
The Autumn Eclipse


The Blood Eclipse pack has been through a lot this summer, and with Fall quickly approaching the happy endings are finally starting to seem like they’re within reach. Malia and Ty are engaged, and eagerly planning for their big day, while they’re best friends Alana and Liam are finally putting in some time to exploring their own mate bond. Yet, Malia’s grandmother comes with a warning she urges the four to heed; there is a war coming and it’s based around an ancient prophecy that she believes is based around the union of Malia and Ty. The prophecy looms over their heads, retelling the history of the war between werewolves and witches, and suggesting the continuation of this war upon the union of a werewolf and witch through a sacred mate bond.

With secrets of the past coming forwards, the blood eclipse pack finds themselves thrown into turmoil, their happy endings slipping away once again. Now Malia finds herself trapped between her new Luna duties in the world of the werewolves with her mate Ty, while also trying to explore her new found abilities as a witch and wanting to connect with this family that was stolen from her years before her time. While Ty just wants to protect his pack and finally find his happily ever after with his mate, this seems far from possible with the return of an ancient witch coven, ready to declare war on the werewolves.

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Chapter One
Tyrese “Why are we helping him again?” I groaned, sorting through the button down shirts in Liam’s closet. Stopping on one, I pulled it out and showed it to him but he quickly shook his head. Taking another look at it, there didn’t seem to be anything wrong with it. No stains, no wrinkles, it was perfect. “I wore that shirt when I went out with that Russian girl,” he replied lazily, and there it was. I shoved the shirt back in the closet, this was going to be impossible. If the goal here was to find a shirt he had never worn with some other girl we would have better luck setting his closet on fire and buying him a brand new wardrobe. I groaned and shut the door with a slam, turning back to Malia. We were supposed to be spending tonight alone, enjoying each other’s company but instead as soon as all our guests from the engagement party disappeared, our night quickly turned into playing dress up with Liam. Tonight was his first official date alone with Alana, and really he needed all the preparation he could get. I guess after making him help me all day with the garden, I did sort of owe him, but damn couldn’t he have picked any other day? Obviously sensing how I was feeling, Malia’s gaze suddenly caught mine. Her captivating green eyes were soft and warm, and instantly I felt myself calm down. “We are helping him because Liam is our friend and we want this date to go well,” She smiled at me from across the room as she ran the comb through Liam’s messy hair. He sat there looking bored, his arms crossed across his chest as he leaned back against the chair but I knew his nerves were probably on fire right now. At least, that’s how I’d felt on my first date with Lia. Then just as I was about to get back to work in the closet, Malia caught my attention once more. Her mind flashing to a sexy lingerie set that I was suddenly dying to see her in. “Later,” her voice whispered in my head and I had to close my eyes to regain my focus. Then another thought crossed my mind, if we help Liam and Alana get together, he’ll move out sooner and we would have so much more privacy. Motivation washed over me and all I could think about was what Lia was wearing under that sundress. We needed to get Liam out of her now. “Tell ya what Liam, you can borrow one of my shirts,” I said gripping his shoulder quickly as I ran by him then upstairs to our closet. Grabbing one of my nicest button downs and a suit jacket, I jogged back down the stairs eager to get back. I really didn’t care what happened to these clothes if it meant he would move out, and I would finally get some quality alone time with my mate, my fiancé. Since our engagement party this afternoon, we’d constantly had people around us and my wolf was starting to go a little wild. Plus, it seemed like there was an endless stream of people trying to make plans with us, I really hope she had been keeping track because with all the people suggesting lunch dates, important conversations, and wedding plans, I was starting to lose track. “Here,” I tossed the shirt to Liam whose hair was now tightly gelled back and I had to admit, Lia had done a pretty good job. Instead of looking like the usual disheveled beach kid that he usually did, Liam actually looked sort of good, like for once I wouldn’t get totally judged for calling him my Beta. He slid his arms through the shirt and did the buttons up quickly then pulled on the suit jacket. ‘Tuck it in Liam,” Lia rolled her eyes at him. She stood by the bathroom sink, washing the remaining hair gel from her hands and I felt my body heat up as her eyes trailed over me. “I’m going to look like a total loser,” Liam groaned, but he tucked in the shirt anyways. It truly was amazing how little her knew about expectations for an actual date, considering how many pointless dates with bimbos he had been on. You’d think he’d be an expert at this by now. Checking himself out in the mirror, Liam’s face was emotionless. He buttoned the suit jacket then unbuttoned it again, spinning to see all angles until finally he came to a slouch. “Lia no! I looked like a freaking Ken doll,” he yelled, shaking his hands at her. Now it was my turn to roll my eyes, but instead I just turned and hit my head against the wall. He was never leaving, I’d have to learn to accept this. I turned back to them, preparing to start getting him ready all over again, but to my surprise Malia stepped in first. “Liam you look fine,” She came up to grab his arms, making him focus on her. He groaned again, taking another peek in the mirror. “Plus, Alana’s totally gonna be impressed,” she added in and suddenly his eyes