
Death is Only the Beginning

kickass heroine
high-tech world

What happens when the past can't stay buried forever? A secret that comes to light and binds classmate's together in the worst possible way. When revenge is sought and life becomes escape or die. Someone is out to deliver their own version of justice and they won't stop until every last one of the perpetrators are dead. When Casey mistakenly goes in another's place to a holiday in place of her her room mate, she find's herself surrounded by strangers and not the holiday she had imagined when Sshe and the others find themselves having to go through punishments in order to survive. Someone wants Casey to know the truth even as she is forced to avoid and escape a person who is hellbent on a mission for revenge. Will she survive? Will anyone else? Will she discover the truth behind the person's motives or will she be left in the dark with a secret that these strangers don't want to get out?.

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The Incident
Warning this chapter does contain slight gory details and mention of injuries and death. Please don't read if you may be triggered.                                                                                                                                                                                                           June 2015 It was deadly silent, the only noise coming from the rustling of the trees and the howl of the wind as it blew debris and leaves around. For once the group of sorority sister's and university students were speechless, none of them looking at each other as they stared down at the horrific scene in front of them.  "We went too far this time" Sandra, a petite blond girl was the first to speak through her tears, her voice shrill with panic and her entire body trembling with fear. What had they done? She couldn't see through her tears.  "She should have been fine" another mumbled, her face hidden by her long brown hair, her eyes looking away as she sniffled. "You said we were just going camping" she accused "now look." "Why did you have to take it to this extreme" Candy was almost yelling, the others frantically shushing her, desperate to keep anyone else from hearing them. That was the last thing they needed. To draw someone's attention right now would be life changing and not for the better.  The quiet brunette finally looked up, her brown eyes glistening as she cast the leader of the group or at least the reason that they were all grouped together in the woods a scorching glare "she went through so much s*** because you hated her." Her hands were clenched into fists as she spoke in a hush. Her eyes were blazing, directly focussed on the person she blamed for this entire mess and what had just gone down.  "She went through the same as everyone else did for hazing" Rihanna spat out, her long red hair tussled from the wind and her green eyes blazing as she stared everyone down.  None of them could believe the gall of her and her denial of the actual truth or the role she had played in this entire debacle.  There was a chorus of disagreement, whispers drifting in the air as they began to fight amongst themselves.  "This isn't right" Finally Sandy the brunette cried out "we have to tell someone." "The hell we will" Rihanna snapped, "in case you forgot we are all responsible for this, not just me. You all took part as well." "Not as much as you" Sandra declared hotly "you're the one who made her life miserable and thought of this" she gestured wildly at the woods as Rihanna folded her arms refusing to back down.  "It was punishment for sleeping with my boyfriend" she was almost cold as she spoke, the others in shock at the lack of emotion she was showing. no remorse on Rihanna's face at all. Was she delusional? Kenneth hadn't been seduced as she claimed. He'd been a willing participant, not to mention everyone knew they weren't even dating anymore. She'd clearly had it out for this girl and now they were all deep in trouble and they knew it.  Kenneth, her ex boyfriend, finally unpeeled himself from the trunk of the tree he had leaned against, his black hair blending completely with the shadows, his voice calm "what's done is done we can't change it, all we can do is fix the problem and get on with our lives." His voice was flat, no sign of the anguish and despair he was feeling as he stared down at the girl on the forest floor. For now he would play a role, even as he vowed retribution, his eyes sweeping over everything and anger that rose up, begging to be let loose. The fact this had happened, to her of all people, completely broke him inside as he saw the bleak future stretching out in front of him. He saw the others looking at him, all too aware of his emotions and the relationship he'd had with the girl even if Rihanna steadfasty refused to see what was right in front of her eyes.  As one they all looked at the girl who lay still on the forest floor, her white nightgown a stark contrast in the darkness, red pooling from various injuries and wounds all over her body. Her wavy blonde hair stuck to her forehead, a deep gash visible on the poor girl's pale cheek. She wore no shoes, her feet cut up and scrapes on her shins. She was so pale, almost translucent, her lips blue from cold, her blue eyes staring blankly at nothing. There was no sign of life, no breathing, no pulse. There was no saving her, none of them even knowing first aid let alone how to administer it. Not that they had bothered to try of course. Not with Rihanna insistent that there was no point, that the girl was too far gone now and it would be a waste of time. God how Kenneth hated each and everyone of them in that moment, vowing he would learn the truth and find out who had been the one responsible for this. He would get his revenge.  "How exactly do you propose we fix this problem" Candy's voice was icy, arms folded against her chest as her black hair swung wildly over her shoulders. She was in a state of shock, her hatred of Rihanna clearly seen as she stared at her and Kenneth pointedly.  "Isn't it obvious" Kenneth raised an eyebrow, his voice hoarse and tinged with regret "we bury the body and we leave her here."God he hated himself right now, wanted to scream out his pain even as he kept the mask on, needing Rihanna to believe he was on her side, at least until he could get the complete truth out of her.  "No" Sandy was shaking her head frantically "she has family we can't just pretend this never happened." "We can" Kenneth argued "she's nothing but a girl from the poor side of the town she lives in. No one important is going to ask questions." He winced at the facade he was portraying, the coldness he was forced to display and the pretence of not caring, Rihanna clearly sensing it but not commenting. He would get to the truth later he vowed, eyes narrowed as he looked at everyone, disgusted in himself and the cowardice that had led to this. But it hurt to do this to the poor girl, his eyes blinking back tears that threatened to spill over and make him completely undone.  "Exactly" Rihanna agreed, "they're hardly going to think a bunch of us educated, rich, students did anything and if they start to sniff around we all have lawyers." "She was still a human being" Sandra's voice was soft, her eyes never moving from the girl, her grief clearly heard in her voice. They never should have agreed to do this, any of the things they had done to poor Misty. All the girl had ever wanted was to join their sorority and instead they had bullied her, treated her like a piece of garbage, tormented her and now? Now they were looking directly at the consequences of their disgusting actions. She wisely kept silent about her own involvement, certain no one actually knew the actual events of what had happened. After all they had all been seperated doing their own thing.  "No one wants to go down for this" Rihanna said slyly "Misty deserved what she got. Sleeping around, causing problems, being annoying. She wasn't sorority material, you all agreed about that. You all helped me to run her off. You are all just as guilty as I am." "And yet you seem to have forgiven Kenneth" Sandy pointed out drily, hands now tucked into her pockets, wondering when Rihanna was going to give up on her delusions of Kenneth being hers. She was extremely unhinged if she kept believing in stuff that wasn't real." "Misty seduced him, set him up. Kenneth doesn't even remember what happened so she clearly drugged him. He's just an innocent victim to her madness." Kenneth rolled his eyes at her attempt to deflect and shift the blame, refusing to consider  that the boy she kept trying to hook her claws into had willingly slept with the victim and a lot more.That he'd chosen someone with no money or status over her and her money.  They were all incredulous at Rihanna's statement, the girls wondering just how dumb she could possibly be to believe that bulls***. Or did she just not want to see what was in front of her very eyes? Kenneth was the very image of a rich boy, his good looks and charm getting him any girl he wanted. He had the reputation as a player before he met Rihanna and even as they were together cheated left, right and centre. Was Rihanna that desperate to keep him by her side that she would lie to herself? Clearly she would thought Sandy bitterly. Was she invisible or the others? Did it not register how frightened they all were. Did she not have any idea at all of what the hell had just happened? Or was she that cold hearted that this was nothing to her? Kenneth walked over to his truck nearby, parked inconspicuously underneath a tree, headlights off to avoid detection. He returned waving a shovel feeling nauseous and wondering if he could actually force himself to go through with this. a Candy and Sandra fought the urge to vomit the contents of their stomach. The sound of the shovel hitting the ground over and over again was loud, piercing through their head as they were all forced to take a turn "so that no one can say they didn't help." It was almost dawn by the time the grave had been dug completely, the hole large and long, tree roots and stones could be seen as they all cast a wary eye at each other.  "Everyone take ahold of her" Rihanna's voice cut in, all of them moving mechanically over to Misty's body and lifting her up together. She was so light thought Kenneth, the urge to cry almost making him come undone as her nightgown floated over their arms.  She felt so cold, so stiff thought Sandra as they all manoeuvred Misty over to the grave before dumping her unceremoniously into it, her eyes staring up at them accusingly as they stood over her. Sandy, Candy and Sandra felt nothing but remorse for their actions, Rihanna and Kenneth seemingly not sorry or regretful at all or at least not showing it. Kenneth was holding back his tears, knowing that they would be shed later. Kenneth swiftly began to pile the dirt and leaves back over Misty, the dirt thudding as the hole began to fill. Finally he was done, throwing leaves and twigs over in an attempt to make it look less conspicuous as the girls stood there, desperate to get away. Desperate to leave before he lost it, before Rihanna sucked him back in again, desperate to drink and make himself feel nothing but numb, unable to bear what he had just done or the emotions he had kept hidden, even though only Rihanna had seen through it. She however was the most dangerous of all and the most unhinged woman he had ever had the displeasure of meeting let alone spending a night with her.  "Right" Rihanna said looking each girl in turn "nobody ever says a word about what happened tonight, is that clear." The girls hesitated "if anyone does I will tell the officers that you alone did this. I even videotaped you helping to dig the grave and pile the dirt in. Do you think I'm that stupid to trust all of you? No way, you'd throw me to the wolves to save your own asses if it came to that. I can't have anyone feeling guilty and getting a conscience now can I?" Somehow none of the other girls were surprised, barely reacting to Rihanna's threat. She gave a smile, confident that no one would be stupid enough to tattle. That would definitely put them in her own line of sight and make them a target she would take down if she had to.  "Swear" Rihanna demanded and one by one they swore, promising never to reveal the whereabouts of Misty or what had happened on this fateful night. Instead they made their way back to their sorority, cleaned up and went to sleep, some of them haunted by the vision of Misty's face forcing its way into their dreams and turning them into nightmares.

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