


I young lady been threaten by an unknown and untold set of people

the true behind her life will soon be told

the life of two kids were destroy , twisted but fate have plans for them

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A rogue was born
Kate pov Ever since I was little," life" have always been an unusual,complicated and mostly unfair to me.At first I was abandoned by my biology parent when I was just five at an orphanage after that I have been adopted and drop back from one family to the other because none of my foster parent could bring them self to like me in any way.And I tried all my possible best to prove to my foster parent that I can be the the best daughter they want me to be. Im always the best and first in all my classes and followed all the rules but in the end it is always the same thing.that always brought about this question to my mind " why???" Then, I was about to clock 19 when I over hear my foster parent talking about taking back to the orphanage for some reason I did not understand and did not care anymore about what they were talking about. I went back to my room angry and I question kept coming to my mind “Why me? Why can’t I live a normal life like every normal teenager? Why do no one want me? WHY? WHY? WHY?” I fall asleep after. The next day, I woke up early and decided to leave the house before anyone was awake .I'm practically an adult anyway, what will I be doing in an orphanage. After I left the house I went to on a short jog so no one will disturb me. Few minute later I up with a plan, I decided to run away but before I do I will steal their money. I went back home and entered through my window to make sure no one in the house notice I'm home and luckily of me my parent left home early for some reason “maybe because they can’t wait to get me out of their life” I wondered. However their reason is not a problem because it only help my plan to work out smoothly. I went to their room to check for the money which is always under their foot mat hoping and praying they have not change the location and I was very grateful they have not change it at all. I was just about to take my leave when I saw I envelop with my name on it. I was confuse with in a sec. "What on earth is this ?" I thought with all curiosity I picked the envelop up and opened it to see what is inside it. There was a business card and a letter that sound more like a warning. It said “give us the kid back or face the whatever comes after” I was now speechless and confused at the same time.who are they, what do they want from me and why are they sending this type of warning to my foster parent. I observe the card closely and discovered that the card belong to one of the most popular and highly influencer company in the country. Everything now all of a sudden make sense and now seems now complicated than I thought. All my foster parent did not always return me because they hate me or because I was bad but it was because they were asked to do to give me back to them or they will kill them. But who are this people, what do they want and most importantly why do they want her at all cost. After seeing all this, I now understand that my foster parent are in trouble because of her and was sacred that they might kill them for not following there order.i have to act fast before I cause more trouble for them. I wrote them a message and send it back through the mail address on the company card saying “i don't know who you people are or what you want from me but don’t bother my parent again because am not with them anymore. l'm running away so please live them alone. They have done nothing wrong.” Then I wrote a letter to her foster parent saying “I am very sorry about the letter you receive. I know nothing about the letter but I don’t want anything to happen to you because for me so I decided to leave. I hope you find the perfect daughter you always wanted and I wish it don’t have to be this way". I took the letter that was sent to them to send me away along with me and left.

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