Hot Chapters of Secret Lady


Secret Lady, Yoon Seol-Woo, a regular young lady that could see ghosts suddenly had an accident and died on her 20th birthday.

Well, the book says that when she opened her eyes after the accident, she saw a different ceiling from the one she had known likely all the days and years of her life, so she had to have died as Yoon Seol-Woo, and reincarnated as Princess Rozentin Argen, and guess what? she could still see ghosts.

Interesting. Rozentin had a sister called Corte, and the crux of the story starts with Corte being possessed by a spirit when Rozentin took her for a little sightseeing in the Imperial palace. In the past, a certain Prince had died, in fact, the empire was cursed, and many people had died without reason.

Due to this development, the citizens and inhabitants of the Empire of Kartazen were demoralized and no longer had faith in anything and anyone, not even in their leaders. It is often known and talked about the fact that when situations like this arise within a certain territory, outside forces would seek to take advantage of it, and that is exactly what happened in this case.

Read Book Seven Comic Book Scripts Volume One

Part 1: Story Line of Secret Lady

Secret Lady Manga

In Secret Lady Manga, the once ‘Golden Empire” faced a period of severe darkness. Thus, a new kingdom was born, the kingdom of Bischutean. Seeing that the citizens of the empire of Kartazen were pretty desperate, they called for a revolution, but they were up to no good, as they had a plan behind their supposedly good intentions.

The Kartazen empire was just one kingdom in the entire continent of Acurana, and if the Kartazen empire were to totally crumble, the kingdom of Bischutean would be the next dominant empire in the continent. But something weird happened. In the midst of the turbulence of the Kartazen Empire’s drought, the plagues and curses suddenly ceased, and the Empire returned to its former glory.

The Emperor of the Kartazen Empire addressed the citizens, saying that the Empire was formerly cursed by sorcerers who opposed the founding of the Empire. As a result, magic was forbidden, and anyone who believed in paganism would face serious and severe consequences.

So, every sorcerer in Kartazen started to face persecution and torture, and on the other hand, the sneaky plan of the Bischutean empire was put to death. There were two known families of the Kartazen Empire during it’s golden time, they were Argen The Strategists, and Hazenschutu of the military power. Yoon Seol-Woo reincarnated into Rozentin Argen of the family of Argen the strategists.

It would interest one to know that Secret Lady, Yoo Seol-Woo had a difficult life growing up and that she was ridiculed and laughed at for the mere reason that she could see ghosts. As a result of this, she didn’t miss her former life when she reincarnated Rozentin Argen.

In fact, she didn’t like the fact that she still inherited the power to see ghosts after she had reincarnated. Fast forward to when Corte turned ten years old, she admired Lanster Palace. Lancaster was the capital of the Kartazen Empire.

Corte wanted to see the palace, so she visited the banquet hall with Rozentin, but all of a sudden, she went missing. Remember that the Empire was formerly cursed and a lot of people died without reason, so these people who were royalty still lingered in the palaces of each city that formed the Kartazen Empire.

At this point, they seemed to have spotted Corte and Rozentin and snatched Corte away, possessing her for a bit. To Rozentine’s dismay, Corte got lost all of a sudden. She looked for Corte, and eventually found her, but she saw a ghost behind her sister, Corte, and Corte appeared to have been possessed. Rozentin was cross.

‘Get out” she yelled and tried to take Corte away, fearing that Corte would get hurt and in trouble for having an encounter with a ghost.

Remember, magic and it’s like were forbidden in Kartazen. Corte, Rozenite’s sister, was born with a sort of supernatural feature, she attracted formless evil spirits. The spirit that had just taken Corte was a faceless and formless one and was considered dangerous.

Rozentin had reincarnated into this wonderful royal family, which she had never imagined coming across in her life, and so she considered it her responsibility to protect her new family at all costs.

When the ghost that she was talking to made this revelation that Corte was in danger, Rozentin panicked. The name of this ghost that Rozentin encountered was Ranon. A male, and very handsome ghost.

He told her that if she wanted her sister, Corte to survive, he would have her do one thing for him that was guaranteed to set Corte free from peril. Following the cursed times of the Kartazen empire, there were a lot of ghosts in and outside the Imperial palace and other palaces in the empire.

Ranon was going to tell Rozentin how to get rid of these ghosts. At this point when I was reading the book, it was already obvious that Rozentin was the Secret Lady.

Haschuten Kartazen was an evil ghost that roamed the imperial palace. He was a popular royal in the past times and received the title of ‘divine grace,” but now, after being dead, he roamed the imperial palace, and he was the one that had taken Corte. Ranon, the ghost who was trying to help Rozentin, asked her to call him by name, not just him, but any ghosts that she wanted to order around.

It was important that she called them by their name since their name was the only connection they had with the present and afterlife. Read the book to find out what happened, and how Rozentin was able to uncover many secrets and save the Prince of Kartazen from the evils that were coming at him.

Part 2: Hot Chapters of Secret Lady

Chapter 1

Secret Lady Rozentin Argen

The first chapter of Secret Lady Manga explains how Yoon Seol-Woo reincarnates into Rozentin Argen.

Or not? It starts with the Rozentin character at first actually, and then it takes the readers back to Rozentin’s former life as Yoon Seol-Woo. She had turned twenty when she had an accident, one that supposedly ended her stressful life as Yoon Seol-Woo, a regular young girl who could see ghosts and was transformed into Rozentin Argen, the daughter of Argen, royalty in the Empire of Kartazen.

In this same chapter, after Rozentin had woken up in the Argen palace, she was introduced to her sister who had just been born, Corte. She also realized that she now had loving parents, one of which she never had before, and she swore to keep this new and happy life going without doing anything to truncate it. In this chapter also, she realized that she could still see ghosts. Even if she might have escaped from her former life, one that she dreaded and suffered in just because she was seen as a weirdo who could see ghosts, she inherited the feature in her new life.

The first chapter of Secret Lady also explains the curse and blessings that happened to the Empire of Kartazen, one which Rozentin Argen had just entered following her reincarnation from Yoon Seol-Woo. Magic, paganism, sorcery, and the like were banned officially by the Emperor of Kartazen in the history of the curses and blessings of the empire. All of these were stated in this chapter.

Chapter 2

Secret Lady Haschuten Kartazen

A notable event in this chapter is when Rozentin Argen was recalling what happened to her nine years ago with her sister, Corte. Corte and Rozentin were leisurely walking around the palace, and they entered a hall that held the most formidable evil spirits in it.

One of the formless spirits took Corte, unknown to Rozentin. Rozentin suddenly turned around and saw that Corte was gone without a trace. Rozentin looked for Corte intensely and saw that she had been possessed by a formless spirit.

She couldn’t make out the face of this spirit. She sought a way out desperately and along came Ranon, yet another ghost, offering help and explaining to Rozentin how she could get rid of and order any ghosts she came in contact with around.

Part 3: Evaluate Secret Lady

Secret Lady Comic

An intriguing book. Manga is such a catch, to be honest. What I love the most about Secret Lady, and Manga books in general are the expressions the visual artist depicts while drawing the characters.

You can never miss a point in a manga comic when the expression of the character directly buttresses the dialogue or what the character had just said.

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At Dreame, Stevenson has always been a lover for all kinds of novels with unique appetite for the female characters and their storylines. Boasting the experience as a former editor cooperating with millions of best-seller authors, he knows the most important factors in a novel that attract a specific audience group. He now is devoted in the review of prevailing novels and movies from all sources, selects the best ones, and gives his thoughts to help more people to find their suitable novels or movies quickly.


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