Hot Chapters of Married A Secret Billionaire by Breaking Wave


Cordelia Jenner had just gotten married. In place of her sister, her family had coaxed her into marrying a rumored good-for-nothing man. He was not just a poor man, but also a thug. Marcus Grist. That was the name he had given to Cordelia’s family when he wanted to get married to Cordelia’s sister.

According to Married To A Secret Billionaire Novel, both Cordelia and the so-called Marcus were deceiving themselves.

Marcus knew that he was supposed to be married to someone called, Yelena Jenner, but he accepted Cordelia since the Jenner family believed that he was a good-for-nothing man who did not deserve their first daughter. Cordelia was an illegitimate daughter of Jenner, so nobody gave it a thought about if she deserved a thug as a husband or not.

The husband and wife were deceiving themselves. Cordelia got married in a rented wedding dress, a poor wedding setting and condition, and also lived in a ransacked house with her newly wedded thug of a husband.

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Part 1: Sizzling Chapters Of Married A Secret Billionaire

Chapter 15

Married A Secret Billionaire Chapter 15

”Women who get married over here have to bake cookies to bring them to the neighbors. You got married a few days ago, and we haven’t gotten any cookies.”

Cordelia had gotten married to her new secret billionaire husband and was left at home in their shabby quarters, likely deliberately by Marcus Grist. All the neighbors around, according to Married To A Secret Billionaire Novel, came to dote on the beautiful ”goddess” that had gotten married to their fellow low life.

This had to have been a plan by Marcus Grist, because the men said things like Cordelia being too much for their friend to get married to. Of course, Marcus Grist, or whatever his real name was, was not a pauper thug, so those ‘neighbors’ had to have been curated.

Chapter 16

Married A Secret Billionaire Chapter 16

Marcus Grist acted like the thug he was pretending to be. The men that gathered around his wife, lusting after her while they demanded that she let them welcome her as a new wife in the neighborhood. He came back to see them crowding his wife, and he asked Cordelia inside the house before he turned around and beat every one of those thugs that dared to harass his wife.

I bet, when Cordelia saw Marcus beating the men up, she thought ‘oh, he’s a thug after all, so he’s only acting like one.’ Unknown to her that, her dear newly wedded husband was a billionaire to the fullest.

Chapter 17

Married A Secret Billionaire Chapter 17

”Marcus, I heard that you beat someone up…”

As a result of what had happened with Marcus beating up the thugs that harassed his wife, one of his family members came to visit him. Marcus and Cordelia, according to Married A Secret Billionaire Novel, he hurried to meet Marcus to tell him the consequences of his actions. The ”thugs” he beat up were from influential families.

”Right, there’s one more man whose leg you broke, right?… Do you know that the guy’s father is…”

Marcus’ family member, who had to have been in the plan with him, panicked a great deal. He came to warn Marcus to get ready because the families of those thugs that he beat up would come back for revenge.

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Part 2: Plot Of Married A Secret Billionaire

Married A Secret Billionaire Novel

Cordelia Jenner was an illegitimate daughter of the Jenner family. The Jenner family needed a favor, mostly financially as is usually the case, so they planned to use Cordelia as a marriage gift to the family that would pay for her.

The original plan, according to Married To A Secret Billionaire Novel, was that the Jenner family would give up their first daughter, Yelena Jenner up for marriage to a certain Marcus Grist.

Both families played each other. Marcus Grist was not a pauper thug, but he was pretending to be one, likely to test the love of the woman he would marry. But he also knew that the Jenner family gave him the wrong bride, however, he was willing to go ahead and marry her.

The marriage took place in the shabbiest part of town where Cordelia had to trek for many blocks to attend her wedding. Yes, she trekked in her wedding gown. The wedding gown that Cordelia rented was muddy at the hem, and her feet and shoes were worn out before she got to her wedding venue.

To think that all that was just a farce, and that she was married to a rich man is pretty annoying. Cordelia suffered humiliation on her way to the wedding, and also after the wedding.

After her marriage, she was in the shabby house with Marcus, and had a hard time getting to take a shower and change, but Marcus allowed her so space to feel free and she eventually took a shower, but a slight mistake and her towel slipped off her body, leaving her stark naked in front of Marcus Grist.

According to Married A Secret Billionaire Novel, the man who was in front of Cordelia at the time, could not hold himself back and so he grabbed her and wanted to have his way with her as a husband would his wife. Cordelia was so uncomfortable to the extent that Marcus had to stop and promise to give her time to get used to her new status as his wife.

A lot of rather humiliating things happened to Cordelia as a result of her getting married to a supposed pauper, including at the point where she went to return her wedding dress to the rental.

Part 3: Conclusion Of Married A Secret Billionaire

Married A Secret Billionaire By Breaking Wave

Is it safe to say that Author Breaking Wave broke the wave with this book? Maybe? As cliché’ as the plot is, Married A Secret Billionaire carries a certain juice that can’t be found in other web novels. At first, the author starts with a vivid depiction of the sort of life the female lead was faced with because of her uncanny marriage.

Married A Secret Billionaire is a concise representation of literary prowess that is sure to scintillate and tantalize the appetite of the readers that would dare to embark on the romantic journey between, Cordelia and Marcus.

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