Top Werewolf Kick-Ass Heroine Romance Novel: Their Warrior Luna


We will find classical werewolf versus vampire themes in Their Warrior Luna’s novel since the first parts of the novel. The Clearwater pack is the werewolf pack that becomes the center of this novel. The pack’s fate is on the verge of destruction; after all, the vampires, along with the rogues, have successfully killed the pack’s members, including the female MC’s parents.

The Gamma she-wolf, Harley “Harls” Grace Ashwood, is the female MC of Their Warrior Luna novel. She has endured lots of suffering since her youth; the Alpha’s twins reject her, and they throw her back to the pack, just to find out that her parents have been killed. Not stopping there, the pack’s house is set on fire.

Now, Harley should assemble strategies to survive and fight for the Clearwater pack, along with her supporters in Their Warrior Luna novel. Will she be able to do it?

Part 1: Meet The Characters Of Their Warrior Luna Novel

Harley “Harls” Grace Ashwood

Their Warrior Luna Harley

Harley of Their Warrior Luna novel is a Gamma she-wolf who is also a bookworm. She loves reading novels and strategy books in her past time, and she also frequently aces complicated subjects (such as AP Calculus). However, she has near zero luck when it comes to feelings-related problems.

In the early chapters of Their Warrior Luna novel on Dreame, Harley’s twin mates don’t only reject and bully her. Instead, they also throw Harley back to the Clearwater pack (that is, her pack). Thus, these things force her to unleash her warrior powers and surprise everybody else.

Denny “Den” Ashwood

Their Warrior Luna Denny

Denny Ashwood is the protective big brother of Harley in Their Warrior Luna book. Harley refers to this big, bad Beta of the Clearwater pack as Den, while Den refers to Harley as Harls. Unlike other characters (such as the twins), Denny a.k.a. Den is nice toward his sister and wants the best for her.

One of the proofs in Their Warrior Luna novel is that Denny comforts Harley and helps her restore her self-confidence during the AP Calculus exam preparations. He also supports Harley in unleashing her inner warrior.

The Grimm Twins

Their Warrior Luna The Grimm Twins

Atlas and Axel Grimm are the mean Grimm Twins, who are supposed to be the future Alphas in Their Warrior Luna novel. They are originally Harley’s mates; however, they are too focused on bullying Harley that they end up rejecting her. Calling Harley names (such as “Little Bird”) and provoking Harley has been their hobbies since Harley was a teen.

They are the reasons Harley goes to the pack’s doctor to consult her mental health. After all, it doesn’t matter if they dragged Harley to a place where she should fight; what matters more is that they don’t care about Harley’s feelings at all, including her unpreparedness for the rejection.

Part 2: The Amazing Story Of Their Warrrior Luna

Their Warrior Luna Novel Read Online

The first parts of Their Warrior Luna are all about Harley Grace Ashwood’s teenage years. As we read the stories, we will see lots of real-world book titles, such as Chicken Soup For The Soul or The Art Of War. These books are the female MC’s favorite books to read, if she’s not preparing for her school’s exams.

In Their Warrior Luna, the mean Alpha with his twin sons is in charge of the school where Harley and Denny, her big brother, attend. There, Atlas and Axel Grimm a.k.a. the Grimm twins are continually bullying Harley and calling her names. Even when Harley finds her wolf and recognizes them as her mate (and vice versa), they continue mocking and rejecting her.

The Grimm Twins’ heartless acts in Their Warrior Luna don’t stop there. They also throw Harley back to the Clearwater pack, which is her pack. Just as Harley arrives back to her pack, she receives news that her parents have been killed. Now, the only thing she has to do is to go to the training grounds to survive and fight for the sake of her pack.

The vampires and rogues are getting more dangerous. What’s more, the pack’s house is burning, and Harley’s protective big brother’s life is also in danger.

Harley’s combat skills in becoming “Their Warrior Luna” become things other pack members are relying on… Anyway, it also surprises the mean twins. After all, they never thought that Harley Ashwood, the Little Bird, can fight!

Part 3: Lisa Thomas, The Author Of Their Warrior Luna On Dreame Platform

Their Warrior Luna by Lisa Thomas

Like any other writer, Lisa Thomas is a dreamer, a lover of the fantasy world, and loves her inner world very much. Yet, the ways Lisa pictures the characters’ dynamics in her Their Warrior Luna novels resemble her wishes in making her dream fantasy world come like the ones we see in the real world.

Bullies and rejections may be common themes of all werewolf books. However, the more we see the dialogue between the mean twins and Harley in Their Warrior Luna novel, the more we will realize that these things are closer to reality.

Harley’s struggles in dealing with her detrimental mental health conditions, battling the rogues, and her pack members reminding her to be mindful of her languages while facing the Alpha, are also relatable throughout our lives.

Their Warrior Luna may be the one and only novel from Lisa Thomas. However, Lisa has divided the novel’s stories into two parts. The first parts are all about Harley handling the unresolved rejections while trying her best in saving her packs.

Meanwhile, the second part is about Harley meeting her (allegedly) second-chance mate, who can either be her savior and supporter or just as mean as the twins.

Well, who knows, if we don’t read the fantastically-written Their Warrior Luna novel by Lisa Thomas? So, I ask you to…

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