Her Pleasure – Smut One Shots

Silhouette of Teenage Couple Kissing at Sunset.

In this novel, Her Pleasure, you will feel thrills and buzzes like none other (assuming that you are a woman). The one-shots in this novel refer to stories that focus on the sexual pleasure of women.

Often, these stories are written by women and aim to depict female sexual desire and satisfaction in a way that is often lacking in mainstream media. Her pleasure smut one shot may feature a range of sexual scenarios that are portrayed in the novel.

Each chapter had me questioning whether I would be making the move this time or the assumingly handsome man that the reader has a very passionate relationship. The novel takes scenarios out of every couple’s daily life.

For example, waking up in the morning next to your soulmate, cooking and taking turns with the dishes, coming back home from a long day of work, and then elevating it through sexual encounters and advances. This approach is one that is questionable though I think I can get by it.

The aspect of curiosity is inserted into my mind every chapter I read, and I get the feeling that the author has achieved the purpose that they had intended to fulfill with their novel. Each chapter ranges in how bizarre it is in portraying the author’s sexual drive. One chapter can be classic romantic couple business while in the other you’re the closest thing to a dominatrix with your lover. Only five chapters in and you get a chapter literally based on the reader being in control. I find that to be a neat take.

A similar novel:100 Explicit Adult Erotica Stories

Part 1: Main Theme of Her Pleasure

Her Pleasure Sunset Couple Silhouette

Main Theme of Her Pleasure

Sexual experiences dominate the novel. That is it. I appreciate the style of each chapter’s increasingly odd interaction. The next chapter delivers what it lacks. Conflicts are the only thing that matches this novel’s odd turns.

Two-sided roleplay is also present. You and the novel roleplay in scenarios to spice up the plot. In one chapter, you play a mistress who commands the male companion to always obey. This is book roleplaying.

In chapters where you roleplay, the couple was “busy” before they arrived at their position. Due to “previous activities,” the woman’s silk nightgown and the man’s boxers were on the floor. You roleplay here!

Chapter release dates can also change the book. The male character says he’s alright in quarantine because he works from home, a neat little nod to the disasters of 2020. I appreciated the story’s small details, even though they didn’t advance the plot.

Part 2: Main Characters of Her Pleasure Elaboration

In case you didn’t understand beforehand, YOU are one of the main characters in My Pleasure. YOU are the female lead here and you will be accompanied by a, well, very sexually active man that does not disappoint in the bed.

The stories here do have an interpretive side to them. Since the chapters do not really have any specific order other than that of release, you can cycle through them based on your mood. If you feel like you want to take the initiative, you go to chapter 5.

If you’re feeling submissive, you read chapter 34. The names of the chapters themselves tell a story within them and activate something inside the reader.

The second main character, as stated before, is a man whose name is not stated anywhere in the novel. This leaves the story open to interpretative names for who the man could be while you call out their name in your reading session. A semi-defined personality is set out for this man and you yourself can define him while you read on.

Though, you’re not just any character. You’re the one with insane levels of sexual drive and so is your companion.

You two are freaks, nothing that can be classified as ordinary. This is inculcated in you from the very beginning of the novel and will continue to do so probably till the end of the novel. I like that aspect of it. There are levels of craziness that the novel sets in each chapter, and you amplify it with your own thoughts, your personality, and your own imagination.

Part 3: Part My Favorite Chapter

Her Pleasure Pole Dance

My Favorite Chapter

The chapter in Her Pleasure that I loved the most was Chapter 22: The Pole. The beginning of the chapter alongside its ending statement was just so weird and hilarious that I favored this chapter over all others.

The chapter starts with the male character sitting on a chair, with no light, no sound, and only his sense of touch to rely on. Soon after, a singular light illuminates a pole in which you, the female-male character appear.

It then continues as you would expect, with you loosening and dropping off some of your clothing and then leaning on the pole, dancing around it. This is followed by you approaching the man and then a session of teasing begins.

Teasing never really lasts long in this novel so you then lead the man to a room where there’s nothing but a bed. What could that mean, I wonder? The couple progressively starts and finishes with their businesses and here comes the best part. The male main character says, “God installing that pole in the house was the best investment ever…

Absolutely hilarious! I fail to understand how the author managed to get such a ridiculous laugh out of me, especially when followed by a steamy progression to get to that point. Statements like these really stir me up and add life to this novel, that is something I love about it.

Part 4: Wrapping Up and Critiquesues

Her Pleasure Window Conclusion

Wrapping Up and Critiques

Her Pleasure is one of those interesting cases where you both love it and hate it. I loved reading it for reasons ranging from how specific and unique its scenarios were which were combined with details and language that fit the scene well.

I love how you can flesh out the scenarios you’re in by yourself. The novel is something you can pretend is just a foundation for the gates of your imagination, since you yourself will be doing most of the work to properly flesh out the novel.

I also at times found it to be a bother to read because of how predictable it can be despite the uniqueness of its scenarios.

When reading a book of this sort, you need that extra level of adrenaline and spice and in cases, albeit rare, you don’t feel that to the extent you would want. Being a book targeted at females, it also showcases the man a bit too much at times though this may very well be a personal gripe.

A similar novel:100 Explicit Adult Erotica Stories


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