fear but instead she’s a kick-ass heroine who is determined to get the truth.

Freya is a strong female lead unlike any other werewolf tropes where the female leads are often characterized as weak and submissive. With the need to protect her close ones and pave her way to research the deserters, Freya is a fierce leader.

cloud piercer male lead

cloud piercer revolves around Killian Li as the male lead. The character of Killian is depicted with suspense and his personality is intriguing.

Killian Li is introduced when he shows up as the assistant professor right around the time when the red moon is approaching. Since the start with his intense stare and thick accent, Killian Li stands out.

His smart portrayal of a professor who is young for his position gathers the eyes of the college students including Freya.

The mystery around Killian Li builds up the story as the romance starts to kick in between Freya and him.

cloud piercer is a beautiful story with well-written characters that are played with modesty and conviction. Grace Collins makes sure her characters will leave an imprint on the reader’s mind making Freya and Killian a perfect couple who will be known for their mystery and love.

Part 3: Unique Points about Cloud Piercer

cloud piercer fantasy shifter romance

Cloud Piercer is one of those fantasy picks that creates anticipation of the unknown from the start. Werewolves and shifters invading the human world are fascinating the fear of hunting humans makes the storyline gripping.

With the characters holding hidden identities and all the conspiracies surrounding the red moon night where the shifters take and kill humans, Cloud piercer is a perfect fantasy pick.

With the thrilling elements in the story with Romance that feels so fresh and out of the box with the irresistible temptations Cloud piercer is a definite read.

This romantic suspense fiction holds a few of the best tags such as magic, shifters, secrets, royal, mystics, and werewolves making it one of the great read that can keep you hooked till the very end without letting you feel disconnected from the supernatural world.

Part 4: Read Cloud Piercer Now

cloud piercer novel to read

cloud piercer is a free shifter romance fiction that’s currently trending for its unique storyline and thrilling plot twists like never before.

Author Grace Collins in her book cloud piercer has created a whole new different world with unique creatures unlike any other supernatural stories she has ever written

cloud piercer’s story follows Freya who is determined to look and find her brother who was taken away by the shifters around the red moon night.

As the red moon night is approaching Freya has to be careful around Killian Li the young professor who has joined the town. With the suspense and a threat right around the corner, Freya will have to find the truth.

Freya and Killian are two complete opposites holding their own goals and motives. But as they break into each other’s world it’s going to be one epic love story filled with drama, thrills, and romance like nothing before.

As a fantasy lover who loves something paranormal with elements of dark romance and suspense to keep the thrills and questions building throughout the read to make it fascinating Cloud piercer is a definite read.

Check out the story to know more about Freya and how she’s going to find the truth about her brother’s disappearance and the existence of the shifters. Killian Li can be one of the shifters and Freya not only has to protect her close ones but also needs to make sure she keeps her heart safe.


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