Best Mafia Romance Book Review: When Heroes Fall by Giana Darling


A spicy book with all elements of intrigue and suspense, When Heroes Fall is one book that would stand the test of time. Before reading this book, I was not a fan of Giana Darling. However, after reading through the first, few pages of this book, I was convinced that she is a genius.

When heroes fall make love look beautiful and hard, leaving us with the chance to pick how the circumstances around us define us. When heroes fall is one of the best books of this age and that is not a fact to be disputed.

Has When heroes fall by Gianna Darling intrigued you yet?

You can read When heroes Fall by Giana Darling here

Part 1: Storyline of When Heroes Fall By Giana Darling

When heroes fall full story

As an exceptional work of art, when heroes fall is one book you definitely need to have on your shelf. Are you curious enough to know the storyline of when heroes fall? Then, enjoy the next few lines in utmost anticipation.

An enemies to Lovers kind of Mafia Romance, when heroes fall tells the story of Elena and Dante; two individuals who have different ideas and opinions about life in general. They are each specialist in what they do but they, however, find a common point in the scene that neither of them cares about the world around them.

Elena is an ice-cod, bitchy lawyer who keeps to herself most of the time. She doesn’t really care about love and she has a weird look about life in general. However, things take a turn for her when she is set to represent Dante, a mafia in court who is on trial for murder. They did not like each other at first, something both parties gleefully agreed on.

Elena does her best to make sure she does not fall for him, but she doesn’t know she already fell right from the first moment they encountered each other. The complications get when more intense when she is meant to stay in Dante’s house as a protective precaution. Elena has her own dark past but Dante was willing to protect her from it.

As her heart beats uncontrollably for this handsome devil, she realizes the walls she had put up to protect herself from love have crumbled, and she does not even care!

Part 2: Main Characters of When Heroes Fall by Giana Darling

When heroes fall is aesthetically unique, and you will find that the characters of this beautiful book are even more intriguing. Enjoy!

1. Elena

When heroes fall PDF

Elena is a successful lawyer who does not care about the world. She is seen as an ice-cold woman whose success seems to be the only thing that matters to her. But Elena was not always like that.

Once upon a time, she might have been very receptive to love. But, being cold was the only path she could find when her fiance jilted her. Left with nothing but a broken heart, an impossible family to deal with, and tons of childhood trauma, Elena began her transition into the evil queen everyone around her knew her as.

But then she meets Dante, a mafia she was meant to represent in court who was on trial for murder. She wanted to keep her sanity, to lie to herself that she did not feel an intense attraction for him. But by the time she realized she was hopelessly in love with him, it was already too late.

The ice queen had become still waters…

2. Dante

when heroes fall Amazon

“He looked criminal, filled with wicked intent, and handsome enough to tempt the pope to sin.”

Dante is a bad boy, an irresistible mafia, and a possessive man with dark secrets. His intentions toward Elena are instantaneous and the moment he saw her, he knew what he wanted and that was her.

But she was feisty was rebellious and she seemed like a challenge for him and that was something he wanted to dig into. When he learns of her past, he gains even more reason to keep her and protect her.

But will he be able to serve as the comfort she desperately desired, or will he end up breaking her like the rest of the people in her life?

Part 3: Best Quotations from When Heroes Fall by Giana Darling


“This is what you must understand, Elena. They are wrong. Women bear the trials of their men, the delivery of their babies, and the weight of their families. Women are extraordinarily strong. So, you must trick the men into giving you power.

Do not tell them you are strong and do not fight them with words because words can be undone. Fight the injustice with action, lottatrice mia, because the action can be understood in any language, by any man.”


“My therapist told me there was a name for what I had, that furious drive for perfection that had marked my entire life. Kodawari, is the Japanese word for the relentless pursuit of perfection. I didn’t so much want to be perfectwhich I was aware enough to know was an impossibility as I wanted to seem perfect.”


You know, it is the contrast between two opposites that heightens them both to keener glory. You shouldn’t be afraid to be coarse, just as I shouldn’t be afraid to be gentle. Too much of one thing is boring, Elena.


“you are just a girl in a very large world that owes you nothing. Not one thing in your life will come easy. This is the way of girlhood in Napoli. I wish it was not so. I wish I could have given you a better start, but understand, every woman must be a fighter, Elena because history has tricked men into thinking women are less.”


“But I cried then, and I discovered just how many types of tears there were. Angry tears, so salty they burned my hot cheeks.

Wallowing tears, the kind that seeped into my mouth and made me nauseous as if I’d swallowed too much seawater. I lonely tears as I realized how few people I had in my corner, how few loved ones I could call my own. As I realized much of that solitariness was my fault because I’d pushed so many people away out of fear of being hurt.”

Part 4: About the Author: When Heroes Fall

When heroes fall full story

Giana Darling is a USA Today, Wall Street Journal, and Top 40 Amazon Best-Selling Canadian romance writer who specializes in the taboo and angsty side of love and romance. She currently lives in beautiful British Columbia where she spends time riding on the back of her man’s bike, baking pies, and reading snuggled up with her cat, Persephone, and Golden Retriever, Romeo.

You can read When heroes Fall by Giana Darling here


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