brightened. His lips curled back to reveal his first smile since he started getting ready. “You think so?” He said eagerly, buttoning up the suit jacket again. Taking one last peek in the mirror, he smiled at himself this time. Thank goddess, this was finally over. I walked over to him and placed my hand on his back. “You look great man, now you need to get on. Your date is waiting for you,” I said, pushing him forwards towards the door. We followed him out into the main entrance way of our house, and I actually thought we were finally going to get rid of him for the night. Until, he stopped dead in his tracks less than 10 steps from the front door. “What if she hates me, I can’t do this. She’s going to think I’m an asshole, like I kind of am an asshole guys. It’s just what I’m known for. Like maybe I shouldn’t even go, I’m just going to waste her time because she’s going to hate me,” he started to ramble, a wild panicking look on his face as he spoke. Malia stepped forwards to comfort him but I snaked my arm around the front of her and pushed her back. I’d had enough of this for the night. “Liam!” My voice roared. I grabbed both of his shoulders, and gave him a hard shake, hoping it would help knock his brain out of this panicked state. The one thing I had come to rely on with Liam over the years was his confidence with girls, and right now he really needed to find that part of him again. My alpha tone came out strong next, “you are going on this date. It is going to go great. You are both going to have a fantastic time. You are Liam Night, my beta, and Alana is your mate. Now go get her and get the hell out of my house.” I commanded. Liam’s eyes widened, surprised but he shook his head anyways. Scrambling away from me, he was out the front door and jogging down the driveway in a flash. I shut the door behind him, resting my head against it for a moment to regain my sanity. I couldn’t believe we had finally gotten him out of here. “Oo and Alpha Ty comes out,” Lia giggled behind me and I smiled at her voice. Turning to face her though, my mood quickly changed as I saw her dress suddenly falling off her shoulders and onto the floor. She stood before me in the sheer black lace she’d teased me with earlier. “Finally, he’s gone,” she whispered, but I wasn’t listening anymore. In an instant my body was pressed against hers, lifting her up onto the island countertop. Her legs wrapped around my waist and her lips found mine in a heartbeat. Her hands clawed at my shirt, tearing it from my torso. The thoughts running through her mind telling me she had been waiting for this moment just as impatiently as I had. The sound of the door opening against interrupted us and Lia let out a squeal, looking over my shoulder. I pulled back confused and turned my head towards what she was looking at. “Forgot my keys,” Liam was mumbling coming in the front door again. I was just thankful his gaze was focused on his phone so I could quickly shift my body to cover Lia quickly. I pressed my back between her legs, gripped her thighs against me and she leaned down to my shoulders, holding me tight. “Liam!” I yelled, catching his attention as he looked up from his phone finally. “Woah!” He exclaimed, quickly spinning on his heel to back us, now only a few steps away. “Damn you guys move fast, Props Ty,” He said next, pushing his fist back in my direction without turning this time. Lia’s arm snaked around my the front of my chest as she held me from behind, laughter spilling from her lips because she knew exactly what I was thinking. There was other things I wanted to do with my fist right now and it definitely didn’t involve tapping my knuckles against Liam’s. It did however, involve a few broken bones on his end. “Get out!” I yelled at him, the alpha tone coming back in my voice once more. My wolf was growling like a maniac now, getting angrier by the minute with my mate nearly naked behind me. Liam scrambled on his feet. “Sorry! Sorry!” He began shouting, cover his eyes as he blindly searched the table to the side of us for his car keys. I watched in frustration, trying to remind myself to take deep breaths so I didn’t lash out at him. Finally closing his hands around the keys, he rushed back to the door. “Don’t have too much fun guys!” He shouted on his way out the door, slamming it closed behind him. Lia was in full blown laughter now, her grip tightening on me as I turned to face her again. “Ahh,” I jokingly screamed into her shoulder. Her hands coming back up in my hair now as she pulled me closer. “This isn’t working, he needs to move. How about we ship him off to Jesse? Or now that Jesse’s staying at the Dark Moon pack house, he can stay with Emily? Or maybe we should just buy him a house because at this rate he’s never leaving here,” I shook my head at her. Desperately searching for a reason to make Liam move. “Ty!” She smacked my chest bringing me back from my rambling nonsense. “You’re the one that asked him to move in, you can’t just ship him off! Besides, things with Alana are going to go really well tonight and he’ll be moving out in no time,” and for a moment I actually had faith that this would work out but in an instant all my memories of Liam totally messing things up with girls, came rushing forwards. “I’ll believe it when I see it. I know Liam too well to have that much faith in him,” I shook my head again, laughing this time. But she was listening anymore, because as I spoke her eyes were travelling down my chest, her hand following close behind them and stopping, reaching for the button on my jeans. “Can we stop talking about Liam now?” She whispered, lust filling her eyes as they came back to mine. In an instant I scooped her up and raced up the stairs, taking them two at a time. I tossed her down on our bed and she giggled as she hit the mattress. My ring on her finger catching the setting sun light at just the right angle, making it sparkle. I stripped my shirt overhead and climbed on top of her, “Goddess Lia, I love you so much.”

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