All About Fantasy Lover (Dark-Hunter)


It was said that when Julian Macedon was born, the goddess Aphrodite admired him and kissed his cheek, hereby securing a vital memory that he would hold on to forever. Aphrodite is the god of sex and everything in between. A special one Julian Macedon was.

He was feared by men, respected by all, and the desire of women by all standards. Julian Macedon also had the gift of the Mighty War God. Coupled with the fact that he was killed in battle, he was the complete package, and he had his way around women. Of course, it came with the influence of Aphrodite’s acknowledgment of him.

How can Aphrodite, a god of sex and savor that had definitely seen the finest of men take a liking to you? Then you must be the finest of men.

Good textured Julian Macedon was a charm, no woman could resist his charm, no woman could say no to him when it was time for the sacred deed, and as a result of this, there arose jealousy from those around him, the haters cursed him and damned him into the pages of a book.

He remained inside this book for It was believed and spread through time that any woman that wanted to summon Julian Macedon to oil her bosom must hold that book to her breast and call his name three times after reciting a deliberate incantation.

If anyone summoned the Fantasy Lover, Dark Hunter, the person would want to know no other man after she had Julian Macedon, as his touch would be in her memory forever, and of course, no mortal man could compare with the touch of Julia Macedon.

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Part 1: Main Story of Fantasy Lover Dark Hunter

Fantasy Lover Dark Hunter

In Fantasy Lover Dark Hunter, Grace Alexander was a therapist on love, sex, and relationship, but unlike the advice that she gave to her clients, she had not had sex in at least two years. She was attractive, and she had had a couple of relationships but she removed herself from them because of one excuse or the other which were pretty valid if one would care to look at them deeply.

However, it didn’t sound right that a beautiful lady therapist like Grace Alexander, was in such a position. Her best friend, Selena, a tarot reader and strong believer in magic and the unknown wouldn’t let Grace Alexander hear any other thing than the fact that she needed some sexual act in her life.

Grace Alexander had become used to it and didn’t take Selena seriously when she spoke about it again, except for when Selena spoke so loudly in public and embarrassed her in front of strangers. But everything changed pretty fast, and pretty drastically.

Selena had the cursed book that Julia Macedon had been damned into. After all, she believed in such a thing, so it was little wonder that the book got into her possession. She told Grace Alexander about the book, and Grace laughed it off, saying that Selena had to grow up from her illusional beliefs or get swallowed whole by it. This did not stop Selena from insisting on Grace Alexander having that book.

It was Grace Alexander’s twenty-ninth birthday, and in a bid to get that book into her possession by all means, Selena brought it as a gift to Grace’s house. After a session of back-and-forth drunk bickering and trying to decide, Selena made Grace Alexander summon Julian Macedon out of the book.

When Grace summoned Julian, nothing happened at first, and Selena left Grace’s house after receiving an emergency phone call from home.

Convinced that it was all a fantasy myth and that there was no Julian Macedon coming out of any book, Grace bade Selena goodbye, and went about her business in her house, until she felt a presence, saw a blinding light flash, and when she walked into her living room, she saw the gift from Aphrodite herself.

Julian Macedon, the Fantasy Lover, Dark Hunter, had been summoned, and there he stood, naked and strong, waiting to serve the one who had summoned him.

When they met, Julian Macedon noticed something different in Grace Alexander, compared to the other women that he had been with. Most women could not resist him for even a split second, as they would quiver under his touch and give themselves to him freely, but not Grace Alexander.

She acknowledged that he was a delicious-looking man that had a sensual touch, but she did not lose herself in him, as she was able to restrain herself and ask him to give her distance when she wanted. Why was this? What was it about Grace Alexander that made her able to control herself against Julian Macedon? Find out by reading Fantasy Lover Dark Hunter Book.

Part 2: Main Characters of Fantasy Lover Dark Hunter

Grace Alexander

Fantasy Lover Dark Hunter Grace Alexander

Grace Alexander was a therapist in the modern world. An average-tempered and easygoing lady, she had a somewhat difficult love life, as she could not exactly lay her hands on the ideal man for herself. While she talked about her plight with her friend Selena, she mentioned a few features of a few of the men she had dated, and they were valid reasons for her not to continue dating them.

Her friend was a tarot reader and a magic enthusiast who showed her a book that had magic in it, asking her to summon the Greek hunk that was in the book so that he could appear to her and help her fulfill her desires which she did playfully, and was face-to-face with Julian Macedon in a matter of time.

Julian Macedon

Fantasy Lover Dark Hunter Julian Macedon

Julian Macedon is the Fantasy Lover Dark Hunter. A walking work of art, and a sex symbol, he was a war god, and as if that was not enough, he was thoroughly blessed by Aphrodite, the goddess of sex, lust, and everything in between.

Julian Macedon was damned into a book due to jealousy by those who were not as sexy as him and lived there waiting for any woman that would summon him to fulfill her desires. Grace Alexander summoned him and showed him a world of not just lust and sex, but real feelings and loving longevity.

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Part 3: About The Author of Fantasy Lover Dark Hunter

Sherrilyn Kenyon

Fantasy Lover Dark Hunter By Sherrilyn Kenyon

A renowned US bestseller, Sherrilyn Kenyon is the author of the “‘Dark Hunter” series with Fantasy Lover Dark Hunter as one of them. With more than thirty books written by a woman of American descent born on 11 December 1965, she boasts of an international following and has written other genres of books with a paranormal theme under a different pseudonym called Kinley MacGregor.

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