The Marvelous Elijah’s Return Novel Read Online


The Marvelous Elijah’s Return by Rever is a contemporary billionaire romance book about Elijah Maxwell, a poor stay-at-home who suffers inhumane and emotionally abusive treatment under his wife who later divorced him: All the while she didn’t know his true identity! The book has the following tags: revenge, second chance, humor, weak to strong, steamy, drama, powerful, and son-in-law.

The book has about a hundred and ninety chapters.

Before they got married, Elijah Maxwell and his wife Melina used to be in a happy relationship.

They had first met at a bar, and after discussing they had hooked up that night, and from there, their one-night stand spawned into something Elijah still held dear to him, even though his wife acted indifferent to him now they were married.

His wife was the breadwinner of the family, and so she and society at large scorned him because he was poor and a sit-at-home husband, unlike other men who provided for their families.

It even got worse because he took her last name and people gossiped about how he leeched off her wealth and probably took her last name so he would inherit her wealth faster if she died.

Elijah tried his best to endure hoping that one day his wife would change back to the person he fell in love with, but those were vain wishes as things got worse by the day as she graduated from treating him like a piece of trash to abusing him physically.

She even began to go out and sleep around with another man and didn’t even have the decency of hiding the details from her husband Elijah. In all this, Elijah tried to hold on even when she brought her new man to their matrimonial home and even kissed him in his presence.

Elijah was willing to take these insults and simp for his wife, but she continued to disrespect him and even took him to court so they could divorce, all because he was poor.

If only she knew that he wasn’t just an ordinary foreigner that came to her country but was Master Elijah Maxwell, the son of a very wealthy and highly businessman in Bordoria. For more books like this, check out:

Married To A Secret Billionaire is Available On Dreame

Part 1: Main Characters of The Marvelous Elijah’s Return

Master Elijah Maxwell

The Marvelous Elijah's Return Master Elijah Maxwell

Master Elijah Maxwell is the main protagonist of The Marvelous Elijah’s Return. He is thirty years old and is the son of Mr. Maxwell, a very powerful and highly respected man in Bordoria who is, without doubt, filthy rich.

He’s so rich that he has private security guarding his enormous house twenty-four-seven. Elijah is married to Melina, a very abusive woman who constantly disrespected and abused him throughout their years of marriage.

Before their marriage, Marvelous first met Melina at a bar when he was just new to the country.

As someone who was sent out of his father’s house as a form of training, it was so easy for him to trust Melina, considering she was the first friend he met. Alas, he had to learn the lesson that his father wanted to teach him the hard way.

Elijah was a timid and shy person who showed off the aura of a follower instead of the leader his father expected him to be. Surmising that it was because he was surrounded by their enormous wealth, his father had sent him out of Bordoria to toughen up. Now he was back, he was most grateful for his father’s training.

Melina Hayes

The Marvelous Elijah's Return Melina Hayes

Melina Hayes is Master Elijah Maxwell’s wife (formally known as Elijah Hayes when they were married as he took her last name). She is thirty years old and is the CEO of a successful company. She’s from a rich family (although they are nowhere as rich as Elijah’s family)

She never married Elijah Maxwell because she liked him. She married him because she entered a dare worth millions of dollars with her friends to marry the man she had a one-night stand with and then divorce him after a few years.

This was why she didn’t care how she treated him. And also because she thought he was poor and a freeloader who leeched off her money.

Part 2: Hot Chapters of The Marvelous Elijah’s Return

Chapter Four

The Marvelous Elijah's Return Elijah and Melina in court

Even after his wife served a divorce letter, Elijah still refused to give up. He found it difficult to believe that his wife’s cruelty to him was real and wasn’t a dream.

He had tried to please her by serving her breakfast and being nice to her, but she still found a reason to insult him and hit him. She even went as far as threatening him with jail time if he failed to show up to court for their divorce.

She added more salt to his injury when she told him that she was sleeping with another man and even had the guts to bring him home to their matrimonial house and even kiss him in his presence without minding how he felt.

Because of how she disrespected him, even the reporters who were reporting their divorce treated him like he was worthless.

It was because of all this that made Elijah give up on saving his relationship with his wife and finally pushed through with the divorce. After they were done with the divorce he stunned everyone when he made a call and an expensive Mercedes Benz sports car came and picked him up. They never knew that he wasn’t a nobody.

Chapter Five

The Marvelous Elijah's Return Elijah returns home

Without having anything left for him to do Master Elijah Maxwell decided it was about time he listened to his parents and returned to their country.

The moment he returned to Bordoria he was picked up immediately by his butler who drove him home to the Maxwell family’s enormous residence that was guarded twenty-four-seven by private security.

While he discussed this with his butler, the man couldn’t help but notice that his aura had changed. He was no longer the Elijah that was sent away by his father because he was timid. No, he now had the aura of a leader that his father Mr. Maxwell had wanted for him.

Even when Elijah met his father, the man acknowledged that he was now mature.

Part 3: Conclusion of The Marvelous Elijah’s Return

The Marvelous Elijah’s Return by Rever is a billionaire romance book about a man who was constantly disrespected by his wife and society because they thought he was poor not knowing that he was rich. It’s a very interesting book, and if you liked it, you’ll also like

Married To A Secret Billionaire is available on Dreame


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