Folk of The Air Series: The Wicked King


With The Wicked King book, you get another peek into the faerie world. Finally, we dive into the romance development between Jude and Cardan, as the human girl bounds herself to the faerie king and completely dominates him.

The Wicked King is an astounding sequel to Cruel Prince and this time you get a plot that is more strained than the last one. There are some dark secrets ahead, some interesting ploys, mind games, and dirty politics. I assure you, The Wicked King will capture your attention from the very beginning.

Basically, at first, Cardan is still that cruel prince who likes to travel and enjoy life while humiliating Jude, but the girl will do her best to keep things under control and protect the throne, while also taking care of her brother, Oak, the next in line to ascend to the throne.

With both characters being stubborn, there will be many over-the-edge situations but, in a twist of events, from enemies, Cardan and Jude will become lovers. As they say, there is only one step from hate to love.!

You should also add The Faerie World to your list of future readings if you are into fae stories. They are truly engaging and mesmerizing and they are worth staying up late to devour every single page.

Also Read: The Faerie War

Part 1: The Wicked King Book Summary

The Wicked King Story

The story takes place five months after the events of The Cruel Prince. Jude has complete control over Cardan now. It had only been five months of submission out of his one-year and one-day pledge.

Their love-hate continues as Cardan is still very much hurt and angered by her betrayal and making him king and Jude is angry at the new king for his horrendous behavior towards her.

The girl secretly wishes to be able to still control the king until her brother, Oak, is old enough to take his rightful place as king. Meanwhile, Oak is still living in the human world, fully protected by Vivi, who is determined to offer the kid a normal childhood before he is forced to take on the heavy burden of being a king.

Jude learns about a ploy meant to undermine the king’s authority and goes to prison to learn more about the plan, but there she meets Cardan’s mother, Asha. Soon after, she is contacted by her twin sister, Tarynn, who invites her to attend her wedding with Locke.

Jude finds Cardan in his room half naked and wounded and discovers that Nicasia felt jealous finding the king in bed with a girl and she tried to aim for the girl and instead, shot Cardan.

Jude has no other option but to take Cardan to her room in order to protect him. He asks for a kiss and the girl gets frustrated as she wants to, but can’t.

When will the two lovers finally give in to their feelings? Will Jude stay by Cardan’s side even when he won’t a king anymore?

Part 2: Hot Chapters from The Wicked King

Holly Black Folk of The Air Series never disappoints. The chapters are full of magic and adventure, not to mention that there is also a hint of sexual tension and frustration. Until Cardan and Jude hook up, we get to see their small love-hate game, which is simply delicious.

The Wicked King Romance

The Wicked King Chapter 14

Jude meets lady Asha, who is thin and pale and looks nothing like the woman she once saw in a crystal globe. The woman seems happy to be away from the Tower of Forgetting. Jude asks curiously what was the woman’s crime for being outcasted like this and learns that the woman was Eldred’s escort and he tossed her into the Tower when he got bored of her.

The girl can see a clear resemblance between Asha and Cardan, their cheekbones, and their soft mouth. Asha tells Jude that she knows secrets about her mother. She reveals that the two of them used to sneak out from Faerie’s world into the human world to purchase the things Eve missed such as chocolate and perfumes.

When Eve met Justin, the two of them killed and burnt a woman’s body, so everyone in Faerie land would believe that Eve was dead. Before revealing any more secrets, Asha reveals that she has a price for everything. She wants her freedom and she wants the king to never find out she’s free.

Then, she tells Jude that a hag had told Eve when she was pregnant with Vivienne, that her child was destined to be a great weapon. Fearing that the little girl in her belly was the one, she decided to protect her.

The woman was forced to leave Cardan when he was a newborn and he was left to be suckled by a black cat whose kittens came stillborn. The king had a tough childhood without his mother.

The Wicked King Chapter 22

Jude wakes up at the bottom of the sea. With water in her lungs, the girl panics and tries to scream but soon she realizes that she can breathe water. She finds herself inside a building made from coral.

Nicasia is right there beside her, her feet replaced by a long tail. She looked stunning! Before she could say anything, Nicasia hits Jude in the stomach. The girl tries to put her hands around her waist but learns that she is cuffed.

Nicasia reveals that the hit was for Cardan, as she believes that Jude tricked the man. Jude’s body aches, feeling sore in the place where he was punched. There, underwater, she begins to regret not saying goodbye to her sisters and not telling Madoc that she intended for Oak to have his throne one day.

Mostly, she wishes for Cardan to miss her. Soon enough, a merman comes and frees her hands to take her to Queen Orlagh. The sea creatures dress her nicely, in ropes of pearls and pull her hair back with a crown of shells.

Queen Orlgh, Nicasia, and Balekin, all wait for Jude. The girl pretends to submit to their will and answers all their questions, leading them to trust her. Nicasia is especially interested in knowing if Jude had kissed Cardan. When the girl says yes, the girl turns red with anger.

Part 3: Read This Book If You Liked The Wicked King Series

The Wicked King Faeries

The Wicked King Holly Black is a wonderful faerie book that you will absolutely love. You get an amazing reading experience with this story, filled with adventure and all kinds of ploys.

Another amazing book that I bet you would love is The Faerie War, which you can find on Dreame platform.

The story follows Violet Fairdale, whose home is gone and whose boyfriend leaves without saying goodbye. Even worse, she seems to have no memory of her life. It’s like someone brainwashed her on purpose!

The mighty Lord Draven uses the same brainwashing method to get guardians to fight for him! No one can escape his wrath in the fae world! The only one who stands up to Lord Draven is none other than Violet who will try to save the faeries before it’s too late!

Also Read: The Faerie War

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