Hot Chapters of The Darkest Night


Of course, no male likes it when a female is placed above them in a hierarchy, especially when it has to do with a physical task. That was the beginning of the problems of the gods, Madox, and his counterpart warriors. That was the beginning of The Darkest Night.

Madox and his co-warriors had served the king of the gods for a long time, diligently fighting for the king of the gods, and protecting the king of the gods like the warriors that they were, but when it was time to entrust the guarding of the sacred dimOuinak box, the king of the gods assigned it to a female called Pandora, though strong, but not as strong as Madox. Madox and his co-warriors felt deeply insulted by this and thought to teach the gods a lesson.

Bear in mind that the dimOuinak box held a horde of demons in it. In a bid to teach the gods a lesson, Madox and his allies stole the dimOuinak box from Pandora, and set the demons free, they had planned to capture the demons later on and return them inside the dimOuinak box, but they found out that the dimOuinak box was no longer at the fray that it was kept by Madox and his affiliates.

They were no longer able to capture the demons that they had freed. As a result, destruction, chaos, fracas and what have you reigned and caused extreme darkness, which made the king of gods swing into action when things were getting out of hand. He damned each loosened demon into the bodies of the warriors that had caused this mess, including Madox.

The warriors had released evil into the world because of their ego and pride, and now they would house the very evil that they released. This was how the Lords Of The Underworld were born. The Darkest Night had indeed been ticked to start as a result of all the negative happenings.

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Part 1: Main Story of The Darkest Night

The Darkest Night Lords Of The Underworld

Bestowed with the evil spirit of violence, Madox killed Pandora. Yes, he killed her, after all, she was the one that the King of gods chose over all the male warriors to guard the dimOuinak, and it was her fault that he now housed the evil spirit if violence.

As a result of Madox killing Pandora, the god Zeus cursed him further, stating that every night, he would die in the exact way that he had killed Pandora, but the difference was that while hers lasted for just a few minutes and she passed away, Madox suffering will last for eternity.

Madok was damned in a fortress in Budapest. He and other warriors cursed with different evils lived in the fortress. To cut the very long and intriguing story short, Torin, cursed with the evil of disease stumbled on something strange from the security room of the fortress.

There were surveillance cameras in the fortress that oversaw the forest, and so Torin spotted something that he had never spotted before. He called Madox’s attention to it, and they deliberated on the finding, thinking that hunters had shown up to disturb the fortress.

Madox decided to check it out, he had only a couple of minutes to do that, as his routine of dying was just around the corner, and if he died anywhere outside the fortress walls, it would be dangerous for him. It was at this point that Madox met Ashlyn Darrow, a scholar at the World Institute Of Parapsychology, who had just arrived in Budapest.

Part 2: Hot Chapters of The Darkest Night

Chapter 1

The Darkest Night By Gena Showalter

The first chapter of The Darkest Night By Gena Showalter tells us about how the Lords Of The Underworld was born. As already stated, Madox and other warriors who had been fighting for the king of the gods, and protecting the king of the gods were sidelined when it was time to handle an important task.

The king of the gods chose a female called Pandora in place of all the able warriors that were available to carry out sensitive tasks such as guarding the dimOuinak box. Madox became upset at this, stole the dimOuinak box from Pandora, and released the evil spirits that were contained in the dimOuinak box.

Now, someone stole the dimOuinak box from where Madox and his colleagues kept it, and so they could no longer capture the demons back.

They were cursed by the king of the gods as a result of this, and the demons that they had set free were now housed on each warrior that was responsible for this stupid deed. This was the birth of the Lords Of The Underworld.

In this same chapter of The Darkest Night By Gena Showalter, it was revealed that Madox, who had been damned with the evil spirit of violence, killed Pandora, most likely during one of his fits, and as a result, killed the female warrior. Because of this act, Zeus further cursed Madox that he would die every night in the same way he had killed Pandora.

Every night, fellow warriors like Madox who had also been cursed with evil spirits like Madox killed him and escorted him to hell, leaving Madox to come back to life the following morning, only to die again at night. What a horrific cycle.

Chapter 2

The Darkest Night Ashlyn Darrow

Here comes Ashlyn Darrow, a scholar of the World Institute Of Parapsychology in Budapest. There is something about Ashlyn Darrow in The Darkest Night Book, at any location she was, she could hear all the conversations that had ever been had there.

As in, she could hear conversations from as far back as thousands of years ago. As a result, when she got to Budapest, she heard conversations that had to do with Madox, his counterpart warriors, darkness, just name it. Her brain was humming with an overload of information.

Ashlyn Darrow, in this same chapter of The Darkest Night, had heard about the men that lived in a certain castle at the far end of the city, and she had heard all sorts of stories about them, most of which were difficult to believe, as they sounded outrageous. To satisfy her curiosity, she started to make her way there. She was looking for the warriors.

If it were you, readers, would you venture to go in search of men that you have heard eery things about? In a lonely castle that was beyond the forests of the city, would you dare to go on such an “adventure or “research? just like Ashlyn Darrow did?

Part 3: Evaluate The Darkest Night

The Darkest Night Madox

Everyone loves books that are direct from the very first word. The Darkest Night has no dull moment while reading because the author does not beat around the bush to explain how the wind twirled and the sky beamed of the sun, or how Madox liked his breakfast.

Gena Showalter hit the nail on the head and told the story of this book in an exciting and thrilling way, and I must thank her personally for it. A hundred percent solid, The Darkest Night Book promises to keep you glued to every page as you read it.

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