
the rise of the hybrid

enimies to lovers
Writing Academy
Romantic-Suspense Writing Contest

"I cant do this, its going to hurt" Eric said while trying to push Ryan away

" trust me I am going to go easy on you, trust me you wont feel any pain I promise you' you will feel pleasure nothing but pleasure". Ryan said as he kissed Eric gently.

*************************************************************************************witnessing the death of his mother at the age of six, Eric vowed to avenge his mother's death and to kill the mysterious vampire on black. fate made him meets his arc enemy Ryan the vampire. Together they both decided to find the mystery man on black and avenge Eric's mother. Will they be successful in their quest or will Eric find the truth that will haunt him forever.

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             " There is a prophecy, my lord," said  the king right-hand man whose name is Anthony         " What's the prophecy about?." asked the mad king {king Louis the hundredth}.           " A child is born into the clan of the werewolves, a hybrid who will stand tall and greater than any king and a light will be placed on him which will shine brighter than what anyone has ever seen. he will be called the hero of the world, he will gather men, women, and children and lead them into battle against you and he will defeat you and bring the end to the reign of King Louis the hundredth". Anthony read it out loud for the king and his leaders to hear him     " What rubbish, do they think it's possible to end my reign, I have worked hard for. How many battles have I encountered and I won all, both vampires and werewolves shiver in fear at the mention of my name, and they think they can stop me with this stupid prophecy" king Louis voiced out with rage. "gather my troops, we set out at dawn and get ready for a bloody battle".       " Yes my lord" Anthony bowed his head, as he hurriedly left the room to go deliver the king's message to the commander of the troops.                 " it’s a great day to taste the blood of some werewolves and to paint the moon red with their blood, get ready elders, we leave for war". those were his last words to them as  he left them in the meeting room to go prep for war                                           ERIC POV            " Run Eric and go hide, don't you dare come out no matter what, okay?." my mum whispered to me pushing me away from her so as to enable me to run          " No mum, I can't leave you. I am supposed to protect you no matter. I promised to keep you safe from harm's way" said the six years old me running with tears in my eyes back to my mum's arm. with the sound of metals and the screams of men and women drawing close, she quickly picked me up from the ground and took me to the closet, placing me inside, she said to me " my little warrior, protect me when you are old and strong enough. Stay put and don't come out no matter what happens, if you do I will scold you and get angry with you. I love you, my little warrior."  We heard the sound so close to us, this time we could see houses been set ablaze and the sound of blood been splashed on the ground. This does normally happen when the vampire king of myxida always wages war with vampires and werewolves just to show how powerful he is. Boom the sound of the door brought me back to reality just in time to hear what my mum was saying, " sshhhhhh my little one doesn't make any noise, live for me. I love you" she placed a kiss on my forehead and then quickly closed the door of the closet leaving me in the dark. I could hear her footsteps as she raced down the stairs to what awaits her. The last hit on the door set the door flying away from the stand and landing a few feet away from mum, two vampires dressed in armor walked inside.    " What do you want, I have done nothing wro--" a slap landed on mum's face before she could finish her statement causing her lip  to split open and trickles of blood came out    " Who gave you the audacity to talk, you filthy werewolf, and don't you think of shifting because you will be dead before you can fully transform" threatened one of the ugly vampires   " I haven't committed an offense, what wrong have I done," asked my mum, blood dripping down from her cut lip. " and what gives you the right to barge into my house, what brings you here?"     " Ha I see, you are a feisty one,  ain't you? replied by another new vampire wearing all black from head to feet who was watching the event from the door now approached my mum who was sitting down on the floor         I crept out of the closet to go check what was wrong when I heard the man's voice, a voice I can’t and will never forget.   " Ha I see, you are a feisty one, ain't you". he removed the helmet thou half of his face was still covered with a black cloth as he bent down to the level of my mum on the ground. " If I cut your tongue out, will you be able to talk or be this feisty to us, well to cut you of your many questions you are planning to throw at us, we are in search of the hybrid, a boy who possesses both the werewolf and the vampire trait in him and it seems to be a threat to us. rumors have it that he was giving birth to by the werewolves and that's why we are here to place an end to him. we were told he is from the age of four to seven years, and we are to kill any one of that age and to kill any werewolves who tried to stop us or stand in our way." said the vampire on black   " Well sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but as you can see I am the only one here. I don't have a child or a husband so please just get the f**k out and leave me alone" screamed my mum at the man on black    " then I see no use in keeping you alive, I hate werewolves like you"   Right in front of my eyes I saw my mum's tongue been ripped out of her mouth and then beheaded by that same man on black, I wanted to scream and lashed out at them but something or someone was preventing me from going. I tried freeing myself from the person's hold but the more I struggled the more I became weaker until I passed out, completely blank.

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