Arranged Marriage Playboy Romance Novel | Her Fate, His Luna Review


Mating is a sacred concept in a werewolf world, isn’t it? Unfortunately, sometimes, the answer is “no”, as some male werewolves like Damien in Her Fate, His Luna don’t take time in understanding the sacredness of the concept. Even though Damien has already got a mate (hence, the pack has already got a Luna), he still wants to seek some other Luna candidates.

In Her Fate, His Luna, Damien is originally a mateless Alpha. So, his “mates” exist not to bond with him through the sacred union of marriage just like any other werewolves. Instead, these so-called partners only exist to satisfy his worldly pleasures, as he gets bored with girls easily. Such things put fear in the current Luna’s mind, whose name is Lotus.

Lotus may have so many best friends. However, her relationship with Damien in Her Fate, His Luna novel often triggers her ruminations on what Damien will do next. So, will Lotus make peace with Damien’s other mates? Or, will she surrender to her mate’s playboy nature?

Part 1: The Storylines Of Her Fate, His Luna Novel On Dreame Platform

Her Fate, His Luna Novel Dreame

The stories of Her Fate, His Luna novel revolve around Lotus Skylar, a she-wolf from the Red Moon pack, who is forced to marry a playboy from one of the most bloodthirsty packs called Blood Stone pack. The playboy’s identity is Alpha Damien Black; not only that he’s a mateless werewolf, but rumors also have it that he will kill every she-wolf who becomes his Luna.

It’s all because he easily gets bored with the presence of she-wolves. At the same time, it indicates his pleasure in fooling these she-wolves and using them for the sake of his ambitions.

Meanwhile, Lotus from the Red Moon pack is still 15 years old, which is considered a minor in the werewolf verse. Yet, Damien’s sweet talks let him get away from Alpha Baron, Lotus’ father, who tries to protect his daughter. So, this tragedy marks the new life of Lotus in Her Fate, His Luna novel.

As soon as the Blood Stone pack members are guiding Lotus to her new residence, Lotus is shocked to find out that Damien already has another “future Luna”… And her name is Cersei. Other so-called future Luna squads only stay with Damien for short times, while Cersei lasts for almost several months. Here, Her Fate, His Luna, becomes equal to a nightmare for Lotus.

So, Lotus in Her Fate, His Luna novel on Dreame thinks of running away from the Blood Stone pack. After all, she’s an Alpha daughter, and she needs to start by honing her warrior skills. Too bad, Alpha Damien, who is far more mature and powerful than her, catches her… What will Lotus get next? Will Lotus be able to escape from Her Fate, His Luna tragedy in her life?

Part 2: Meet The Awesome Characters Of Her Fate, His Luna Novel

Lotus Skylar

Her Fate, His Luna Lotus

Lotus Skylar in Her Fate, His Luna novel may only be a 15-year-old she-wolf, and so, she hasn’t smelled her mate, yet. However, she is the daughter of Alpha Baron from the Red Moon pack, and she is a warrior, too. Those statuses make Lotus’ future looks more promising if only Alpha Damien doesn’t intervene with her life.

It is Alpha Damien himself who persuaded Lotus’ father in ways that her father wilfully hands her to the vicious Alpha. These things also make her isolated from her best friend, Evalyn, in the Red Moon pack.

Damien Black

Her Fate, His Luna Damien

Leading the bloodthirsty Blood Stone pack means Alpha Damien Black in Her Fate, His Luna novel is an Alpha who only cares about feeding himself. He is also a mateless werewolf, yet, he calls all she-wolves whom he deems worthy to be his Luna as Lunas. Such things mean he would never understand the sacredness of mate bonds.

Lotus’ status as an Alpha daughter in Her Fate, His Luna novel makes Damien full of lusty feelings toward her. At the same time, he knows Lotus is underage, so, he calls her names and takes advantage of her inability in some werewolf-related skills.

Part 3: Gratsiya, The Amazing And Promising Author Of Her Fate, His Luna Novel OnDreame

Her Fate, His Luna by Gratsiya

Gratsiya, the author of Her Fate, His Luna novel, maybe one of Dreame’s Next Top Writers. Unfortunately, not many readers recognize her works, even though she has written many impeccable werewolves romance stories.

When I read Her Fate, His Luna by Gratsiya on Dreame, I realize that one of her X-factors lies in the uniqueness of her descriptions of an arranged marriage.

I have read other novels with both parties’ parents dominating the talks instead of the children when it comes to an arranged marriage, but in this novel, it’s an entirely different thing. Not that it means Alpha Baron, Lotus’ father, is not overprotective of his daughter, though.

Based on the dialogues I read in Her Fate, His Luna novel, I can see that the son (Alpha Damien) initiates the arranged marriage scene instead of the parents. Plus, she also adds more twists in Alpha Damien’s heartless behaviors toward Lotus, which makes this Dreame novel by Gratsiya more enjoyable to read.

Her Fate, His Luna novel isn’t the only novel by Gratsiya. Until now, you can follow her novel’s updates on her Instagram and Facebook accounts… Anyway, you can have a glimpse of some books that feel like her inspirations and the ones she reads in her past time on her social media websites, too. Meanwhile, you can…

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