Romance Book Review: Lessons in Sin by Pam Godwin


Apart from the gripping romance of the principal characters, and the substantial plot that geared up the whole story, it’s the hard-core/moral lessons are exactly what make us stay in reading. It doesn’t matter if the story lacks any of the former elements, as long as we can gain something impactful that would either upgrade our perspective or comfort our inner souls.

Lessons in Sins succeeded on incorporating the most important part of fiction, using the concept of taboo to show the beauty of imperfection and the pleasuring aftermath of overcoming our sins. Though the preferred audience is adults for its mature themes, the exclusive moral of the story is forgiveness and recognizing one’s flaws, and it could apply to anyone in our society!

Because it was so unique and beautifully written to serve a distinguishable purpose, it has garnered thousands of positive reviews and feedback (both on Amazon and Goodreads), earning a spot as one of the most sought and requested romance novels today. Understandably so because why would it not when it gives all the things we need in a fictional book?

In this article, we’d shed light as to why Pam Godwin’s Lessons in Sin is a book you’d love like no other!

Read the Forbidden Love Affair Now!

Part 1: Main Storyline of Lessons in Sin

Nine years ago, Magnus Falke decided to surrender the lavishness of his life as a billionaire to enter the seminary and become a devoted catholic priest. What made him take that path is the secret he wished to take to his grave.

Forgetting the remnants of his dark past is one way to repent his sins but to turn his back completely on his previous life is the biggest step he needs to be a newly redeemed person. Using his uncountable wealth, he bought a catholic boarding school that was going near its deathbed where he began his position as the unfathomable priest of Sion Academy.

All was going well. Until the rebellious heiress of an insanely powerful family had been sent down to join the school after giving oral sex to a Burger King employee, completely blowing up the mind of every student. Especially Magnus Falke who was specifically tasked to handle her stubborn ass.

Right off the moment, she laid eyes on him, Tinsley Constantine knew it wouldn’t be easy to mess with Magnus Falke. He constitutes an impenetrable air of mystery and barbaric aura around him like a wolf hiding in sheep’s clothing, and always ready to pounce at anyone who’d dare to provoke him. It’d be beneficial to have him as an acquaintance but a terrible nuisance if he became an enemy.

Realizing that, Tinsley had no other option but to opt for her battles wisely. But even if she behaves well, Magnus Falke seemed to can’t take her for liking or give her the tiniest bit of trust. She doesn’t know if the stereotypical image of a spoiled heiress continuously clouds his judgment, or if it is within his nature to be stern and cold at all times. It wasn’t surprising that he’s a pain in the ass.

Not in the least. Because how could a strikingly good-looking young billionaire just abruptly decide to turn his life around and join the priesthood if he behaved well in the past?

Tinsley could smell there was something wrong with him.

After so many heated interactions and constant embarrassment, Tinsley realized she would never survive the school without putting up a fight. If she can’t please him the modest way, then she’ll improvise and do what she’s better to at-be a pest and make his life a living hell. And what could be the most effective way other than ruining his celibacy?

During the same time Tinsley was plotting revenge, she heard an interesting rumor. Some students tried to seduce Father Magnus and in failing to do so, the school kicked her out. Tinsley saw that as a promising opportunity to escape the school and the controlling power of her mother. And so, Tinsley formed a plan to allure Father Magnus and break his shell.

But the outcome didn’t match Tinsley’s expectations. Father Magnus isn’t what she thought to be. Beneath his flock, he’s also a lost soul seeking compassion and love that he found exclusively in Tinsley. Despite their age gap, they both understood each other, and their struggles and adversities weren’t so much unalike. Tinsley found the refuge and sympathy she’s been longing for in Father Magnus while the latter experienced the love he thought he was incapable of within Tinsley’s genuine personality. They were a perfect match, and so when love and desire had become undeniable and intolerable, they stepped out from their comfort and began the forbidden relationship that would soon wreak havoc in their lives.

Just as they both settled into the normalcy of their love, her family also caught wind of what she did. To avoid anything scandalous, her mother set out an assassin to kill Father Magnus and even rushed the process of Tinsley’s upcoming marriage with the heir of a powerful family. Tinsley couldn’t bear any of this to happen. She then negotiated with her mother, pleading to spare Father Magnus.

In return of his life, she’d agree to everything her mother would ask her to and will marry the man they fixed to be with her. She broke up with Father Magnus and lied about the truth. They went with separate ways like strangers as they had been from the beginning.

But their sacrifices paid off in the end. Tinsley became successful, and Father Magnus quit being a priest, proving well enough that he deserved her by buying the company of Tinsley’s fiancee. Nothing could separate them now, only the discipline they hold from craving too much of each other.

Part 2: Main Characters in Lessons in Sin

Tinsley Constantine


Tinsley Constantine is the odd one out from the Constantines, feisty, brave, and adventurous. As an eighteen-year-old gorgeous heiress, she’s expected to excel and navigate her life toward the path they envisioned for her.

But the control and demand were too much, and Tinsley strayed away from that image. She wanted a life on her own; a life where no one controls her; a life where everything isn’t expensive and a life wherein she’s free to do anything. Even though she has all the reasons to be evil, it’s astonishing that until the end of the story, she maintained the goodness in her heart. She didn’t become selfish nor become rebellious again. Her love for Father Magnus changed her for the good, and though it didn’t start in a good way, it was worth in the end.

Magnus Falke


Though his past with older women was kind of scary, Magnus Falke’s character is admirable. I thought he’d stay as a priest, and give up Tinsley entirely.

What he did in the end to get her was heartwarming. His development was spot on. From the sadistic and savage beast he had been, his character skyrocketed. He showed how it’s not too late to repent for our sins, how it’s always our choice to be a better person, and what love can do to us.

Wish I could muster all the right words to describe him, but it’s going to be endless, I’m sure. Watch out for him because he’s not hard to miss, and most important of all, he’s extremely hot and addicting!

Part 3: Thoughts on Lessons in Sin and a Similar Book

The twist at the ending was unexpected and rightfully written. Though it seemed rushed, delivered only for the sake of its conclusion, it wasn’t, not in the least, disappointing. The characters highly deserved the ending, considering how much sacrifices they had done to be with each other.

Lessons in Sin is a tasteful read, an endearing slice of love that we don’t get to see often in romance books, it provided us with the heart-pounding side of what taboo love is like. It’s also eye-opening, as Lessons in Sin offered a long list of moral lessons about acceptance, forgiveness, and repentance. I highly recommend this one!

Of course, once you finish it, I’m confident you’d crave another one. Don’t you worry, we got you? We exclusively plucked an extraordinary book that has the same structure, theme, and hot romance of forbidden love.

The Forbidden Love Affair by AyrGal89, the tale of another student-teacher relationship is wild, hot, and filled with drama. It is posted on Dreame, and you could read it for free and without hassle!


Read the Forbidden Love Affair Now!

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At Dreame, Stevenson has always been a lover for all kinds of novels with unique appetite for the female characters and their storylines. Boasting the experience as a former editor cooperating with millions of best-seller authors, he knows the most important factors in a novel that attract a specific audience group. He now is devoted in the review of prevailing novels and movies from all sources, selects the best ones, and gives his thoughts to help more people to find their suitable novels or movies quickly.


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