Reading Sweet Spot Now


Sweet Spot by Stella Rhys is a contemporary enemy neighbor to lovers romance book about three years plus sex-starved Lia who runs into luck when the heavens decide to bless her and drop her a new hot sexy neighbor, Lukas.

Observing her wine and bath ritual, as she did often to remind herself of her newly found freedom, Lia was interrupted when she heard a loud thud, followed momentarily by the sound of glass shattering just out the hallway of her flat.

Scared that her neighbor was in trouble and irritated that her alone time was being disturbed, Lia flew urgently from her bath to the door for the hallway to go save the day.

She did not quite recall that she was barely dressed (besides this was more like a girl’s hostel). With speed she rushed out of her flat for the hallway, she did not see the figure standing just outside her door and she collided with it.

Still fuzzy from the collision, Lias’s breath hitched as her eyes traveled gradually up the muscle-chorded hands that held her steady, up to the bulging pectorals that had cushioned her head, and finally to the green-blue eyes that studied her.

The figure was extremely handsome as if cut right out of a Calvin Klein ad magazine. His handsome face looked so dreamy and unreal that he was a fine man.

Man? Man! Lias senses screamed in her head and she retrieved herself, quickly covering her tits and body which she had put on full display for him. It even bothered her that he did not even have the decency to look away or stop looking at her nipple now.

With heat and color rising on her cheek, she inquired haughtily about what he wanted and was stunned when he announced that he was her new neighbor.

The man was indeed good-looking, but it took just a few minutes of her interrogating him to know that he was a proper jerk and a complete douchebag.

The man, Lukas as he introduced himself, was Tess’s brother (and Tess was her regular neighbor who had recently traveled to France for work). And because he was renovating his house (a process which was likely to take over a month) he decided to stay in his sister’s flat for the meantime.

Taking in that story, Lia was still trying to give him the rules of how they lived in this antique of a house so they didn’t bother each other before proud Lukas just dropped a bomb on her that he owned the house and might as well just do whatever he wants.

The man was properly rude, and as a means to get him out of her hair, she accidentally put her body on full display for him again. However, since he was rude and a jerk, Lia couldn’t stop herself from wanting to be railed by him because he was such a fine man.

It was as if her body and head were opposites because of how they reacted to Lukas’s touch. She was playing with wildfire and she knew it and couldn’t stop herself.

Once Upon a One-night-stands Worth A Read

Part 1: Main Characters Of Sweet Spot


 The Sweet Spot Lia

Lia is a beautiful twenty-seven years old woman from Marlowe. A tiny town in upstate New York where she lived for the first twenty-five years of her life. The first fifteen were with her parents until her mom died.

After her mom died, her dad couldn’t seem to get back on his feet again so she moved into her boyfriend’s house, Ritchie. Ritchie’s mom, Gail, had always been nice to her so it was easier for her to transition and move on.

However as time went on, things began to go south. Lia had to drop out of college just to take care of Gail who had developed Alzheimers disease.

It couldn’t get any worse when Ritchie, who was too lazy to continue, dropped out too, leaving her to fend for all of them alone. The stress got so much that she considered leaving but couldn’t because he knew he couldn’t care for Gail. And Gail had been nice to her.

Eventually, Gail died, and with nothing still tying her down to Ritchie, she left and moved into her house now.


 Sweet spot ice cream Lukas

Lukas, Tess’s brother (who also happens to be Lias’s neighbor) is a handsome, tall, sexy man with blue-green eyes, well-chiseled biceps, and abs that V at his narrow waist, and impressive bulging biceps.

Before Lukas became a very successful real estate businessman with pro athletes at his beck and call, he and his sister Tess grew up with parents who were always too busy with work and were barely around.

However, his story changed when he went to college and met Cam. He had the business ideas and Cam had the money and connections.

Together they boomed, making so much money that he didn’t even know what to do with it anymore. That used to be his story with Cam until they fell apart due to some differences.

Part 2: Hot Chapters From Sweet Spot

Chapter ten

 Sweet spot hours chapter ten

After being celibate for over three years, Lias’s libido came back in an uncontrollable frenzy after she met Lukas, and let him kiss her and fumble her breasts through her clothes, in the hallway.

She found it difficult to get the thought of him out of her head, and it messed with her work.

In a need to cum so she could focus properly at work, Lia had agreed to sleep with Lukas because he wouldn’t even let her sleep with someone else.

She was playing with wildfire and she knew it. However she consoled herself with the reassurance that this was just a one-time thing, and after that, she wouldn’t have to see him again.

After they’d gone to dinner and had returned to her flat, Lia and Lukas began to get freaky. It marveled Lia at how responsive her body was to Lukas’s touch, and how good she felt with him inside her.

By the time they were done, Lia found it difficult to kick Lukas out as she planned. She didn’t want to openly admit this but she knew she was full of shit she’d always known she would not let Lukas go if they eventually slept together.

Part 3: Conclusion Of Sweet Spot

Sweet Spot by Stella Rhys is a contemporary enemy neighbors to lovers style romance book about a sex-starved Lia and her Adonis-looking, hot, sexy, but mischievous neighbor, Lukas. It is a very interesting book with a lot of hot steamy scenes.

Once Upon a One-night-stands Worth A Read


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