Third person p.o.v
Leaning up against a tree, Jane studied the life threatening cancer stick that she rolled between her thumb and forefinger. She was debating on whether or not if she should smoke the cancer stick. After all It was one of those days again. Cindy yelled at her today like any other day when she got high or drunk.
Today Cindy decided that it was a good idea for her to get drunk and make dinner for Joey. She almost burned down the house with a thick amount of smoke and almost killed Joey in the process. Jane couldn't control her anger so she yelled at Cindy for being an awful mother and Cindy argued back.
They were arguing right in front of Joey with the utmost terrible language that they can muster up. Joey was only 15 and couldn't handle the sight of his drunken mother and protective sister arguing again. He knew what would happen if this kept going any longer and he just didn't want his sister to get hurt anymore.
Cindy raised her hand and slapped Jane across the face, matching the same mark from last night. In the same place. Joey yelled for his mom to stop and leave his sister alone but he received a blow to the face too.
Jane gaze became more intense as more details came rushing forward of what happened not too long ago. The cigarette was still unlit as she kept rolling it and just staring at it.
Cindy walked out the front door of this one bedroom apartment and left the teenage girl and her younger brother. Joey wrapped his arms around his sister with tears running down his sad face.
"When is Cindy going to stop hurting us?"
Jane had no response to give to her sibling so she did what she did best and that was to sing a song. She loved to sing and Joey loved for her to sing for him. At the end of the song Joey was asleep. Jane laid him on the ragged brown couch and put a blanket on him then she left the apartment.
All of that led to Jane deciding if she should smoke this cigarette and relieve her stress or don't. She quietly stayed in the same position for a few minutes before she heard something. It was more of a weep from a woman.
"P-please don't do this t-to me." Cried the woman. Jane could've sworn that the once distant voices were getting closer to her. "Shut up you b***h!" A male voice that possibly will haunt Jane's dream said.
Jane turned around from off the tree and she had a clear view of what's happening. A man around the height of 6 ft had a gun pointed to a gorgeous woman head.
Jane didn't want to intervene in this mess that's happening but it was hard not too when the woman stared at her. She was giving Jane a pleading stare for help. Jane knew that this would come back and bite her in the ass but she didn't care at the moment.
The sky is dark but the moonlight shined light at a wooden stick. Jane picked it up and came behind the man. "Hey dude how about you mess with somebody else!"
She slammed the stick on the man's head with full force that his body immediately fell limp. The woman look frightened about the limp body. "Its ok miss he's not dead." The lady nodded and gave Jane a small smile. "Thank you very much for your help. I'll be sure to brag about you saving my life to my husband."
In the corner of Jane's eye she saw a black car speed down the street. "Oh my gracious." The woman put shaky hands to her lips. "They saw y-you. Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry sweetie....they-they saw you." Jane's eyes widened. They have indeed saw her save this lady and most likely they will come after her too.
"You have to get out of here. You have to leave Now before they find you!" Jane said her farewell to the lady when somebody came to pick her up. She rushed into the house and collected her money that she saved up.
It was enough for 2 plane tickets and Jane already decided that it was for Joey and Cindy. Even if she hates Cindy she still don't want anything to happen to her.
Jane called Cindy's phone but it wasn't her who answered. "Hello Jane." Jane's blood ran cold as she heard Matt talk. He was the one who turned her mom into this monster.
"At first I wasn't planning on doing anything to Cindy considering that I actually liked her but seeing as you just used that advantage and attack my brother right in front of me, I'll say you got some balls. You ruined Cindy chances of surviving and now I'm after you." There was a scream of torture before a gun shot and everything became quiet.
"Mom" Jane whispered before the other line went dead. She knew that after that call her life was going to change.