Best Mafia Romance Book: Cruel Paradise by JT Geissinger


A beautiful book in all regards, cruel paradise is one of the best books of this age. Cruel Paradise is a well-written book with a very relatable storyline. The use of humor by the author in the first half of the book is an indication that being bad can also be funny. The scenes of cruel paradise are well structured and they exhume excellence in all regards.

As one of the few mafia Romance books that have managed to catch my eye, I did not regret spending long hours reading through the pages of cruel paradise. It is a must-read for everyone out there, especially mafia Romance book lovers.

Read Cruel Paradise by JT Geissinger here, now!

Part 1: Storyline of Cruel Paradise by JT Geissinger

Cruel Paradise full story

The intensity of Cruel Paradise by JT Geissinger continues to build up with each page you turn. Along the line, you are completely and hopelessly engrossed in the book that you may forget to do anything else. Want to know about the storyline of cruel paradise? Here you go.

Cruel Paradise tells the story of the alluring, sexy, charismatic, and energetic Killian Black, the head of the Boston Irish Mafia who had just received the reigns of administration from his twin brother Liam Black. Killian is well known for his ruthlessness and he immediately begins to handle the mafia group with an iron fist.

But something quite challenging occurs in Killian’s life. One of Killian’s warehouses was robbed and it was such a clean Job that no one could pinpoint the identity of the burglar. Killian springs into action, using all the resources at his disposal to hunt the supposed thief. But then, everything changes.

He discovers the thief is a woman; a beautiful, elegant, and charismatic woman with a penchant for taking from the rich folks to give out to the poor. She is Juliet Jameson and she is not an easy one to deal with.

A complicated, humorous, and passionate relationship soon stirs up between Killian and Juliet. However, in as much as they hate each other at first, they soon learn to work together in order to stop foes which soon spring up to hunt Juliet for the sins of her family, thereby testing the depth of Killian and Juliet’s love.

Part 2: Main Characters of Cruel Paradise By JT Geissinger

Have you been intrigued by Cruel Paradise yet? It’s naturally curious to know more about the main characters of the book. Because of this, I have reviewed the main characters of cruel paradise by JT Geissinger for you to enjoy.

1. Killian Black

Cruel paradise Amazon

He is our Antihero.

Killian Black Is a typical example of a no-nonsense man with insane standards. He has been a side character in JT Geissinger’s other books but his presence had been Powerful enough to tell his own story.

Killian is seen as ruthless and fierce, but underneath that masquerade is a kind-hearted, gentle man whose heart longs for the arms of genuine happiness. This is a side of his that Juliet reveals.

He hates the way he feels around her. He hates how “good” he is around her. But she has his heart in a maze already and there is nothing he can do to get out.

2. Juliet Jameson

Cruel Paradise

She is beautiful, fierce, and energetic and she gives Killian a hell of a time trying to find her. Juliet is described as a kind and compassionate soul with a sweetness that even Killian could not help but notice.

But even someone as kind as her has a dark past and Juliet is not alien to that. She literally ran away from home to avoid the influence of her father on her life. Her father is deeply rooted in the underground world and thus, created so many enemies for himself and his family.

But when she meets Killian, she receives hope for a better life. She falls completely in love with him as he strives to save her from the people trying to get revenge on her family by hurting her instead.

Part 3: Blurb of Cruel Paradise by JT Geissinger

Cruel paradise by JT Geissinger

You don’t know me.

You think you do, but you don’t.

The only thing you know is my name, and even that’s a lie.

I’m the king of Boston, lord of criminals, ruler of an underworld empire. Or am I?

Only one thing for sure: I operate alone.

Until I cross paths with a brazen little thief who sets my whole kingdom on fire.

Just as two wrongs don’t make a right, two villains don’t belong together. Especially since she’s the daughter of my most deadly enemy.

Taking her would start a war.

Keeping her would be suicide.

Making her mine would break every code of honor and defy all common sense.

Then again, where is the fun in following the rules?

Read Cruel Paradise by JT Geissinger now

Part 4: Excerpt from Cruel Paradise by JT Geissinger

Cruel Paradise full story

I look back and forth between them, gobsmacked by the whole situation. I could be hallucinating. Maybe that hipster bartender put something into my drink.

I’m still pondering that when Liam leans over and settles his huge, hot hand around my throat.

I grip his thick wrist in both hands, gasping and shrinking back into the seat.

Looking into my eyes, he murmurs, I’m not going to hurt you.

My voice comes out high and panicked. This is a shitty way of proving that.

I’m not trying to choke you, lass.

It’s true, the pressure of his hand on my throat is gentle, but still. Then what the hell are you doing?

He slides his thumb back and forth over the throbbing vein in my neck. Feeling your pulse.

Heart hammering, I stare at him. Why?

Because I want to see how fast it gets when I kiss you.

I freeze. Don’t you dare?

He quirks one dark brow. Why not?

I don’t want you to.

He leans closer, his eyes burning into mine, his body heat, and the warm scent of his skin surrounding me. He growls, If you were telling the truth, little thief, Id honor that request.

I blurt, I was not ready for that!

Instantly, he stills. His dark gaze searches my face. Then, slowly, his full lips lifted into a smile. Then I suppose I’ll have to wait until you are.

He stares hungrily at my mouth for a moment before releasing me.

I remain where he left me, frozen and wide-eyed, slumped against the door, staring at him and trying to convince myself of several important facts.

One is that I should be afraid. Because, two, there’s at least a fifty-fifty chance he’s going to snap my neck. And three, that I really didn’t want him to kiss me.

Especially since I didn’t want him to kiss me. Because what would it say about my sanity if I did?

Adjusting his tie and looking straight forward, he says, Don’t overthink it. But thank you for being honest. If this is going to work, we have to be honest with each other.

My laugh is weak and disbelieving. This? There is no this!

He turns his head and sears me with his gaze. Aye, lass, he says, his voice thick. There is.

Part 5: Concluding Remarks on Cruel Paradise by JT Geissinger

Cruel paradise by JT Geissinger is a fun book to read. The twists, the tears, the passion, and the romance is a beautiful combo.

Have fun reading, and don’t forget to share with someone out there!

Read Cruel Paradise by JT Geissinger now


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