Erotica Books’ Pick: Betrayed by Everyone, Loved by Four


Cheater! Whore! These were Millie’s nicknames. She has been named the school’s worst enemy. Why?

Well, this is where I come in. Millie got a boy she fell for. He was amazing to her, they played, kissed and she was in love.

The school was a little heaven for Millie until one night everything went crashing. That night brought pain, she was naked, disgraced, confused, and embarrassed.

What did she do wrong to have her boyfriend, James, and her best friend, Vanessa turn their back on her? Let’s go deeper into this review of Betrayed by Everyone, Loved by Four.

Part 1: Plot of Betrayed by Everyone, Loved by Four

Betrayed by Everyone, Loved by Four Plot

Erotica Books are very enjoyable. This is because most erotica books come with action, magic, comedy, and romance.

Betrayed by Everyone, Loved by Four comes with action, comedy, and romance. Have you ever felt the love of four men trapped within your space? This is what Millie felt. Her heart was not being tossed with.

At first, Millie’s boyfriend dumped her after having sex with her. Her virginity was taken, she was lying naked on the bed when he wore his clothes and broke her heart like it was nothing.

Millie would have endured it but then another sad reality hit her. Her best friend denied her and lied to her. Now the whole school sees her as a whore and a bad friend. Everyone hated her except the four transfer students from New Mexico who came to her school.

Norris, Oliver, Atlas, and Leo, loved her. They want her. Will she choose one of the boys to be her man? Or will she allow them all to have her?

Betrayed by Everyone, Loved by Four is a steamy hot novel, guys! The romance here is breathtaking.

Part 2: Main Characters From Betrayed by Everyone, Loved by Four


Betrayed by Everyone, Loved by Four Millie

In Betrayed by Everyone, Loved by Four, Millie is eighteen years old with no powers. After meeting James, the school hottie, she felt she had Mr Right but he turned into her worst mistake.

James played her to sleep with her and when he did, he dumped her. She was naked, still covered with the sheets when he gave her a shocking stare and said those heartbreaking words to her.

Millie’s bestie was supposed to comfort her, but instead, she has been sleeping with James while pretending to be her friend. The die was cast and Millie was left with no one.

Everyone at school mocked and hated her until her four friends came along. Who could they be?

The Four Boys:

Betrayed by Everyone, Loved by Four Boys

Norris, Oliver, Atlas, and Leo were their names. They were handsome and every girl’s crush at school.

The four boys were transfer students who moved out from New Mexico. They learned about Millie from other students but still, they had their eyes on her.

A journey with them in ‘Betrayed by Everyone, Loved by Four’ is a journey filled with endless erotic moments and Millie is in for a ride. Don’t you hope they win her over?

Part 3: Other Characters From Betrayed by Everyone, Loved by Four

Betrayed by Everyone, Loved by Four Characters

Some characters from the novel; Betrayed by Everyone, and Loved by Four made the novel come to light. These characters include:


Caleb is Millie’s younger brother who stood by her side through her rough and sweet days. He gave a good understanding of what siblings should mean.

Caleb will fight for his sister and always has her back.


Having a best friend is priceless but you should know that there are wolves in sheep’s clothing and Vanessa is one of them.

She is a sassy bitch and a pretender who took Millie’s boyfriend, lied, and spread false rumors about her.


James is a pretty boy who likes everything under the skirt. He was with Millie for her body and when he had her he dumped her.

Apart from this, James has been sleeping with Vanessa while dating Millie. After his break up with Millie, he made Vanessa his girlfriend.

But guess what? He continued cheating, even on Vanessa. What’s worse? He decided to talk Millie into having him back.

Part 4: Conclusion on Betrayed by Everyone, Loved by Four

Betrayed by Everyone, Loved by Four Conclusion

Erotica books possess contents worthy of captivating readers and this novel did just that. It is a young adult romance book that shows how life could be for some young adults.

Betrayed by Everyone, Loved by Four is a story about Millie and how her young adult life turned out to be. The school was becoming hell until she met four boys who were attracted to her.

The boys made Millie enjoy high school and feel what true romance is about. If you love erotica books and steamy scenes then this is a read for you.

The novel is interesting but it wasn’t all that smooth. There were a few grammatical errors and long conversations that could have been made shorter.

Some explanations on how the boys came about should have been made a chapter into their appearance. Nevertheless, the plot of the novel; Betrayed by Everyone, Loved by Four, was fun and enjoyable to read.

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